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Best coach in the 10th region

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Some people may not like Coach Whitaker, but at least with him you know what you are going to get. He is not two faced and he will tell you what is on his mind. He teaches the game and sticks to his discipline.


Yeah it's a real shame that some of the other Coaches at HCHS aren't as disciplined.

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I definitely feel that Coach True from Clark County belongs on the list, as he always has team prepared with his constant scouting of opponents. Since 2004-05, he is 4-1 against Sosby(Bourbon), 3-0 against Cravens (Campbell), 1-0 against Geiman (Bishop Brossart), 3-3 against Brooks (Paris), but is 0-2 against Whitaker (Harrison).


Over the past six seasons, he is 77-76, has no district championships, and hasn't won a game in the regional tournament, all while coaching at the largest school in the region.....sorry, I just don't see it.

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Over the past six seasons, he is 77-76, has no district championships, and hasn't won a game in the regional tournament, all while coaching at the largest school in the region.....sorry, I just don't see it.


I will concur with your comments. But since 2004-05, which is the year I based my comment on, what is the "so called top coaches" listed records against each other? As for regional championship, no school other than Montgomery has won since then. Also, could any other school have won the district championship against Montgomery. The 40th is by far the toughest district in the region and with Montgomery's talent in recent years, I don't care if your Pat Summitt you aren't going to be at them on any consistent basis. But Montgomery will eventually come back to the pack in the next two years and next to Mason Counties young talent, Clark has as much talent as anyone in the region.......... i.e the Roger sisters!

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I will concur with your comments. But since 2004-05, which is the year I based my comment on, what is the "so called top coaches" listed records against each other? As for regional championship, no school other than Montgomery has won since then. Also, could any other school have won the district championship against Montgomery. The 40th is by far the toughest district in the region and with Montgomery's talent in recent years, I don't care if your Pat Summitt you aren't going to be at them on any consistent basis. But Montgomery will eventually come back to the pack in the next two years and next to Mason Counties young talent, Clark has as much talent as anyone in the region.......... i.e the Roger sisters!


Mason County's young talent is now in the 5th/6th grade. When these young girls move up to varsity, they are going to be tough. Until then, it's rebuilding time for Mason County. They'll be decent, but nothing like the past 5 years have been.

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I don't want this to sound like I'm bashing but when you challenged the idea that True is that much better than Geiman and she has made it to the Championship game then I have to say something. Not that True isn't a capable coach but what is his biggest win while at Clark Co.? Albeit Geiman is young but you can't take away her early success. My biggest problem with True is the handling of the players. It's obvious certain players do whatever they want. I can't imagine that would happen under Whitaker, Brooks or Sosby for that matter. Coaching is more than x's and o's, it's about making a decision that is better for the overall team chemistry and not stroking the egos of players for the sake of having their athletic ability on the floor. That's my biggest problem with True. I'm sure he is a great guy and I've seen him out scouting the opponents on many occasions but what good is it if players don't respect him as it seems at times some don't. This is totally my observation and opinion so don't get bent out of shape if you are a fan of Coach True or the Lady Cardinals.:argue:

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I don't want this to sound like I'm bashing but when you challenged the idea that True is that much better than Geiman and she has made it to the Championship game then I have to say something. Not that True isn't a capable coach but what is his biggest win while at Clark Co.? Albeit Geiman is young but you can't take away her early success. My biggest problem with True is the handling of the players. It's obvious certain players do whatever they want. I can't imagine that would happen under Whitaker, Brooks or Sosby for that matter. Coaching is more than x's and o's, it's about making a decision that is better for the overall team chemistry and not stroking the egos of players for the sake of having their athletic ability on the floor. That's my biggest problem with True. I'm sure he is a great guy and I've seen him out scouting the opponents on many occasions but what good is it if players don't respect him as it seems at times some don't. This is totally my observation and opinion so don't get bent out of shape if you are a fan of Coach True or the Lady Cardinals.:argue:


Sorry if in trying to make my point that it seemed I was implying that Geiman is not a good coach. She is an excellent coach as are all the others previously bing mentioned. My point was his record against some of the coaches that previously had been mentioned as "top" coaches in the 10th and that it least should have got him in the discussion. I am personally just a fan of basketball and do not want to bash anyone. As for Coach True's biggest win, I would say it came in the regular season a couple of years ago against Montgomery County. I don't know anything about his players and the respect issue you brought up.

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My point is not to bash him either, but when his biggest win is a regular season game and all the others mentioned have either had big wins or has done a lot with little resources, it is hard to put him in that conversation. I think Sosby is a good coach because he hasn't had the type of talent as some of the others but he keeps his team competitive. True has the resources and the closest he's come to doing anything with it was the loss to Mason Co. in the Regionals. If it hadn't been for a couple really bad calls by an official in that game that would've been his big win that could've put him in that conversation but in my mind I have a hard time putting him there as is.

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Find it interesting that nobody has mentioned Coach Buser at Mason county. Seems like she always has her team somewhere around the top of the tenth.


She has always had the talent, just hasn't made it over the hump. She has talented players which helps her case a lot, but as far as coaching, I'm not so sure...

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Find it interesting that nobody has mentioned Coach Buser at Mason county. Seems like she always has her team somewhere around the top of the tenth.


Good coach-- but has alot of great talent revolving around her. Plus I haven't seen her win the "big one" yet.


Also adding to the list I have to put Bourbon's coach Tony Sosby. He got a big district win at Clark County tonight. He has definitly turned that program around since he arrived.

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One, too young of a coach to be considered as a top like Robinson at Montgomery, Geiman at Brossart.


That said, I scouted Bracken against Harrison. Her game plan was good. She had her players attacking the Harrison 2/3 matchup zone the way it has to be attacked. Her offense got her team shots. They didn't hit them. She can't make the shots for them.


Her game management seemed good.


Defensively, they had a good plan against Harrison. Difference was that Harrison players made shots.

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One, too young of a coach to be considered as a top like Robinson at Montgomery, Geiman at Brossart.


That said, I scouted Bracken against Harrison. Her game plan was good. She had her players attacking the Harrison 2/3 matchup zone the way it has to be attacked. Her offense got her team shots. They didn't hit them. She can't make the shots for them.


Her game management seemed good.


Defensively, they had a good plan against Harrison. Difference was that Harrison players made shots.


Still no one knows about the coach at hand.She just chokes when it is a big game on the line and that is the way it is...I don't think the girls even respect her enough to really try and perform the way they should.She just don't utilize the girls in the right way.And to say she has lost great talent in the past to her attitude and the way she tries to coach. Her tough guy attitude will cost her in the long run and on down the line...they should be way ahead on wins as opposed to having a losing season like they are doing.Sorry guy's but again she is not much of a coach.

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Mac has some pretty good success with a tough guy attitude and Coach Schultz, I GUARANTEE, ain't as tough as Mac.


If the players and the parents can't handle a little toughness, maybe they should look in the mirror and wonder if it is them.


Do you really think Pat Summit ain't tough? Do you think Mickie Demoss wasn't tough? Do you think that Vivian Stringer at Rutgers ain't tough? You think Nancy Winstel at NKU ain't tough? (My favorite Coach Winstel story is that she took her shoes off and threw them at players DURING practice when they weren't doing what she wanted. THAT IS HILARIOUS!) You think Brian Neal at Thomas More, presently #5 in the country NCAA DIII, ain't tough? (I know for a fact he is.)

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