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Akin named Lady Royals new head coach

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Did Joey Thacker apply?


Yes he did, Coach Akin was hired over Coach Thacker from Franklin County and a gentlemen from Ohio with state final appearances. I am assuming the other interview of the finalists went to Coach Butler. Best of luck to Coach Aiken!

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I am suprised we are not hearing from the faithful Mason fans who always post?? What are their thoughts?





I noticed at the induction that only a couple parents showed up. I overheard a conversation and from what I heard the parents aren't happy with administrations decision to hire from the outside.



I still want a confirmation that the girls had their banquet at DeShas sans coaching staff... anyone?

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I am suprised we are not hearing from the faithful Mason fans who always post?? What are their thoughts?




I'm thinking Akin had more time to devote to basketball than some of the others. My daughter played JV and freshman this past season. She said they all had a good first impression but want to see how it goes when practices start.


I think player development can play a huge role. I don't feel Mason County has done a good job of that on the girl's side. Too much bad mouthing and not enough encouragement.

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I'm thinking Akin had more time to devote to basketball than some of the others. My daughter played JV and freshman this past season. She said they all had a good first impression but want to see how it goes when practices start.


I think player development can play a huge role. I don't feel Mason County has done a good job of that on the girl's side. Too much bad mouthing and not enough encouragement.



More time to devote to basketball? What's that mean? I would say any of the candidates interviewed were willing to devote the necessary time to the program.


What's Brian Littleton and Jason Butler done the past several years? Littleton is instrumental in the development of the girls at an early age and Butler has dedicated time to the program for 10+ years.


I agree that Akin deserves a chance to prove herself but please admit that she wasn't the most basketball qualified for that position.

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More time to devote to basketball? What's that mean? I would say any of the candidates interviewed were willing to devote the necessary time to the program.


What's Brian Littleton and Jason Butler done the past several years? Littleton is instrumental in the development of the girls at an early age and Butler has dedicated time to the program for 10+ years.


I agree that Akin deserves a chance to prove herself but please admit that she wasn't the most basketball qualified for that position.


Not sure who Brian Littleton is. Jason doesn't work in the school system and has work obligations outside the system. Did Jason apply? I assume Akin will teach and be there during school hours which Littleton and Butler wouldn't be. I think that makes a difference. If I was a principal or superentindent, I would want all my head coaches to be full-time employees of the school system.


I'm not going say she's not the most qualified. That's yet to be proven. Pat Summit was originally hired as the assistant women's basketball coach at Tennessee. The woman originally hired as head coach left before they started playing or practicing (maybe). I seriously doubt that whomever that woman was, who was considered more qualified, would have come close to performing as well as Summit.

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Her assistants should be Tim Moore, Kelly Middleton, and Steve Appleman. Talking about a credible staff with lots of knowledge.


Does that mean that that's who they are or that's who they should be?

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Her assistants should be Tim Moore, Kelly Middleton, and Steve Appleman. Talking about a credible staff with lots of knowledge.


As I said before, basketball knowledge is easy to come by. Former Tennessee coach, Bruce Pearl, never played but made a pretty good coach. He'd still be at Tennessee if not fior NCAA violations, and some other indiscretions. Best coach I ever had was student teacher in the 8th grade who had never coached before. He went on to coach junior college 7 years, winning his conference every year.


Seriously, I'm sure plenty of the applicants, maybe all, had the prerequisite knowledge. It's the instilling confidence, building team spirit, and getting them to play at 100% 100% of the time that makes the difference. Sounds like Appleman, et al see this in Akin.

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If you don't know Brian "Rabbitt" Littleton then you must not be from Mason County. Brian played on the 1981 and 82 Mason County championships seasons and have basically started, ran and coached our girls youth program for several years. He has coached over 400 games in AAU and has some really good girls coming up. Akin and Appleman talked about the feeder program and it is basically ready to go Thanks to Brian, Darrin Poe and others. Brian was willing to quit his job at UPS for the job and would have not only been in the school everyday but would have lived in the gym. This was his dream coaching job.

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