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Peter and the disciples told the crowd on the Day of Penecost in Acts 2:38. This was the day the N.T. church started. They asked "what must we do ?"


Peter said unto them " Repent and be baptized each of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost.


The word "and" is a conjoining junction. It means you can't take one part without the other.


1. Saul/paul ... On the road to damascus he was blinded by Christ. He called him Lord there. He was told to go to Damascus and it would be told of him what he must do. Is there any question that Paul believed who Jesus was then ? No. He knew what he ahd done. While he was waiting what do you think he was doing ???? Probably repenting and asking the Lord whom he had been persecuting to forgive him right ?


Then why when Anninais came to him did he say What are you waiting on saul ... arise and be baptised and wash away your sins.


He had belief. He had repented. Should'nt that have been enough ? Then why did he have to be baptised.


2. James 2: 14, 17, 19, 20, 26. Faith without works is dead. Even the demons believe.

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Larry - help me out. What's the Protestant view on baptism and being saved? Can you be saved after having been previously baptized?


I am not Larry, but me personally I was saved and then asked to be Baptised. You can absolutely be saved without first being Baptised.


I know many children are Baptised as babies, so in that case they are Baptised and then later either accept Jesus as their savior or don't, becoming saved if they accept.

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The Gooch has been baptized
Was this done as a child or as a baby maybe? Just wondering.


If you were Baptised of your own will as an teen or young adult (as opposed to your parents having it done when you were a baby) what turned you against beleiving in God and his son Jesus Christ?

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I am not Larry, but me personally I was saved and then asked to be Baptised. You can absolutely be saved without first being Baptised.


I am not going to get into a long discussion and certainly no argument with anyone on this but I agree with you JD. A person is saved by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, asking forgiveness of their sins. Baptism imo is an ordinace of God. A person should be baptised w/o question as an act of obidience but jmo it is not a requirement of being saved.

Should baptism be a requirement to be saved then what about the thief on the cross at Cavalry with Jesus? After the thief confessed and proclaimed Jesus as Lord while on the cross.... then Jesus said to him "before the day is done, you shall be with me in paradise". That man (thief) was not baptised on the cross and I can promise you that he is in heaven right now.

What was true 2,000 years ago imo is true today. God doesn't change, people do.

I certainly respect other's opinions on this as well. This is what I beleive and are my feelings on it.

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Peter and the disciples told the crowd on the Day of Penecost in Acts 2:38. This was the day the N.T. church started. They asked "what must we do ?"


Peter said unto them " Repent and be baptized each of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost.


The word "and" is a conjoining junction. It means you can't take one part without the other.


1. Saul/paul ... On the road to damascus he was blinded by Christ. He called him Lord there. He was told to go to Damascus and it would be told of him what he must do. Is there any question that Paul believed who Jesus was then ? No. He knew what he ahd done. While he was waiting what do you think he was doing ???? Probably repenting and asking the Lord whom he had been persecuting to forgive him right ?


Then why when Anninais came to him did he say What are you waiting on saul ... arise and be baptised and wash away your sins.


He had belief. He had repented. Should'nt that have been enough ? Then why did he have to be baptised.


2. James 2: 14, 17, 19, 20, 26. Faith without works is dead. Even the demons believe.


Playing Devil's Advocate here:


If all conjuctions are that powerful, what about when Jesus told the Rich man that in order to inherit the kingdom he had to:


"sell all you have and give it to the poor and come and follow me."


Wouldn't we have to take it all or nothing because "and" was used?


"If anyone wishes to follow after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me"

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Was this done as a child or as a baby maybe? Just wondering.


If you were Baptised of your own will as an teen or young adult (as opposed to your parents having it done when you were a baby) what turned you against beleiving in God and his son Jesus Christ?


Middle Teens, I was really committed at the time. What changed? I really don't know; I guess I don't believe that billions are people are going to hell just for what they do in one life(compared to eternity), and what they call there God.


I have been into Eastern thought, mostly Theravada Buddhism for the last year and a half now.

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Middle Teens, I was really committed at the time. What changed? I really don't know; I guess I don't believe that billions are people are going to hell just for what they do in one life(compared to eternity), and what they call there God.


I have been into Eastern thought, mostly Theravada Buddhism for the last year and a half now.


Fair enough. Good luck with that.

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Tell us about your new religion Gooch. I've studied differnt ones and even made a trip to the Amish, went to the Jehovah Witness, debated preachers on the radio, Islam debate, so I'm very interested in yours. You might need to start a new thread.


I don't have a new religion. I am only a student of a philosophy. I could not explain it in a thread even if I wanted to.

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