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Authoritarianism and the Current Political Climate


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"Authoritarianism" is in the eye of the beholder. I considered Obama to be an extreme authoritarian for his repeated attempts to bypass the American legislative process to impose his warped policy objectives on the general public. I equate totalitarianism with authoritarianism, and no president since FDR fits my model better than Obama did.


That being said, much of Trump's campaign rhetoric had a large portion of his core supporters expecting that he would act unilaterally to repair the damage that his autocratic predecessor had inflicted on society. I criticized Trump for making promises then to take unconstitutional actions if elected, one of which was to make the murder of police officers a capital offense. (Murder is a local/state crime and the federal government lacks the authority to impose capital punishment for state crimes and the POTUS obviously cannot impose sentences through an Executive Order.)


So far, I have not seen Trump try to make good on any of his promises to take unconstitutional actions. When he does, then I will gladly criticize him as I did during the primaries. I am sure that the Herald-Leader never considered any of Obama's actions, some of which were nullified by the U.S. Supreme Court on constitutional bases, authoritarian.


Every time that I read on editorial opinion from the Herald-Leader, I am reminded how that newspaper has been physically down-sized into a miniaturized format, as its cost has risen to the level of major U.S. daily newspapers. The H-L is far too liberal to have wide appeal in a moderate state like Kentucky. If UK ever dropped its basketball program, the H-L would have to close its doors.

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The Cincinnati Enquirer is another rag that is destined for the scrapheap. They've become so left leaning that the paper is really difficult to stomach in the morning. I generally gloss over most of the content, rarely read the editorials, never read the A&E section. Very poor business news coverage and only fair sports reporting these days.

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The Cincinnati Enquirer is another rag that is destined for the scrapheap. They've become so left leaning that the paper is really difficult to stomach in the morning. I generally gloss over most of the content, rarely read the editorials, never read the A&E section. Very poor business news coverage and only fair sports reporting these days.


When the Enquirer endorsed its first Democratic candidate for president in about a century by referring to her as the least bad candidate, isn't it at least as likely that things are pretty messed up today compared to them being a left-leaning rag destined for the scrapheap?

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When the Enquirer endorsed its first Democratic candidate for president in about a century by referring to her as the least bad candidate, isn't it at least as likely that things are pretty messed up today compared to them being a left-leaning rag destined for the scrapheap?


Regardless of the current environment, or how we ended up here (8 years of Obama), the Enquirer has lurched into leftist lapdog territory and has abandoned is core readership. As the new media continues to mature, and more and more people start finding their news in other venues that come without the leftist slant, the Enquirer and other fish wrappers will eventually go under. I look forward to seeing it happen.

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