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Dark Horse78

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Everything posted by Dark Horse78

  1. If people only knew how many kids a year play a game or two (including all sports) before a school realizes they are ineligible...it would shock folks. Keep in mind that the KHSAA works on a self report policy. Grade reports come out weekly and if a kid doesnt meet eligibility requirements then they are ineligible. You honestly wouldn't believe how many times it happens and schools don't report it. So with that said, if the only issue is that he played an ineligible player, then I am fine with the hire...he does it again then that's habitual and deserves a stern punishment. It's not like he was out buying prostitutes and snorting coke at an underage party...McPeek should be forgiven. Everyone should get a second chance.
  2. Central has always fared well. They had 9-10-11 wins a season prior to Ty, keep in mind that most of the 90's ALL Louisville schools played 4A regardless of size. They were in the Region finals quite a few times prior to Ty only to run into Boyle who had a few good ball players if I recall. Some down years too, but reclassification REALLY helped them, we can't say it didn't. Not to take ANYTHING away from what they have accomplished at all. Ty took them to the next level with a better lay of the land.
  3. Any word out of the Ballard camp? 30 days is approaching quickly if it hasn't already. Wonder who Bell will hire, they are close enough to TN to draw a decent coach who might wanna double dip retirement. The next month should be interesting if what villecoach says is accurate about Central and Male
  4. NO complaints here on ANY of the statewide lists. Glad to see some variance in the lists and so many eyes seeing and recognizing different kids. Good for HS football IMO.
  5. Football is not the leading cause of adolescent concussions...you are more likely to get a concussion jumping on a trampoline, riding a skateboard or bike, or...playing soccer! In fact, soccer is the leading sport for concussions in youth according to PBS. Heading the ball is now banned in youth soccer. Yet...I hear parents EVERY year at soccer games (my 6 year old and 8 year old both play as well as my 8 year old playing football) about how dangerous football is how they would never let their child play football...I usually laugh out loud by this point and then educate them about how the risk is much greater on this field than that one (pointing to the football field across the street). They're astonished when I tell them more than 10k ER visits this year will be soccer related. Now granted this also includes female athletes and football is almost exclusively male. Other major sports leading the concussion discussion are basketball. With that said the 2 leading causes of concussions overall are "falls" and motor vehicle accidents in children 5-18.
  6. Who in the world does Casey Co. think they can get that will do more than what Marple did? I understand wanting to do better, but reality and expectations have to find a middle ground. What a shame.
  7. You have a lot of D-1 kids who signed D-1 scholarships that transfer to the NAIA and D3 levels (more than you think). Don't discount how good they are. In terms of size, speed, strength...Up front is where the HS kids will get dominated. Wouldn't be close. Skill positions would be a slight edge to HS all-stars, but it wouldn't be a shocking difference. I played with 3 guys in our secondary who were 4.4 speed guys at the NAIA level and 2 were transfers from D1 schools in Florida. We didn't have a DL who was above 4.8 40yd (that includes a 300 lb NG) Speed is EVERYWHERE in this country, there isn't much difference anymore between the top 100 and top 500 players in the country by way of speed since they all have access to the same training methods and most HS coaches are taking advantage of how to make their kids bigger-faster-stronger. Look at the top OL/DL we have had in our state in recent years. Elam, one of the top in the country...didn't dominate every snap and was blocked by lots of OL who didn't go on to play a snap of college football. Thee or four of the TOP OL in the country played for Lexington area schools, when you watch them play they were beat on numerous occasions by kids who won't play a snap beyond 2015. But they are 4 and 5 star prospects. NAIA and D3 schools RECRUIT they aren't just taking walk ons (though they do because of needing meet a freshman quota), and contrary to popular belief they do give money. They have a set amount of scholarships but usually break them up to spread the wealth...but will give big chunks of football money to a kid they want. They go after D1 kids who don't qualify academically and get quite a few...even for just a few years, or get those D1/D1AA kids who get in trouble, flunk out, kicked out...etc. We do this every year. Unless you PLAYED college ball you don't really have a concept of how fast it is transitioning from HS to the college level, even when you are REALLY talented the mental aspect and processing is so much faster. Several of those all-star HS players will play as true freshman, MANY will not and will red-shirt or play a handful of downs but not rotate in more than 15-20 percent of the snaps. Now, could a fluke happen and HS upset a small college...not likely but it's possible. Heck AP State upset Michigan a few years ago and AP State had ZERO 4 or 5 star players and Michigan has more stars than our galaxy! LOL There is always a chance for an upset. But until we get a chance to see something like this, and I am all for it, it will always be a fun debate.
  8. Agree completely, but nothing exterior will EVER prevent the brain from moving on the interior. All of those things mentioned though will help prevent head an neck trauma and that is an absolute necessity. I know there are several youth leagues around the country that make NFL Heads up training a must if you wanna coach...it all starts there folks. Train the youth coaches and you change the culture of HOW to tackle.
  9. Keep in mind, this is voted on by the coaches across the state. They make these determinations based on film they see and games they see certain players. IF a kid doesn't stand out in those few instances, then they usually don't garner a vote. Coaches also swap players for votes to get their kids on the list. Also keep in mind, most of you are like the coaches, you don't see many games outside your region of the state. Fans have bias...so do coaches. I know of several kids that are on the list because of their dad's being coaches...nothing wrong with it in my book. It is what it is. Congrats to all the kids that made the teams! This will mean something to those kids. It usually doesn't correlate to college recruiting, colleges don't concern themselves with stats either. Height, weight, 40, look test, and camp performances are what get your scholarship solidified, not newspaper clips. LOL
  10. We do this every year...no, and it wouldn't be close. Way too much difference in a 22 year old man and an 18 year old (4 more years experience, focus on 1 sport the entire time/year round, fundamentals/coaching, overall strength/speed/agility, football intelligence...etc. Couldn't beat the worst NAIA/Div 3 team. Apples and oranges.
  11. I think we see that a lot in sports. Do what the guys did before you and it's not as successful. Wonder if that was due to not having the experience in it that Beamer had?? Not sure, but Beamer ran it well at Murray.
  12. Agree, but even more so due to his alignment and the alignment of the DT's, IMO. It's very tough to run between the tackles in this defense. Don't see it very often anymore with the spread teams exploiting it on the perimeter...but still a very good defense in it's day.
  13. Your center better be a stud to wall off the BS ILB. When he reads pull his ONLY responsibility it fit right now. We have played a couple WT6 guys who play 2's over the years against heavy trap and option teams...it's a mother to try and trap those guys. It's all those 2's care about shutting down.
  14. Positive-Very tough vs the run. Beamer at VT ran it at Murray and at VT when he first got there before modifying it to his "G" scheme and robber tech in the secondary. Weakness-Flats...period! Still a very good defense, I know North Hardin ran it back when Jaggers was there and they were pretty good defensively.
  15. I wouldn't think being in a district with Trinity is a plus...push maybe. It is open enrollment, but kids have to find their own way out of network is my understanding of JCPS (limited knowledge mind you). I don't see Ballard as a better option than Manual. IMO. Still a good job in Louisville though, that's for sure.
  16. Yes, if you were getting rid of one. Mike left on his own. He led them to the semi's a year ago...this was his call, not admin. I wouldn't think they had one lined up as this was a shock to most. Recruiting won't easier at Ballard than Manual will it? Manual is one of only a small handful that COULD (we know the issues) pull from anywhere in the county...Ballard can only provide transportation for those in their network correct?
  17. Coach Brophy posts a good rundown in his blog, but at the end of the day the issue is always going to be primarily in the NFL. The body can adjust to the types of impacts made on a youth, middle, high, and even college level. But when you have "super" athletes in the NFL having collisions, the body was never designed to and cannot take the force impact...that whole physics thing. Concussions will ALWAYS be an issue. Helmets can help stop HEAD trauma, but will NEVER eliminate concussions (brain trauma). The brain is a free floating organ and when it's set in motion (you moving) and the head is violently stopped abruptly (mostly when head hits the ground-rare are the concussions from head to head due to the neck being a flexible area for the head to bobble or move upon) then you have the brain being stopped by the skull...and thus the concussion. Helmets CANNOT prevent this...nothing can. Same reason you can get concussions riding your bike, playing ANY ground based sports, skateboarding, trampoline bouncing....etc. The only way to stop a concussion...don't move. My concern as a dad when my son plays little league has ZERO to do with head to head contact, but rather his head hitting the ground. Exponentially higher chance for a concussion than any head to head contact. Even in head to head contact you usually see a neck issue, which is a subject in itself. Will the movie change football...probably not. Those who have concerns would more than likely have not allowed their child to play anyway, but what I find odd is how the spotlight is more on football than soccer....far more concussions in that sport. In fact the US soccer commission has banned heading the ball in youth soccer...didn't see that one hit the national headlines did we??
  18. I'm with villecoach on this one. With loss of students, jobs, and the schools size I don't know that this one is a top tier job anymore. I do believe it was at one time, but those days on Log Mountain have passed. Not to say they won't have an occasional run, but IMO it's no longer a Tier 1 job...Tier 2 mountain job and probably a Tier 3 or 4 across the state. GOOD job yes, GREAT job not anymore. Not a slight in the least to those kids and community, just one guys opinion.
  19. I am sure the IRS would investigate this type of thing. Every board of education I am aware of requires all income to be run through the board for tax purposes, retirement, etc. Not saying it doesn't happen...in fact I know it does, but I know it's not legal. But hey...who am I to judge. LOL
  20. I know Rush and when Hoover was on top of their game and a top 5 team in the country year in and year out (they were terrible when he took them over and Colquitt was not prize either) his ego had grown out of control...BUT he was humbled. When I spoke to him a few months after his "resignation" from Hoover he was devastated and admitted things just got out of control, terribly out of control. Having dealt with cancer also changed him...he's not the same guy he was, but is absolutely the same coach he has always been. An intense competitor who demands the best of his players and coaches. He's paid for his personal issues and has resurrected a team, and his personal life. The head butt is no big deal, no worse than slapping a kid on the helmet to get him to wake up and get in the game. The kid was in NO harm and the stitches Rush would have needed will remind him not to do that one again. No harm no foul. He's one of the top coaches in the country...proved it at 2 different schools that he took from mediocre to national power. Love him or hate him, you can't refute what his programs have accomplished. To put it in perspective when Rush took over Hoover they hadn't been better than .500 in several years (3-7, 3-7, 4-6 the 3 years previous to Rush). He took them to 6 title games, winning 5 in his 9 years. Niblett took over Hoover as a national power after Rush and has been there 8 years and only 3 titles.
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