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Hello everyone,


I generally do not make comments on here and what I'm about to say is not about self-promotion. I just feel like people need to know what's going on in the newspaper industry. As someone who was part of it for 14 years, I feel bad for everyone involved from the readers to the reporters who put in a lot of hours to make it happen. I've covered games for newspapers in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Texas.

I thought the Enquirer was printed in Louisville, but I guess it is Columbus. The Enquirer is owned by Gannett, one of the largest newspaper chains in the United States. Newspaper corporations strive to maintain a certain profit level. When there is a threat to that, the corporations make cuts. Those cuts often come in the form of lost jobs leading to inferior products. Gannett is the worst at this. On top of that, Ganett requires its employees to take one-week furloughs once a year. A friend of mine is an Assistant Sports Editor there.

On top of that, Gannett's newspaper printing places are unionized. They won't print anything after a certain time. I've been told that time is 1 a.m. Thus, deadlines are 10 to 10:30 a.m. also equaling a more sub-standard product.

I used to be the sports editor at the Commonwealth Journal in Somerset. Our unofficial deadline between August, 2001 to August, 2003 was early in the morning even though we were supposed to be a morning paper. Now, it's 11:30 p.m. It's tough to cover 7:30 p.m. games, write the stories, edit the copy and do layout. So, the current sports editor does not even go to games. He shoots them then goes back to the office to do layout. As a journalism major, I will say that's not why you do this.

The best thing I like about writing for a web site is I do not have a limit on how much I can write. It was about 500 words with my last part-time job in Gallatin (Tennessee). I can do more interviews and go more in-depth with what I'm doing now.

But I still feel bad for the schools that are not getting the coverage that I'm able to provide Highlands and NewCath. I graduated from Parkway High School in the western Ohio town of Rockford (near Lima) in 1996. We'd complain about the local newspaper bashing out football and basketball teams (neither were very good). But I guess we were spoiled.

I hope this answers some questions about the newspaper industry. Otherwise, please feel free to ask any questions.



No complaints here, my kids love you and the coverage you are giving them at the HS level.

I love your recaps and I know the kids love talking to you.:thumb:


My earlier comments were just me reminiscing the days of old.


Mods, PsalmsG reply and explanation of the system really needs its own thread instead of being lost in a thread that most if not all readers are already done with and will never read.

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Former Red Devil teammates pose for a picture after the game. #33 Joe Kramer, #30 Thomas Wrobleski, #74 Logan Schneider, #57 Earl Sebastian, #77 Tyler Schweitzer, #4 Garrett Geiman, #52 Nick Sauerbach, #15 Avery Wood, #45 Zach Harris


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As someone who worked at the Post for 12 years and now at Enquirer for 5 years, let me tell you the same issues that the Enquirer is facing today the Post would be facing, too, if hadn't gone out of business. Let that sink in for a second, because this is a business whether I like it or not or you like it or not and while as a lifelong Northern Kentuckian who had a chance to work at the Post and loved that paper, it went out of business, so obviously the business model didn't work. Today's media is ever evolving and more and more stuff is going online. We have a lot every single day at nky.com and you can follow on twitter as well @nkyskinner. The week of the Highlands-University Christian game we did five stories on Highlands in print and a video with Dale online. The Friday deadline sucks to be quite frank and thanks to several e-mails complaining about it it will be looked into (and I hope changed). Not my call, not my editor's call and truth be told probably not someone in Cincinnati's call. If you ever have a complain or a question, e-mail me at rskinner@nky.com. We hold people accountable and you have the right to hold us accountable.

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As someone who worked at the Post for 12 years and now at Enquirer for 5 years, let me tell you the same issues that the Enquirer is facing today the Post would be facing, too, if hadn't gone out of business. Let that sink in for a second, because this is a business whether I like it or not or you like it or not and while as a lifelong Northern Kentuckian who had a chance to work at the Post and loved that paper, it went out of business, so obviously the business model didn't work. Today's media is ever evolving and more and more stuff is going online. We have a lot every single day at nky.com and you can follow on twitter as well @nkyskinner. The week of the Highlands-University Christian game we did five stories on Highlands in print and a video with Dale online. The Friday deadline sucks to be quite frank and thanks to several e-mails complaining about it it will be looked into (and I hope changed). Not my call, not my editor's call and truth be told probably not someone in Cincinnati's call. If you ever have a complain or a question, e-mail me at rskinner@nky.com. We hold people accountable and you have the right to hold us accountable.


Correct. The Post went out of biz even before sites like BGP took over when it came to delivering scores. We can romanticize about it but it simply didn't work and wouldn't work today. The newspaper biz , especially sports, is a tough one to make a buck in.

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As someone who worked at the Post for 12 years and now at Enquirer for 5 years, let me tell you the same issues that the Enquirer is facing today the Post would be facing, too, if hadn't gone out of business. Let that sink in for a second, because this is a business whether I like it or not or you like it or not and while as a lifelong Northern Kentuckian who had a chance to work at the Post and loved that paper, it went out of business, so obviously the business model didn't work. Today's media is ever evolving and more and more stuff is going online. We have a lot every single day at nky.com and you can follow on twitter as well @nkyskinner. The week of the Highlands-University Christian game we did five stories on Highlands in print and a video with Dale online. The Friday deadline sucks to be quite frank and thanks to several e-mails complaining about it it will be looked into (and I hope changed). Not my call, not my editor's call and truth be told probably not someone in Cincinnati's call. If you ever have a complain or a question, e-mail me at rskinner@nky.com. We hold people accountable and you have the right to hold us accountable.


I think the coverage has been pretty good in the Enquirer to be quite honest so kudos and glad you are back. Marc Hardin has done a nice job as well. I was just surprised to not see anything on the Cames/Birds game but the deadline explains it I guess.


I am a social media junky...connected to Twitter/FB/Linkedin/Vine/Instagram/blah blah blah....so love all the information out there. I grew up fetching the newspaper on the front step and reading it front and back while eating my Frankenberries so I can definitely appreciate not only the print media but also love the online stuff as well.



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Because of the deadline I go back into the office after covering a game to rewrite the roundup of each game to make them about 5-6 graphs each and it's usually posted online by 1 a.m. (Friday night/Saturday morning) at nky.com. Highlands game and all other games were in there and then separates on games we covered (Skyline DH at Dixie and Holmes at Scott that I covered).

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Correct. The Post went out of biz even before sites like BGP took over when it came to delivering scores. We can romanticize about it but it simply didn't work and wouldn't work today. The newspaper biz , especially sports, is a tough one to make a buck in.


I didn't know the enquirer was still in print.

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