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Dark Horse78

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Everything posted by Dark Horse78

  1. Way too many horses to just get out of the Region. PT, Caldwell...if you survive then you get Lex Cath, Central, or Boyle....After that gauntlet and if you have any kids not injured you get Belfry in the finals who WALK in barely breaking a sweat out of the East...Etown is better, but are so far away from competing at that level that its not really debatable in my opinion. 3A is really top heavy!
  2. Agree completely in a football reference, probably not what the Lord intended to be quoted for...and MANY schools can cast stones that DO NOT break the KHSAA rules of fair play! You break the rules, you get turned in, you pay...PERIOD. Don't like it, find a state that is ok with cheating.
  3. Yep...high road...that's what I think of when I think of those 2 programs! LOL
  4. Not everyone at camp cheats and scrimmages...some people actually take their teams to camp to GET BETTER at what they do. I know...shocking! Lets not lump "everyone" in the "everyone" category. Crooked as a snake, always has been and always will be. There is a reason for his sudden departure from Pikeville College you know! If you didn't think his normal antics would follow him to TC, then you don't know the man very well. However, Cook doesn't care and will happily do what is necessary to get a winning product on the field...no matter the cost.
  5. See....the leadership of this website favors Trinity! I knew it! LOL
  6. "Old man, I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey"
  7. If the tax payer knew what consultants were paid to work for a school district 3-4 times per year...there would be OUTRAGE! School districts pay 100's of thousands of dollars to have a consultant come in 3-4 times per year to "train" teachers (I will use that word VERY liberally). Its an absolute fleecing!
  8. If a band director gets a stipend to carry over what he is doing in the classroom, then he is doing his extra-curricular activity full-time. Why should coaches not get to do the same? Give them 3 classes of "athletics" that allow them to teach their players the fundamentals necessary for performance on Friday, Monday, and Thursday nights. No different than a band director teaching his kids what they will perform on Friday at halftime. Many require that students perform in pep band, marching band, and competition band and those are all outside of the classroom and after the school day. No different than any other coach. It's apples to apples...and can be applied the same way. You can have the guy teaching his players fundamental of character, sportsmanship, rules of the game...etc and even do this with his middle school as well. You can put lipstick on a pig folks, but it's still a pig. If a district wants to pay the guy full salary to coach, then so be it. I have more of an issue with a guy on road work crews holding a stop/slow sign and making 25 dollars an hour than I do a coach making 50K a year to coach full-time. Always heard the 2 most important people in a community were the preacher and the head football coach. Just saying.
  9. Team vs team was banned for June, not inter-squad. You can still do all the non contact drills in June you've always done, unless I didn't get the memo on that one.
  10. In several programs I know of in KY, the Middle school coaches are just an extension of the high school staff. The high school head coach runs the whole shooting match from youth league through the HS program. The middle school coaches in those programs do the coaching, but everything else is run through the varsity head coach. In my opinion, that's how it should be done.
  11. They have a decent group of young kids and will probably dress around 45-50 kids. I think things are on an up swing, but in that district it won't matter.
  12. Let's face it, Etown's "football" facility was built for their girls soccer team...that's the reality! Etown doesn't get to use the locker room except for game nights...that sums it up right there!
  13. Thought I read somewhere they got Gossett from Bullitt Central?? Perhaps I just imagined that.
  14. I have said it before, its not the head to head contact that causes a MAJORITY of concussions. Its head to ground...ANYTHING that causes your head to hit an immovable object will be your highest probability for a concussion. Heck, trampolines cause way more injuries than football!! Football just gets the pub because its the only real gladiator sport left, and it the most popular. My son plays, he's 7...my concern was NEVER head to head, heck, the neck was designed to help provide the movement to soften a blow and keep the brain from slamming into the skull. My concern has always been if he makes direct contact with the ground...in anything!
  15. I remember a coach a few years back that kept a log of his hours from July10-June 25 and he made less than 4 dollars per hour, not including not being reimbursed on mileage related to the job, and taking kids on recruiting visits. That time includes off-season, field maintenance, lifting competitions, recruiting visits, and everything else...but how is this an acceptable way wage for anyone, and furthermore the demands are increasing with the win or you're out mentality. I would argue it's a blessing for some of these coaches to be forced into resigning when they were taking a loss in so many ways. I understand the intrinsic value of coaching young men, and knowing that if not for you the likely hood of success for some was slim to none...and you can't put a value on it. From the outside looking in, coaches are demanded to devote far more time now than 15 years ago and in most cases pay has not increased, and may have even decreased in some schools. The big issue I see with all of this...some of these jobs may not get filled by someone in a school system. Para-pro's are going to start filling the shoes of the Head Coach on a grand level. That is REALLY negative for the culture that surrounds a school and program.
  16. Start setting the buyout amount for 20K and you bet your tail there won't be anyone buying out contracts. If you agree to play, then you play. Coaches that do this have also been pretty shady cats anyway. I can think of several.
  17. Awesome, not many kids can pull off multi-sports due to the rigors of just playing one while keeping paces with academics. Congrats!
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