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Everything posted by dawgs83

  1. You would think he would do things right. This is the same person Deon Lee who was involved in the Northwestern point shaving scandal back in the 90's
  2. Ultra man was the best. Used to watch Presto the clown, Ultra man, Spider man, and Speed racer. The neighborhood shut down from 3:00-5:00.
  3. Bullitt East is 19-10 lost in first round to Fairdale. Central started 0-8 while Coach Bibby gave the football players time off from state championship. Most of the schools in the 7th region double the enrollment in the 6th. PRP, Butler, and Southern are the only ones that play 6A football. Most of the teams in 6th are 4A or lower. Enrollment has dropped at a lot of schools in the 6th. I think that has made an impact.
  4. In the 24th district each team boys and girls get 30 passes to take care of your team, coaches, managers, support staff, and family. Each Schools administrators pass is accepted
  5. Every year Duke and UNC seem to be a top 5 program. Thats directly related to recruiting.
  6. This was the Gators first Tournament. They have only had 2 practices. Most of the the players are from Louisville and they just finished up their middle school season. One is from Radcliff and three are from Bardstown. Bardstown's Jordan Hickmans younger brother Jarrett plays on the team. They finished 7th in last years D-2 nationals at the KBA. This year they have plans of going to D-1. They have a big rivalry with the Legends but the Legends always seem to get the best of them.
  7. Bullitt Central is struggling this year. Coach Joe Pat Lee decided to change the way they are playing and have fun. They are basically playing the Grinnell style up tempo game. They are trying to shoot within 12 seconds and either force their opponnent into a turnover or shoot within 12 seconds. They have everyone up after a basket or turnover and try and trap you. They dont get back and teams are scoring easy layups. They have been giving up over 100 pts a game. Iroquois scored 113 last night. They are going to shoot 30+ threes and trap and gamble in the half ct on D. The kids seem to be having fun with it. However, giving up close to 100 pts a game and getting beat by 25+ each night doesnt seem like a lot of fun. Their best player is TJ Fleener. He can shoot the three from deep. They have a nice Freshman pt guard in Caleb Craddock who has a good future a head of him. Bullitt Central has a really good freshman group
  8. Seeding rewards teams that play well in the regular season and is the only fair way. Everyone gets to participate in the post season should be the reward or fairness for weaker teams
  9. 7th grade the Ky Gators will be good. Based out of louisville, they finished 7th in D-2 nationals last year. Will have basically everyone back with a couple of additions.
  10. No Bye weeks next year if you use both of your scrimmages.
  11. Bobby Petrino left and Kragthorpe couldnt handle the kids in the program. He was left 20 starters off the Orange bowl team. The defections are continuing with players and coaches leaving. He wants all straight laced character kids in his program. Good luck finding 100 kids to be perfect.
  12. I agree. Too much negativity at UOFL right now. I think Brohm could use a year or two under Coach Schnellenberger. He has done a great job building that program. Brohms stock was high under Petrino turning down the OC job at Alabama. Not sure where he is now. Learn how to build a program from one of the best then come back. UofL will definitely be rebuilding awhile as long as the current coach is there.
  13. Do you think he will win two national championships at Minnesota. Thats what he would have to do to better his stay at UK. Also, Is Tubby being mentioned for the Arizona job?
  14. Sanford did not play the last game due to knee injury. I think he played hurt the first two games. As for Cox, should have been on the all tournament team. I think he got more than a bone with the spirit award that includes a $1000 scholarship
  15. They did and he missed a big free throw with the game tied at 67. He went 1/2 with 15 seconds left. Would have put them up two instead of one. He played well though. He had to do it all: handle the ball, rebound and score
  16. Its hard being a cowboy fan right now. Jerry Jones is getting what he deserves. When you have problem players like TO, Pac man Jones, and Williams your not going to win. Why would Detroit just gve Williams away. Like an earlier post said the cancer has spread. Im actually pulling fo the Giants. Coach Coughlin stuck to his principles whether it cost him his job or not and its paying off. You dont hear Tiki Barber running it anymore. Got rid of Shockey and now Burris. Jones needs to clean house and do things the right way.
  17. Would making a 100 on a rules test make you a good coach? I would rather my coach know how to attack a match-up zone or be able to draw up a last second shot to win a game in the last second. Then to know exactly what the over and back rule specifies. I would think most coaches at the high school level or above know the basic rules. If not the KHSAA sends each coach a rule book each year for specifications. The mandatory rules clinic is to update coaches about changes and what officials will be emphasizing in the coming year.
  18. I definitely agree that the coaching is better at T & X. My question to this is how many classes do Beatty and Glaser teach. Most public schools coaches have to teach 5 classes. Depending upon your subject and Principal, a class can leagally have up to I believe 30 students. Thats a possible 150 papers to grade. Now granted some principals lighten their loads and give them a duty period usually lunch. Public school coaches technically only get one planning period. A lot of public school coaches dont have assistant coaches teaching in the building. This all adds up to possible disorganization. For example, Fairdale coach Jon Miller has no assistant coaches in the building. he teaches a self-contained class of special needs children all day with last period planning. Some of those planning periods are taken up by IEP meetings with parents.
  19. Don't be mislead by open enrollment. Schools do not have to accept kids outside of their district through open enrollment. Principals do not like to accept kids through open enrollment unless they have good grades, attendance, and are overall good kids. Once a school accepts a kid through open enrollment that school becomes his or her home school for four years and cannot be removed. Most principals will accept kids on a hardship transfer because if it doesnt work out the transfer can be revoked and that kid would have to return to his home school. Bigger schools in Jeff.Co may accept more openly. Smaller schools in Jeff. Co that worry about their CATS scores will not accept kids just because they are good athletes if they are not good students.
  20. Long snappers on the other hand usually make pretty good offensive lineman in high school. Thats just players at UofL. How many more are at other colleges. As for Male they are usually the only public school that can compete with X & T. Redman has won Three titles there. Those kids on UofL's roster won a lot of games at Male including beating X twice in one year before losing to Trinity on a goal line stance. These schools have good football players and lots of them. If you dont want to call them "athletes" so be it. You need to define what an athlete is in Football. If I recall last years courier Journal preview had a picture of Coach Glaser standing in front of his ofensive line which averaged like 6'3 285 lbs. Now maybe they are not good athletes but I bet they can open some holes for running backs to run through.
  21. I was looking at St.X web site and found that 9 players from ST.X are on UofL's football roster this year. Not bad for not being good athletes. X & T have dominated high school football for the last 40 years and it will continue. They have the players, coaches, facilities, and tradition. St. X usually graduates 40 Seniors every year. Very few games with X & T have even been competitive this year http://www.saintx.com/page.cfm?p=415&newsid=46
  22. The 6th region has some good teams but know great teams early. The Morris kid gives Fairdale size and and a physical game. Hard to replace 15 pts and 8 rebs per game. I relaly liked Highlands. How many football players will play.
  23. Highlands looked very good. They were very physical and played hard. Fairdale really missed Quintrel Morris in the game. Coach suspended him for the scrimmage.
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