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No Dunking

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I was watching a game the other night. One of the players dunked the ball while the ref was on the court. As suppose too, the ref gave that player a technical foul. I was just wondering why that is a rule? What is the point of it?

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The refs come out at the 15:00 minute mark. Dunking prior to that is allowed. Dunking after that is a technical foul.


Why? Its an old rule and I'm sure its related to safety.

So by rule players can be unsafe for 5 minutes but real safe for the last 15 min. of warmups that never made sense to me.

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I saw a game last year in the Louisville area where the players were dunking all over the place in warmups, and as the officials came out on the floor they blew their whistles several times just to make sure everybody knew they were there and it was time to knock it off. I had never seen that before and thought it was interesting, because the players couldn't help but know the refs were there.

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This has been a rule for years. I actually played in a church league game years ago against a much younger team. Their players were dunking, slapping the backboard, and hanging on the rim during warmups. The refs came out and we started the game off up 2-0 and with the ball due to the technical assessed to that team. I wish we could have gotten several more FT's as they kicked our butts for most of that game, but at least we led for a little while! ;)

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I can't even guess how many high school games I've been to starting back in the early to mid 70s but I have NEVER seen a T called for dunking.



Really? I have seen one this year. I can remember when they had a no dunking rule during the game itself...... I believe it started in the 66/67 season? Poor Jim McDaniels of Allen County.......

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