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Dark Horse78

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Everything posted by Dark Horse78

  1. Play where your numbers indicate you should play and live with it. They opened Pandora's box when they let schools "choose" what they wanted to do.
  2. I believe he did...caught I think is the appropriate word for EKY football
  3. Heard a coach in South Carolina say to a coach I know in KY. "I got a lot of respect for you guys. You all have to prepare like its the super bowl to win a game in that basketball state, not to mention get kids to play...hell, I just stripe a field and have 6 Division 1 kids show up along with 80 others for them to just smack around!!" If you can win at an average program (not talking about the T's-X's-Highlands-Belfry...etc of KY), you are quality in my book!
  4. HAHAHAHA!! If so, I say Highlands and SK would beat them in close games.
  5. If your an admin, how could you approach this? I would say that this will have a pretty significant impact on the the season...regardless of how many wins/loses there are.
  6. No...conditioning and beating the fire out of each other in drills trying to win a district game is not the "fun" stuff I was referring to. LOL
  7. Yes and no...I will play devils advocate here. Point: You said if we hand out opportunities in life they will expect that. Well, that's exactly how life works...everybody gets the opportunity, what they choose to do with that opportunity is eventually what determines their success. Why are the playoffs different?? We give opportunities in nearly EVERY arena in life. Life is often more about who you know, not how hard you work. This is a fantasy that we sell to young people, and there are a few exceptions to this...but the overwhelming rule is that you can work yourself to death...and never get anywhere in life. You get hired in MANY jobs in this country not by your resume, but by your last name, who your friends are, what school you attended...etc. Is the opposite true, sure...but let's be realistic. Last...how many kids stand on the sideline of a team that wins a championship and never contributes (except mom and dad's tuition check for example) to the success of the team. Sure some of them are scout team and actually help prepare the varsity...but I can think of many who are on a freshman team of 100 that don't get any clock in games, they go through drills, but they don't play, nor do they practice against the varsity to actually prepare them for any contest, and don't even dress on Friday night...but they get a ring for just showing up every day and doing a few drills before taking a knee for the rest of practice. In my book I don't call that earning, that is being along for the ride. Now with that said, I don't advocate that EVERY team should make the playoffs...but who and what constitutes "earning" success? What is the criteria? Many states use a point system to make the playoffs, and in those states you could win 7-8 games and not make the playoffs...were they not successful in winning 7-8 games? Im just playing devils advocate here and mean NO disrespect to anybody, but I think we are putting a lot of emphasis on something that has nothing to do with the other (making playoffs vs success in life). Can sports help teach young people...ABSOLUTELY! But at the end of the day it's not the 3rd world war, governing policies are not decided, and life and death is not at stake. It's a game, played by kids...period. Maybe, just maybe, we are exaggerating this a little? Just saying.
  8. From what I have heard he may not be able to coach due to how badly he has progressed. Just didn't know if anyone else had the same info. Coach is a super guy...I pray things aren't as bad as I had heard.
  9. I think the biggest factor is who will lead the Knights. I thought I had heard that coach Robbins had some serious health issues of some kind?
  10. Interesting...I will have to check with my source. She was looking at IC and said he will turn 19 October of his Junior year according to his birth date in the school system.
  11. Not good. If they don't get a coach in before school lets out...then this season is already lost. IMO
  12. Yup...agree with many points. Society's downfall has more to do with parents and their acceptance of their kids behavior far more than sports. I see parents who are best friends with their little Johnny...I wasnt "friends" with my dad (nothing wrong with loving the old man, but "buddies" we were not! LOL), I had a healthy fear of what would happen if I back talked my Mom, teacher, coach, neighbor...etc and the good Lord knows he never took my side when a phone call came home about my behavior. Sports, if anything, teaches the opposite. Regardless of how many games you play. With that, an 0-10 will not win a first round game...just ain't gonna happen. This ain't Hollywood and these aren't actors. 0-10=0-11. Simple math. I do think though, the extra week is a good opportunity for the coaches and players to do some fun stuff and make a tough season finish with some good memories and start building on the off-season, because there is no pressure for them to go win and they all know the outcome. Just my 2 cents.
  13. Ive seen Indiana's system and while every system is flawed, their system is exciting. Play who you want for 8 games allows you to not concern yourself with traveling to a "district" game for a 5 hour round trip affair and build local rivals...BUT...the one thing that is a lot of fun is the blind draw. They televise it and it gets GREAT ratings. Creates an NCAA basketball type of feeling. Imagine, you and your team gathered around the TV at school, waiting for the draw and who you will play. I dont know...just seems like it would be a lot of fun!
  14. Very well coached team and will have another solid season!
  15. That's a shame...Bill is a good guy and a great ball coach. I hope he is on a sideline next season...would love to catch a few Friday nights and watch his teams play!
  16. :laugh: Sense a bit of sarcasm??
  17. Not so fast my friend. Glasgow will return a top 10 rusher (Trig?) and will have a solid group to replace the seniors they lose (they will win 7-8 regular season games and probably push for the region title). Let's face it.. ITS GLASGOW!!! They will be VERY solid, coach Wood always has a physical team. With that said, call etown what you want...but the last time they were winning football games was with Barnett and they beat a bunch of "physical" teams on the way to the turf! Physical is term used when a team isn't very good (for many reasons other than how physical they are). They were a very physical team when Burnett was there (so were his Ft. Knox teams)...those kids would knock your tail feathers loose. I think we confuse "physical" or lack of when a team chooses to throw the ball. Reality is in 2003 they scored 543 points and gave up just over 200 in 15 games. You don't put up those numbers and have a finesse mentality. You don't play that well on defense and get called finesse! Coach Brown usually has good balance (which is often mistaken as 50-50 run-pass, when it simply means being able to do both when you want to). I remember watching his 96 team...Gabe Stone (if my memory serves me) could throw a football 50 yds and knock a tick off a dogs tail! We can call it what we want, but Etown's issues have been a mentality problem deeper than being "physical"...apathy is more like it. When coach brown gets rid of the apathy (on every level), it won't matter what he does...they will be successful!
  18. Correct...age out as a junior, have also heard the same thing.
  19. How does this answer the question?
  20. Im sure someone on here would know if Marty would even have an interest leaving Trigg?? Would be a name hire that could get kids out of the hallways I would think.
  21. Yes and no. I agree that if you are losing, then kids may not play regardless of what you do. However, I have seen programs that were VERY successful but the skill kids, basketball types, didn't want to go out and stalk block for 2 hours. Doesn't mean that will be the case at Etown though.
  22. LOL....I will leave it up to the reader
  23. In reference to 5th region, I love the fact that Jaggers is committed to staying through the downslide. SOOOOO many times a coach jumps ship when talent pool appears to be dropping off. Look at the coaches who "got out" of the 5th region schools as soon as they KNEW the talent was starting to fall for a "foreseeable" future. I won't name names, but they tend to disappear for a spell, then reappear at the same school or a new school when talent is on the upswing. The thing about Marty Jaggers is if he goes back to Lincoln I could see him seeing this through until its going well again and hand the reigns over while talent is still very high. He would be a GREAT hire for a rebuild! IMO.
  24. If Marty goes back to Lincoln this will be a fun area to watch some knock down drag outs!! Perry at GC, Chuck Norris at Boyle (one of my favorite threads), Jaggers at Lincoln, Peach at Anderson, French at SW (I know, that one might be a stretch). What do they have in common?? We might see a lot of tight ends and 3 backs!! LOL...throw back football and everyone is home by 9:30! LOVE IT!
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