SouthernSportsFan Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 I'm sure there have been threads about this before, but lets start another. What was your first vehicle? Also, include the year of the car and the year you got it and just whatever else you would like to add.
rockmom Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 72 Buick Skylark, black, rebuilt with a 351 under the hood. I had it about 8 months before I totaled it. :cry: Bought it in 1984 for $1200.
Watusi Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 74 Ford F100 Ranger Pickup (full size) Rebuilt with a 78 351 Windsor engine. Three speed standard on the column Bought in 1983 for $1800 when I was a Jr in High School I paid the insurance and about half the payments and the gas It was beat up, but I loved it It looked like this, only blue and not nearly as pretty .
MBWC41 Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 I was actually fortunate enough to get a new car for my 16th birthday. I got a 2001 Chevy Blazer in 2001.
iamapt Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 1966 Charger, man it would fly, and gas was no problem, 8-10 miles per gallon (30 cents a gallon) is still cheaper than today. (ok accountants dont do the adjusted to todays money thing.) It was so cool, had electric windows and some days they actually worked. Four bucket seats and the back two folded down/the trunk divider released and had eight feet of carpet to the back, i'm told they now bring 40-60,000 restored, traded it in to Bob Hook for a Chevy Van in 73, got $200 for it.
Hangman Posted March 10, 2010 Posted March 10, 2010 A 2000 Sunfire, in which I replaced the power steering pump three times within a year period. I got in the car every day afraid that my steering wheel wouldn't turn. It sucked. :lol:
GaViking Posted March 10, 2010 Posted March 10, 2010 Bought a new 1977 Mustang II. Payments were 132.00 a month for 3 years.
7thcorpsFA Posted March 10, 2010 Posted March 10, 2010 66 Olds.442 Bought it in 75 for $900.00 from a friend who had to many points on his license to drive it. The speedo went to 140mph and it could and did get buried many times. Outran the Ft. Thomas police twice and on the way home from Ft. Knox outran the State Police on I-71. The speedo was buried when he clocked me so he didn't stand a chance. Wrecked it the same night while in a Wiedeman induced drag race. Totalled it and lucky to be alive. Oh, I almost forgot about the big back seat for entertaining the ladies!
MJAlltheWay24 Posted March 10, 2010 Posted March 10, 2010 1995 Nissan 200 SX (Purple) Got it my sophomore year, 2002. I loved that car lol.
halfback20 Posted March 10, 2010 Posted March 10, 2010 1996 Chevy S-10. It went through 3-4 transmissions...
Clyde Posted March 10, 2010 Posted March 10, 2010 69 Chevelle that I bought for $50. Used more oil than gas.
swamprat Posted March 10, 2010 Posted March 10, 2010 1970 AMC Hornet with a Torque Command 199 straight 6.
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