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Status of Carroll County Basketball and Athletics

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I agree Lunatic. Some good athletes do not good involved in sports because of the schools not having it offered through the school. This takes away some of the kids hearts and passion for the game because they cannot play.


Another thing is that Carroll is getting to used to losing. This is not how Carroll has been in the past and I hate to see it be that way now but you can tell by the way the players talk and act. It is like they do not care anymore. This is not how i remembered Carroll County athletics being. I can remember going to games when you had to fight through the crowd to get a seat in the stands. Now you can walk in during the second quarter and have great sideline seats. I hate to see the athletics dropping like this and I can only hope that it gets better.

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I think that success from one sport carries over into the others. I have two examples - Trimble's most overall successful year for male sports was in 2001. There was a group of about 6 boys that played football, basketball and baseball. They had been playing together since youth leagues and t-ball. Their parents were big supporters of them and their sports.


2nd example - we have a lot of carry over success from our football season this year. Our season ended on a Friday night, we checked in equipment on Monday and on Tuesday they were back in the weightroom. They lift and workout every day of the week. Coach Poynter has 30 or more kids each day. Consider the fact that about 5 additional kids play basketball and another 3 play baseball and work out with that team and he has great response for his program.

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Pappie - I do not understand your post.


I would just like to see all the kids have a chance to participate and learn at a younger age not just the ones that have parents or someone else take an interest and get them involved.

I am sorry I meant to say push. Are we all not pushed daily to be are best?

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Any thoughts... How about letting the kids be kids and have fun and letting the coaches coach. Teach your kid everything you are capable of without pushing them. They will decide if you allow them.



I bet there are 12-15 boys that are not really having fun playing basketball this year.


I do agree that an aspect of it should be kids being kids and the fun of the game, but as adults aren't we supposed to help them into their greatness and victories.

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I think that success from one sport carries over into the others. I have two examples - Trimble's most overall successful year for male sports was in 2001. There was a group of about 6 boys that played football, basketball and baseball. They had been playing together since youth leagues and t-ball. Their parents were big supporters of them and their sports.


2nd example - we have a lot of carry over success from our football season this year. Our season ended on a Friday night, we checked in equipment on Monday and on Tuesday they were back in the weightroom. They lift and workout every day of the week. Coach Poynter has 30 or more kids each day. Consider the fact that about 5 additional kids play basketball and another 3 play baseball and work out with that team and he has great response for his program.


This is kind of off the subject but I give Trimble and Coach Poynter props. He has done a great job at building that football program up. I only loook for good things to come out of Trimble for as long as he is there. And good luck to him this coming football season.

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Any thoughts... How about letting the kids be kids and have fun and letting the coaches coach. Teach your kid everything you are capable of without pushing them. They will decide if you allow them.


I can see what you are saying by parents pushing kids too hard where the kid is discouraged about playing anymore, but at the same time there are some kids that without the push of their parents or just a person that cares about them would not amount to the person that they are today. Im sure that even the greats wanted to quit at one time or another, but were pushed by someone who truly cared about them and now look at them. They are one of the greats you watch on TV today.

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Fun to watch..I have had teams of 25 kids and never even laid eyes on 1/2 of the parents...Many of them I had to take home and pick -up if they were going to get to participate and even buy them the correct safety equipment if needed.


I guess my point is that there is untapped talent out there that will never get developed because no one cares if they participate. How many of you know of kids that are pretty athletic that if someone had taken an interest earlier they might have been a great player.

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Well . not a lot, really nothing that can not be worked out.. for example a boy could not Golf and football, but there are many boys who with the right program and if the coaches worked together could do all of many sports. It kills me to sit at the Football games and see some of the biggest most athletic players not on the field because they are going to play basketball and are afraid to miss some open gym time.


There are many boys that do all 3 and should be encouraged and not discouraged.


The girls have to do this because there are not as many athletes, and cheerleading has taken so many of the girls that most of the others play at least 3 sports.


Quite a few of the Gallatin basketball players play "the big 3". Outside of the catching position the starters for the Wildcat baseball team are J.R. Davis, Z Jones, Maddox, Brown, Carlton, T Jones, Perkins, and Giles.

Also, Carlton, Davis, Brown, Giles, and Henson were integral parts of the first Wildcat football team that went 4-4.

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Fun to watch..I have had teams of 25 kids and never even laid eyes on 1/2 of the parents...Many of them I had to take home and pick -up if they were going to get to participate and even buy them the correct safety equipment if needed.


I guess my point is that there is untapped talent out there that will never get developed because no one cares if they participate. How many of you know of kids that are pretty athletic that if someone had taken an interest earlier they might have been a great player.


You are right, Lunatic1. There are kids out there that do not have people in their lives to guide them. But you know what? It doesn't have to be parents or coaches. One of the ways to build a good program is to surround yourself with volunteers who love to see the best in kids and will work with them as mentors, both academically and athletically.

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You are right True Blue, and I appreciate Mack's information.


The more kids that are involved the better... I believe that there are enough people out there in Carroll County that would help and identify kids to participate and encourage them.

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