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Is Going to Church Necessary?


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When I gave my life to the Lord (Not the Church, going to church doesnt make you anymore of a Christian than someone going to the Local Hospital makes them a Brain Doctor) (


Not to pick on GottaRebound, but I don't understand this statement.


To quote Hebrews 10:24-25....

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

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Furthermore, a bible verse explaining that being a Christian is more than a relationship with God only... from I John 1:3


"We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ."

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A verse stating that our spiritual gifts from God were given not for own good, but also for the common good... I Corinthians 12:7


"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good"



I guess that's all from me for now.

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Not to pick on GottaRebound, but I don't understand this statement.


To quote Hebrews 10:24-25....

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."


GottaRebound didn't say one way or another that he did or did not currently go to church. I think his point was that going to church is not what saves a person. Obviously, going to church is deemed important as evidenced by the verse you cited. However, it's not as important as making the decision to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. If you had to choose between 1) accepting Christ as your Savior, or 2) going to church every week, which would you deem more important. I think that's the point he was trying to make. Or, that's what I got out of it anyhow.


But, to address your actual question. Again, I think it obviously is for a variety of reasons. We learn at church, we get the blessing of fellowship with other believers, etc...I'm not going to make a big list, but you get the idea. Christians who don't go to church do so to their own detriment, IMO. They are no less saved, but I think they miss out on a lot of blessings. I also think it can hinder your spiritual growth and maturing process in your walk with Christ. But, the second is just an opinion...and there may be exceptions to this. Obviously, there are various reasons why people don't attend church. I will note that my statements apply to people who don't go for selfish petty reasons or just plain laziness. If a person isn't physically able, then that's a different matter.


For me personally, going to church regularly helps keep me focused on God and the things I should be focused on. When I don't go, I find it's much easier to stray...to slack off on Bible reading and study, to slack off on prayer. In a nutshell, it makes it much easier to neglect my relationship with Christ, which in turn is not good for my life. I know it has that affect on others because I've talked about it with them.

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A verse stating that our spiritual gifts from God were given not for own good, but also for the common good... I Corinthians 12:7


"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good"



I guess that's all from me for now.


Spiritual gifts are a discussion in themselves. But, you make another good point.

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However, it's not as important as making the decision to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. .



Some people believe that all they have to do is "accept Christ as their Lord and Savior" and they are saved.


But Scripture teaches that one’s final salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. As Jesus himself tells us, "He who endures to the end will be saved" (Matt. 24:13; cf. 25:31–46).


In other words, one who dies in the state of friendship with God will go to heaven. The one who dies in a state of enmity and rebellion against God will go to hell.

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The reason we got to church is we are suppose to surround ourselves with other Christians. That way we can liftup, pray, teach, learn, sing, study, give, and so forth. Also the Bible like others have shown says so. A person can go to every service every week and still not enter Heaven. Or they can give their heart to Christ and never go back to the Church. Didn't work.

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Not to pick on GottaRebound, but I don't understand this statement.


To quote Hebrews 10:24-25....

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."


Not to pick on you either but this how so many denominations and cults have started by taking scripture out of its context. I am sorry that I did not explain myself in more thorough way. You seem to know your Bible pretty well, so let me do some explaining to clarify what I said and what I meant.


The Apostle Paul on Mars Hill (Acts 17:22-34) Please Re-Read this scripture in its context.


This is the way I feel about the Church. The Church is a glorious Living Organism created by Christ Jesus. The word Church comes from the Greek word "EKKLESIA" meaning those that are called out for a special purpose.


I beleive people should have and go to a Bible Believing and Bible Teaching Church. But I also believe that there is too much emphasis on the church that is made with brick and mortar and not enough emphasis on the True church that Jesus started. Paul basically told the people that God doesnt dwell in Temples any longer made by mans hands but He dwells in the Temples of Mans heart.


Jesus said where 2 or more are gathered in my name there I will be also. You can have church, go to church with a group of believers in your garage, your job, at school, in a local church or where ever you choose to meet. I never mentioned in my post about forsaking the assembling of yourselves together. I beleive in Public worship, but not the way man believes. There are great churches all over this country but for the most part many churches have turned into country clubs, political platforms, and a place that sinners no longer feel welcomed at. I can ssure you by the teaching of Christ Jesus that this is not what He had in mind when He created the church.



We as Americans always tend to think that church is one of the 1,000 of buildings in our local community with the Steeple on top. Isnt it interesting that Jesus spent most of His time down here, not with the church people (Pharisees and Sadducees) but with lost people in the streets, in their homes, in the cemetary. I have often heard this from older people in the church, "Man, God was really here today in our service", the truth of it is that God is not at one particular building and not at another. This entire world, galaxy is in His hands, in His control.


What is church? What is the purpose of the Church? Who makes up the Chruch?


1. Answer: The church is anyone that is saved, born again. Saved through the redempitive work of Christ on the Cross, Forgiven by God the Father, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It is not mere intellect that saved but it is the placing of one's faith in and believing in what Jesus done on the cross for your salvation. So easy that a child can be saved. I repeat once again that the Chruch is NOT a building with a steeple on top of it.


2. Answer: The Purpose of the church is 3 fold (many other things fall under these 3 categories) 1. Worship 2. Great Commission 3. Edification of the Saints.


3. Answer: The church is made of all souls that have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. Those that have already died. Those of us that are present. And those that will be saved in the future.


4 things about the Church (Not the Building in which you meet)

1. Invisible: Universal body of every generation

2. Visible: Groups , organizations, denominations

3. Militant: We are in a war against Evil Powers

4. Triumphant: Body of Believers that have already died


Now having got that out of my system, do I think church is necessary? YES, I do. You can also turn my thread around in your defense and say it like this...It would be hard to say that you are a school teacher if you never went to a school and taught a class. If going to church made you a Christian then there will be a multitude of good moral men that never accepted Christ in heaven. The Church is you and I, and all other believers. Too many Christians would rather worship the building instead of God. Let me ask you something, would you rather see a Christian out on the streets sharing his faith and leading others to Christ or would you rather see one sitting on a Church board discussing and arguing over the color of the carpet. The church in America has been rocked to sleep by this concept that the church is a building.


Also I will close with this, when God added to the Church daily as recorded in the book of Acts. Was it a building or His Body that He was adding to. Remember that they didnt meet in a church the first 60 some years after Pentecost, they met in peoples homes had church (3 fold function as outlined by Jesus) in their homes. We have gotten so far away from the truth of what it means to be a Christian. These early Christian were selling all they had and giving to those in need and were not going to a so called church. When is the last time you saw someone in CHURCH sell their home, the car and give it to the needy. I am not talking about taking up a donantion but giving until it hurts (Sacrifice)


BTW, I do attend church.

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Some people believe that all they have to do is "accept Christ as their Lord and Savior" and they are saved.


But Scripture teaches that one’s final salvation depends on the state of the soul at death. As Jesus himself tells us, "He who endures to the end will be saved" (Matt. 24:13; cf. 25:31–46).


In other words, one who dies in the state of friendship with God will go to heaven. The one who dies in a state of enmity and rebellion against God will go to hell.



Not to split hairs with you either, but this is the only place in the Bible that this is mentioned, and Jesus was talking directly about the Tribulation period and about the Jews. Once again another verse lifted from its context. How do you think snake handlers came about? Well, the Apostle Paul handled a snake a lived so, I think I can pick up that there rattler and a have faith live just as well

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You make some good points GottaRebound.



Thanks, I have just seen too much in my old life. I think more local churches would be more effective if they had better discipling programs. Jesus never said go save people, He sadi go and make disciples. LOVE is where it is truly at. Loving God and Loving Each Other

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Thanks, I have just seen too much in my old life. I think more local churches would be more effective if they had better discipling programs. Jesus never said go save people, He sadi go and make disciples. LOVE is where it is truly at. Loving God and Loving Each Other


As far as I am concerned there is no refutation to that.

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Not to pick on you either but this how so many denominations and cults have started by taking scripture out of its context. I am sorry that I did not explain myself in more thorough way. You seem to know your Bible pretty well, so let me do some explaining to clarify what I said and what I meant.


The Apostle Paul on Mars Hill (Acts 17:22-34) Please Re-Read this scripture in its context.


This is the way I feel about the Church. The Church is a glorious Living Organism created by Christ Jesus. The word Church comes from the Greek word "EKKLESIA" meaning those that are called out for a special purpose.


I beleive people should have and go to a Bible Believing and Bible Teaching Church. But I also believe that there is too much emphasis on the church that is made with brick and mortar and not enough emphasis on the True church that Jesus started. Paul basically told the people that God doesnt dwell in Temples any longer made by mans hands but He dwells in the Temples of Mans heart.


Jesus said where 2 or more are gathered in my name there I will be also. You can have church, go to church with a group of believers in your garage, your job, at school, in a local church or where ever you choose to meet. I never mentioned in my post about forsaking the assembling of yourselves together. I beleive in Public worship, but not the way man believes. There are great churches all over this country but for the most part many churches have turned into country clubs, political platforms, and a place that sinners no longer feel welcomed at. I can ssure you by the teaching of Christ Jesus that this is not what He had in mind when He created the church.



We as Americans always tend to think that church is one of the 1,000 of buildings in our local community with the Steeple on top. Isnt it interesting that Jesus spent most of His time down here, not with the church people (Pharisees and Sadducees) but with lost people in the streets, in their homes, in the cemetary. I have often heard this from older people in the church, "Man, God was really here today in our service", the truth of it is that God is not at one particular building and not at another. This entire world, galaxy is in His hands, in His control.


What is church? What is the purpose of the Church? Who makes up the Chruch?


1. Answer: The church is anyone that is saved, born again. Saved through the redempitive work of Christ on the Cross, Forgiven by God the Father, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It is not mere intellect that saved but it is the placing of one's faith in and believing in what Jesus done on the cross for your salvation. So easy that a child can be saved. I repeat once again that the Chruch is NOT a building with a steeple on top of it.


2. Answer: The Purpose of the church is 3 fold (many other things fall under these 3 categories) 1. Worship 2. Great Commission 3. Edification of the Saints.


3. Answer: The church is made of all souls that have accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. Those that have already died. Those of us that are present. And those that will be saved in the future.


4 things about the Church (Not the Building in which you meet)

1. Invisible: Universal body of every generation

2. Visible: Groups , organizations, denominations

3. Militant: We are in a war against Evil Powers

4. Triumphant: Body of Believers that have already died


Now having got that out of my system, do I think church is necessary? YES, I do. You can also turn my thread around in your defense and say it like this...It would be hard to say that you are a school teacher if you never went to a school and taught a class. If going to church made you a Christian then there will be a multitude of good moral men that never accepted Christ in heaven. The Church is you and I, and all other believers. Too many Christians would rather worship the building instead of God. Let me ask you something, would you rather see a Christian out on the streets sharing his faith and leading others to Christ or would you rather see one sitting on a Church board discussing and arguing over the color of the carpet. The church in America has been rocked to sleep by this concept that the church is a building.


Also I will close with this, when God added to the Church daily as recorded in the book of Acts. Was it a building or His Body that He was adding to. Remember that they didnt meet in a church the first 60 some years after Pentecost, they met in peoples homes had church (3 fold function as outlined by Jesus) in their homes. We have gotten so far away from the truth of what it means to be a Christian. These early Christian were selling all they had and giving to those in need and were not going to a so called church. When is the last time you saw someone in CHURCH sell their home, the car and give it to the needy. I am not talking about taking up a donantion but giving until it hurts (Sacrifice)


BTW, I do attend church.


I understand and agree with a lot of what you say. Upon further review, this doesn't seem to be you, but your original statement made me think of those people who claim that they don't go to Church because of the Church's hierarchy, Tradition, and other reasons based on the fact that they want to pick and choose what they would like to believe, which I think is a very grave error.

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I agree with you, if you are a believer then you should be in church somewhere in public worship, I just wish more churches would have more of a balance instead of just concentrating on one thing. It is very easy for a church to become dysfunctional over night. Sometimes I just get so frustrated knowing all churches could be doing more to reach people in their own backyard, know what I mean?

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