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Is Going to Church Necessary?


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I agree with you, if you are a believer then you should be in church somewhere in public worship, I just wish more churches would have more of a balance instead of just concentrating on one thing. It is very easy for a church to become dysfunctional over night. Sometimes I just get so frustrated knowing all churches could be doing more to reach people in their own backyard, know what I mean?

I do know what you mean. It reminds me of an email that I received entitled: Why Go To Church?

A church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. "I've gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all."

Needless to say, this started a real controversy in the "Letters to the Editor" column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher: "I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this...they all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!" When you are DOWN to nothing...God is UP to something! Faith see the invisible, believes the incredible, and receives the impossible!

Thank God for our physical AND spiritual nourishment!!!:thumb: :thumb:

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I agree with you, if you are a believer then you should be in church somewhere in public worship, I just wish more churches would have more of a balance instead of just concentrating on one thing. It is very easy for a church to become dysfunctional over night. Sometimes I just get so frustrated knowing all churches could be doing more to reach people in their own backyard, know what I mean?


I agree with you, and your other points. I just quoted this post because it was shorter and it would take up less space. As I already stated, I do think it is very important that we attend church regularly, but I also agree with you that people need to be made aware of what actually makes up the church. (Not the building, but believers, as you said) I've had some of these same thoughts before. And while I don't think the actual "church building" should be the focus or thought of too highly, I do think our buildings and regularly scheduled church services are important...it gives people a regular time when they know they can be among a group of believers. This is an opportunity for someone who is lost and considering turning to Christ to know they can come to church on Sunday morning...


Anyway, I'm having a hard time putting my thoughts in words...in a nutshell, I think there is a balance to be struck with our church buildings. They shouldn't be too highly exalted, but they also shouldn't be afterthoughts. We have to know that the church is the actual group of believers, but be thankful that we have a building in which we can regularly meet and worship together.


To add just a little more to the discussion, how important is it that we meet and study and discuss during the week (not just on Sunday)? Again, I think it's very important...and I think you can also reference the verse in Hebrews for this. "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves"...it doesn't specify that that has to be on Sunday morning or Wednesday evening...

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Some people believe that all they have to do is "accept Christ as their Lord and Savior" and they are saved.


But Scripture teaches that one’s final salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. As Jesus himself tells us, "He who endures to the end will be saved" (Matt. 24:13; cf. 25:31–46).


In other words, one who dies in the state of friendship with God will go to heaven. The one who dies in a state of enmity and rebellion against God will go to hell.


This fact is stated numerous times in the New Testament.


I'll have to respectfully disagree with your assertion. That seems to be treading down the road of mixing law and grace..."you're saved by accepting Jesus and doing (blank)"....It doesn't work that way. We're saved by grace through faith...there are no works we can do to attain or keep salvation. I think the Christian life would be lacking if we were constantly wondering if we were still saved or not.

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Some people believe that all they have to do is "accept Christ as their Lord and Savior" and they are saved.


But Scripture teaches that one’s final salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. As Jesus himself tells us, "He who endures to the end will be saved" (Matt. 24:13; cf. 25:31–46).


In other words, one who dies in the state of friendship with God will go to heaven. The one who dies in a state of enmity and rebellion against God will go to hell.

Great points Colonel.

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This fact is stated numerous times in the New Testament.


I'll have to respectfully disagree with your assertion. That seems to be treading down the road of mixing law and grace..."you're saved by accepting Jesus and doing (blank)"....It doesn't work that way. We're saved by grace through faith...there are no works we can do to attain or keep salvation. I think the Christian life would be lacking if we were constantly wondering if we were still saved or not.

Can you lose your salvation?


A person accepts with a true heart and then something happens in their life and they reject God and Jesus. Did they lose their salvation?


I think the point is not working to attain salvation because you are right, that cannot happen. But making sure they are of the right mindset and heartset to not lose it.

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One more thing to add to the thread, the conversation has been what we get from attending church. But it is much more important than that. What about what you can GIVE to the Jesus' church and can provide others? WHat about the mentoring, the life lessons, the financial helping of others that you can GIVE?


Great example is this past Sunday at our church. A family's son had some medical issues and had spent the past week at the hospital over an hour away. If you have ever been in that position you know the costs are huge in just eating, gas, and the likes. So they asked for a donation to give them money for gas, etc. Over $300 was given to the family. What a blessing that those in attendance that day gave to that family.


It wasn't about what we got from church (although I received a lot by helping) it was about what we GAVE.

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I will challenge anyone to show me in scripture, about He that endures to the end, is something more than the Jesus reffering to the those left in the Tribulation period. I have researched those scriptures for years and they are only found in 4 different places and speak of the end of time. If I am wrong, then I will say so and apologize to all. The bottom line is that we all believe the basics but have different view points on some interpretation and thats okay...

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Can you lose your salvation?


A person accepts with a true heart and then something happens in their life and they reject God and Jesus. Did they lose their salvation?


I think the point is not working to attain salvation because you are right, that cannot happen. But making sure they are of the right mindset and heartset to not lose it.


I'm not going to get into a debate about it, but to answer the question, I don't think a person can lose their salvation.


If a person accepts with a true heart, then I don't think they could/would ever be able to reject God and Jesus. If a person claims that's the case, I would have strong doubts as to whether they were saved in the first place. Obviously, I don't know whether anyone else but myself is saved and I don't claim to...I'm just telling you how I feel about these hypothetical situations.

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One more thing to add to the thread, the conversation has been what we get from attending church. But it is much more important than that. What about what you can GIVE to the Jesus' church and can provide others? WHat about the mentoring, the life lessons, the financial helping of others that you can GIVE?


Great example is this past Sunday at our church. A family's son had some medical issues and had spent the past week at the hospital over an hour away. If you have ever been in that position you know the costs are huge in just eating, gas, and the likes. So they asked for a donation to give them money for gas, etc. Over $300 was given to the family. What a blessing that those in attendance that day gave to that family.


It wasn't about what we got from church (although I received a lot by helping) it was about what we GAVE.



Totally agree with you. Faith without works is like a submarine with a screen door.

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I blieve people backslide everyday, but there are 2 ways IMO that people backslide...


People backslide in primary two different ways or categories:

1. In their Lifestyles

2. In their Beliefs


Lets look at the first one, Lifestyle can be worded as their conduct, behavior, performance, and not living where they need to be spiritually. I personally think these people are saved but will suffer great loss during the Judgment seat of Christ but they will be saved (1st Corinthians 3:15)


People that fall back on their beliefs. These are people that were genuinely saved, forgiven, set free but for some crazy reason they truly quit believing that Christ is the Son of God and died for their sins.(Hebrew 6:4-6 open to discuss and interpret) These I do wonder about where they will spend eternity at. I am not their judge or anyone esles and thank the Lord for that.


Over the years I have talked to many people that have backslid or drifted away and to this day none of them has ever said that they quit believing in the Cross.


I do know that we in our human nature are quick to judge and condemn other Christians when they stumble, fall and sin. Instead we should practice our beliefs and restore those to fellowship. Sin is Sin and call it for what it is but the Bible teaches that love will cover a multitude of sin

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I blieve people backslide everyday, but there are 2 ways IMO that people backslide...


People backslide in primary two different ways or categories:

1. In their Lifestyles

2. In their Beliefs


Lets look at the first one, Lifestyle can be worded as their conduct, behavior, performance, and not living where they need to be spiritually. I personally think these people are saved but will suffer great loss during the Judgment seat of Christ but they will be saved (1st Corinthians 3:15)


People that fall back on their beliefs. These are people that were genuinely saved, forgiven, set free but for some crazy reason they truly quit believing that Christ is the Son of God and died for their sins.(Hebrew 6:4-6 open to discuss and interpret) These I do wonder about where they will spend eternity at. I am not their judge or anyone esles and thank the Lord for that.


Over the years I have talked to many people that have backslid or drifted away and to this day none of them has ever said that they quit believing in the Cross.


I do know that we in our human nature are quick to judge and condemn other Christians when they stumble, fall and sin. Instead we should practice our beliefs and restore those to fellowship. Sin is Sin and call it for what it is but the Bible teaches that love will cover a multitude of sin


Which is sort of where I'm coming from...I don't question that people can "backslide"...but there are differing definitions on backsliding. My definition is someone who neglects and falls out of their proper relationship with Christ...however, they are still saved, IMO. As the verse you referenced says, they will suffer great loss yet still be saved. I think those people not only will suffer loss on judgement day, but they miss out on a great deal during this life.


If you choose to view Hebrews 6:4-6 in the context that a person can lose their salvation, then doesn't it pretty clearly state that that's it...no second chances...they cannot get it back.

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A comment was made that if you were baptized and then fell away you question if you ever had the right mindset and whether you were actually ever saved.


But that you could have the wrong mindset AFTER the fact and that doesn't matter.


Not sure I follow that. Wrong mindset comes into play at baptism but wrong mindset at the right time AFTER baptism and it does not matter.

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If you choose to view Hebrews 6:4-6 in the context that a person can lose their salvation, then doesn't it pretty clearly state that that's it...no second chances...they cannot get it back.


I have a couple of thoughts on this scripture but do not have the time to hunt and peck on this keyboard, I am too old and very slow on a computer, most of my lectures were done on notebook paper that also resembled chicken scratch...but I dont think it is saying that if a person backslides they can never return to the Lord for salvation. I will work on this and post it later on tonight.


Talk with you later

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A comment was made that if you were baptized and then fell away you question if you ever had the right mindset and whether you were actually ever saved.


But that you could have the wrong mindset AFTER the fact and that doesn't matter.


Not sure I follow that. Wrong mindset comes into play at baptism but wrong mindset at the right time AFTER baptism and it does not matter.


Do you think a person can lose their salvation? And if so, can they get it back?


I'm just trying to tell you in a nutshell what I believe without having to type an essay. First let me say, that I don't judge or presume to know whether a person is or isn't saved. Assuming they know the requirements for salvation, I can only take their word for it.


As for the whole faith without works argument, I'm not trying to say a person can be saved and never change their lifestyle. On the contrary, I think a truly saved person has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and that will manifest itself to good works. In essence, the Holy Spirit works from the inside-out what the law could not do from the outside-in. I don't however believe that makes us flawless or immune to falling back into bad habits...I think that can and does happen. I just don't think a person loses their salvation because of it. I think God will draw them back by whatever means necessary. I think there is a difference between falling out of fellowship with God and losing your salvation entirely.


Again, this is only my opinion on the matter...not claiming to be right, just what I think. I don't think it's possible for a person to be "re-saved", therefore, I can't believe it's possible to lose your salvation.

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I have a couple of thoughts on this scripture but do not have the time to hunt and peck on this keyboard, I am too old and very slow on a computer, most of my lectures were done on notebook paper that also resembled chicken scratch...but I dont think it is saying that if a person backslides they can never return to the Lord for salvation. I will work on this and post it later on tonight.


Talk with you later



Just for the record, I don't think that's what it's saying either...but like you, I'm not going to get into my thoughts on that passage.

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