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NKAC Track Championships at Scott

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Wow congrats to the winners. Ryle and Cov Cath almost flip flopped results this year versus last. Ryle was 8th last year with Cov Cath winning it, and this year Ryle wins and the Colonels finished 6th. I hate to think but could this be the year where the streak is over for the Colonels? Wonder if Coach is double thinking his decision?

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Wow congrats to the winners. Ryle and Cov Cath almost flip flopped results this year versus last. Ryle was 8th last year with Cov Cath winning it, and this year Ryle wins and the Colonels finished 6th. I hate to think but could this be the year where the streak is over for the Colonels? Wonder if Coach is double thinking his decision?


What decision?

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Coach announced at Banquet last year that if you wanted to run, you were not able to go away on spring break. Had a number of kids not come back. That combined with the guys that graduated last year, lead this to be the year the streak may be broken unfortunately.

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Coach announced at Banquet last year that if you wanted to run, you were not able to go away on spring break. Had a number of kids not come back. That combined with the guys that graduated last year, lead this to be the year the streak may be broken unfortunately.




I'm with the coach.

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I'm with the coach.


If Spring Break is downtime for the kids then they should be able to go with their friends. It is rare, but I disagree with you Clyde on this one. Spring Break is almost a right of passage for these kids who are lifelong friends.

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If Spring Break is downtime for the kids then they should be able to go with their friends. It is rare, but I disagree with you Clyde on this one. Spring Break is almost a right of passage for these kids who are lifelong friends.


What do you mean "if spring break is downtime?"


It's IN the season , right? Wouldn't they either have meets or practice?


I will admit I've never gotten the "it's a tradition" or "right of passage" thinking. If you commit to a team you commit for that season. Basketball players do not take off during Christmas break. Football players do not take off during fall break.


Like anything committing to a team comes with sacrifices. The kid has to decide if the sacrifice is worth it. If the tradition is that important enjoy it but do not be on a team.

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What do you mean "if spring break is downtime?"


It's IN the season , right? Wouldn't they either have meets or practice?


I will admit I've never gotten the "it's a tradition" or "right of passage" thinking. If you commit to a team you commit for that season. Basketball players do not take off during Christmas break. Football players do not take off during fall break.


Like anything committing to a team comes with sacrifices. The kid has to decide if the sacrifice is worth it. If the tradition is that important enjoy it but do not be on a team.



Honestly, it is pretty dead during the spring break periods at track meets. So many are gone with family and friends.


I have sacraficed many a trip and family time to make it to basketball tournies right after xmas but this spring break thing is almost a senior ritual. You are right the coach can say team or quit and many of the really good seniors say see ya, who does that really help!

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It's track & field, not baseball, not basketball, not football....more of an individual sport.

There are kids who are very good in track & field events but it is not their passion. They participate for something to do in the off season. If they miss a week to go on spring break what's the harm?

If they are not good enough, their times, jumps, etc will not matter anyway, but if they are....it sure is nice to have them around at regionals. I know of a few kids who could have helped the team but did not participate because of the rule.

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It's track & field, not baseball, not basketball, not football....more of an individual sport.

There are kids who are very good in track & field events but it is not their passion. They participate for something to do in the off season. If they miss a week to go on spring break what's the harm?

If they are not good enough, their times, jumps, etc will not matter anyway, but if they are....it sure is nice to have them around at regionals. I know of a few kids who could have helped the team but did not participate because of the rule.


I agree with you. I too know some kids who would have helped. And as Panda states, during the break there is not much activity. The kids miss more practice time, and maybe one meet, two at most. IMO - Senior trip during spring break is, and should be something that all are allowed to partake in if they choose.

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It's track & field, not baseball, not basketball, not football....more of an individual sport.

There are kids who are very good in track & field events but it is not their passion. They participate for something to do in the off season. If they miss a week to go on spring break what's the harm?

If they are not good enough, their times, jumps, etc will not matter anyway, but if they are....it sure is nice to have them around at regionals. I know of a few kids who could have helped the team but did not participate because of the rule.


I disagree. Track is just as big of a sport as any other. Taking a week off in the middle of the season is not good. You lose much of your conditioning. What would happen if a basketball or football team just took a week off in the middle of the season without touching a ball or practicing. They would come back rusty and not sharp. Track is the same way. Also, there are a lot of meets available through out the season with the KHSAA condensing the season.

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Ryle did not do anything during spring break but yet won the conference. Sometimes as coaches we want dedication but if it is at the cost of the team I am not sure I would agree. But he made a choice and it may hurt him now and pay off in the long run.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So wonder if Coach McCoy (Cov Cath) is questioning his decision now. After 18 straigth regional championships - they finished 3rd this weekend. I honestly do not know that they would have been able to win the 19th if Coach did not institute his rule, but, it is sad to see the streak end.


Regional Championships

1970, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1989,

1990, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,1999,

2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

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