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Why don't these 4 catch on?


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Joe Biden (D)

Chris Dodd(D)

Duncan Hunter ®

Tom Tancredo ®


These 4 candidates seem to be closer than any to the Average Joe Voter. Yet they all are in the back of the pack. They're articulate, knowledgable and seem to have the voters' pulse. What's going on here?

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Joe Biden (D)

Chris Dodd(D)

Duncan Hunter ®

Tom Tancredo ®


These 4 candidates seem to be closer than any to the Average Joe Voter. Yet they all are in the back of the pack. They're articulate, knowledgable and seem to have the voters' pulse. What's going on here?


I guess it is the movie staritis syndrome. I can't speak much to Dodd and Hunter but people still have a bad taste in their mouth from Biden and plagiarism issue and Tancredo does seem a little hateful in his bashing of aliens. I don't think that much of the country has had any real dealing with illegal aliens, especially us here in the heartland so his message does not really resonate with us and at times seems hateful.


Did you know that Biden sent a letter to Musharaff asking for more protection for Bhutto? He is probably the best of the Democrats but he can't get out from under the shadows of the big 2 1/2 :rolleyes:

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Well Tancredo has already dropped out - so he doesnt stand much chance of "catching" on. He is a bad example for representing the average Joe - he is a wingnut who is way too far right to be considered a represenative of any significant group.


Dodd and Biden really cancel each other out, and Hunter has absolutely no name recognition. They are also also old school politicians who have been in their offices for atleast a couple decades. I think this year we will see a movement away from the same ol' same ol' in politics. People want change - and I hope they get it.

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Joe Biden (D)

Chris Dodd(D)

Duncan Hunter ®

Tom Tancredo ®


These 4 candidates seem to be closer than any to the Average Joe Voter. Yet they all are in the back of the pack. They're articulate, knowledgable and seem to have the voters' pulse. What's going on here?


Bland and/or unknown and/or and/or don't seem to really stand for anything.

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We should ask Habib about Tancredo. :cool:




I think Tancredo's problem is that he is crazy. :p I think Dodd and Hunter have reasonable ideas and experience, but they just come across very "Monday." I think we can find similar opinions in the front-runners, so the degree of separation between their views is very minuscule. Guiliani, Romney, Clinton, Obama, Edwards, and McCain are the big names people recognized before the campaign began, and when a Dodd or Hunter come along they sort of fall into the background. Biden is one I'm not so sure of; he reminds me of McCain but isn't getting that type of support. Perhaps Democrats feel they will win the White House with whoever they vote for, so they want to be groundbreaking this go around, but that is pure speculation.


I think one question to look at in this thread is why or how Huckabee went from being at the level of Dodd, Hunter, and Biden to the level of Romney, Edwards, and Obama. I think, for one, he is charismatic and can energize people. Second, I think he has a great campaign set up and organized. Thirdly, I believe Republicans are not satisfied with their candidates' at the top and Huckabee offers something special in the areas they don't.

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Joe Biden (D) - I think his pompous jerkiness is his achilles heel. Serving in the US Senate tends to make politicians arrogant and Biden has been there a long time. 15 or 20 years ago, Biden seemed like a pretty reasonable guy to me.


Chris Dodd(D) - His looks and the fact that he was once a third of a waitress sandwich opposite Ted Kennedy works against him. Position-wise, there is very little difference between Dodd and Biden and most voters would struggle to match their names with their faces.


Duncan Hunter ® - I like Hunter but he is not telegenic enough for this electionand he dwells too much on national defense and border security for most prospective voters' tastes - and I believe that these are the most important roles of a president.


Tom Tancredo ® - I agree with Tancredo on most issues but he lacks the charisma to win a national election.


Another thing that all of these candidates have working against them is the media decided early on that they were not serious contenders. Huckabee is an exceptionally good communicator and has been able to overcome the media bias but the other front runners were anointed as "serious" candidates by the national media.


Kucinich is another candidate that is treated with no respect by the media. He is no more liberal than John Kerry or Barach Obama, yet the talking heads cover him as they would a circus sideshow.

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You all have pretty much confirmed my fears. The presidential election has more in common with the Miss America pagent than the selection of a national leader.


What ... you didn't know? Then you better call somebody! :lol:


(Bonus points if anybody can name the tag team. :D )

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You all have pretty much confirmed my fears. The presidential election has more in common with the Miss America pagent than the selection of a national leader.


Yeah...because they always disect the candiates for Miss America's mental status and extreme political ideologies many months prior to choosing one.

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