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Jesus: Divine or Man

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IMO you won't find fulfillment if you approach religion with skepticism. You may view Christians as close-minded, but at least we are open to believe something. I don't know if you will find fulfillment if you are inclined to disbelieve anything.


I do wish you luck though. And if you get the chance, you really should check out the silent weekend that I mentioned earlier.


There is an awesome Buddhist Monastic Community in Northern California, I am thinking about spending Christmas or Spring break there next semester. I have always been interested in Buddhisim, my bookshelf tells the tale on that one.

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If we quit, then we have done you a wrong. Remember this, just because you don't believe, doesn't mean that Christ is not real. At the time of judgement recognize that God tried to once more reach you, yes even on BGPs. Therefore, there will be no excuses, "my brother did not warn me, I did not know of the correct path". I am sadden by your choice, but at the end of the day it is a choice. May God bring you back to the fold once more and on that day even the angels will be:dancingpa


Do you really think so?


Jesus didn't continually single people out and try to convince them what He was saying was true. He merely spoke the truth to those who listened. I think about the story of the rich young ruler...when he went away, Jesus didn't go after him trying to convince Him.


The apostles didn't continue to focus on people who rejected their teaching. Instead, they went to others.


It's not a Christian's job to "convince" someone...our job is simply to tell them the truth. As much as I'd like to, I can't make or convince anyone to believe anything.


Gooch has made it pretty clear that he's not interested in being a Christian. Trying to convince him otherwise isn't going to accomplish anything. He's heard the gospel...it's his decision what he wants to do with it.

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Why cant you people just understand that I have tried Christianity for 4 years now and I no longer have any urge, need, or inkling to try it anymore. I have beat that horse to a pulp. The Christiani Horse That Is...


Yes LBBC I see it as a random happening. I dont have to feel there is a magical guy in the sky to see the beauty and wonder in the world. I actually find it more beautiful knowing it was a thing of cosmic chance.


Why do you keep posting/starting threads dealing with Christianity?

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I believe I will find fufillment one day, but I dont believe it will be in Christianity.


People who are always looking for fullfillment, are usually pretty selfish and are only interested in themselves. I'm not saying this is you, I don't know you, but there is a mathematical equation in there.

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OK, there has been a choice made by someone and I think we should honor that, but we all need to keep trying and giving testamonies/scripture to help others. You never know, in something we write that maybe lead someone to Christ. I'm going to start a thread about Jesus and the Jewish leaders and the laws of Moses and Jesus.


I've already spent several hours on this and I'm worried about how to shorten it so I can post it. This would help in proving Jesus is both Divine and Man.

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OK, there has been a choice made by someone and I think we should honor that, but we all need to keep trying and giving testamonies/scripture to help others. You never know, in something we write that maybe lead someone to Christ. I'm going to start a thread about Jesus and the Jewish leaders and the laws of Moses and Jesus.


I've already spent several hours on this and I'm worried about how to shorten it so I can post it. This would help in proving Jesus is both Divine and Man.


I have posted once a pretty well thought out thesis by a Rabbi about why Jesus wasnt the Messiah...

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I have posted once a pretty well thought out thesis by a Rabbi about why Jesus wasnt the Messiah...


Not to try and get into it any further with you but all that I can tell you is that is wrong.

Imo if you were so very certain of these things yourself then you wouldn't be starting threads and keep asking questions on it. Good luck to you.

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Gooch, I also have posted a few things on why he is. :ylsuper:


:thumb: Larry, I am to the point that I am starting to think like another (5wide) has posted earlier. More than one of us have posted with respect and explained the truth in that Jesus is our Lord and Saviour. We know that beyond the shadow of any doubt to be fact as you spoke of the trinity earlier. I have told the truth on this thread as you an some others have.

I do not want to push anyone away and am afraid that is what this may be dong so I will not post anything more on this. What I have posted is absolute fact and I know that in my heart.


I pray that ones that doubt this or can't see it now will let God in their life to explain it to them. I pray that the ones that do not know Jesus as Lord and Saviour and have not accepted him will do so before it is eternally too late, I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

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