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Fort Knox Football - Community feeds Eagles ‘Losing Streak’

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GREAT article!! That is exactly what needs to be said. Those things are terrible. I grew up on a military post and you pride yourself on being a "seperate" community. A community that pulls together because of the unique situation that you have over the civilian population. These kids need the people that they rely on most, those on post. Just like a soldier needs his post to support him when many are against his battle, these kids need their post to support them in the battle to beat this streak! It's easy to be on the band wagon, now it's time for the folks at Fort Knox to put up or shut up...get behind your boys and they might just surprise you!

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Great job and I am glad this guy has the guts to right this article, it happens to often with high school sports. I think people forget that these are kids and they don't get paid a dime to play. Most of the people who are critical could not even tie up their own cleats and lack the integrity to get behind a team in their commuity and would rather criticize to make themselves better. Again Hats off Mr. Ally

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Why don't teams like this meet up and play? They aren't the only ones with long losing streaks. For example, a Fort Knox/Bracken Co. agreement sounds like it'd be great for both sides. Atleast one of them would get a win. It would also give the students the rare opportunity to get truly excited about a game at those schools. Seems like teams like this (which are all over) playing each other should just be done in non-district scheduling.

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The problem at Ft. Knox is not the people in and around Knox speaking the truth about the football program. The Eagles have a better than average possibility of setting a new record for games lost. The problem is nobody in an administrative role at FKHS is facing the truth and making some hard changes. FKHS needs a complete overhaul of the coaching staff, not many places you can keep a job these days and produce nothing.


Fort Campbell's football program was a dismal mess prior to Coach Shawn Berner's hiring. He gets hired, has a rough first season and the rest is well, you know the rest of the FC story!

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The problem at Ft. Knox is not the people in and around Knox speaking the truth about the football program. The Eagles have a better than average possibility of setting a new record for games lost. The problem is nobody in an administrative role at FKHS is facing the truth and making some hard changes. FKHS needs a complete overhaul of the coaching staff, not many places you can keep a job these days and produce nothing.


Fort Campbell's football program was a dismal mess prior to Coach Shawn Berner's hiring. He gets hired, has a rough first season and the rest is well, you know the rest of the FC story!

Apparently you didn't read the article. I bet it would be a hard turn around for a coach to change the mind set of a team and even harder a community. Especially when they haven't won a game since 05? The coach hasn't had enough time to establish himself and you want him fired? Remember this isn't college football you are dealing with...you can only do so much with the hand you are dealt. Good luck to the team...I hope they get win this weekend.

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Apparently you didn't read the article. I bet it would be a hard turn around for a coach to change the mind set of a team and even harder a community. Especially when they haven't won a game since 05? The coach hasn't had enough time to establish himself and you want him fired? Remember this isn't college football you are dealing with...you can only do so much with the hand you are dealt. Good luck to the team...I hope they get win this weekend.


I read the complete article.


I could care less whether they fire the coach or not. I don't have a dog in this hunt.


I do know what a quality coaching staff can bring to a program though. Those kids at FKHS come and go, most of the population at Fort Knox comes and goes. A solid coaching staff can stay for a long, long, time and make a huge difference. It all starts and ends with the head coach - both success and failure.

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Great job and I am glad this guy has the guts to right this article, it happens to often with high school sports. I think people forget that these are kids and they don't get paid a dime to play. Most of the people who are critical could not even tie up their own cleats and lack the integrity to get behind a team in their commuity and would rather criticize to make themselves better. Again Hats off Mr. Ally


Gal and Mrs., just so you know. :thumb:

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I don't buy it... I played against Ft. Knox in their good years when they had Derik Homer and we had to play them at Ft. Knox, at that time they had great community support and the Military on that base really helped to stoke the intimidation factor. If you want better support, field a better team. It's hard for a community to have swagger when your team doesn’t allow you to back it up...

In other words lack of fan support is a consequence of losing 38 strait, not a contributor...

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I don't buy it... I played against Ft. Knox in their good years when they had Derik Homer and we had to play them at Ft. Knox, at that time they had great community support and the Military on that base really helped to stoke the intimidation factor. If you want better support, field a better team. It's hard for a community to have swagger when your team doesn’t allow you to back it up...

In other words lack of fan support is a consequence of losing 38 strait, not a contributor...


Well stated! :ylsuper:

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I don't have a dog in the hunt either, but I think that community support goes a real long way.


I feel that SEMPERFIFALCON made a good point with the "cause and effect" analogy of the team and the community, but I would like to break it down.


If a young man has a mother that contstantly berates him on a regular basis, says that he won't amount to much and that it's not even worth trying. She shows him, through her lack of support, that she could care less about him and what he accomplishes....and if there is an accomplishment, she dismisses it. If that young man isn't getting a positive outlook at home, how will he ever succeed? The young man periodically stays with a family (from time to time) that enforces positive standards with him and his outlook, on life in general....really does change. He believes that there is hope and he can accomplish things.


I really feel that if the Fort Knox Public wouldn't publicly humiliate them and actually get behind them, then they COULD start to see a change.


Now, with all that said.....there is an awful lot that needs to change at Fort Knox for them to become as successful as they once were, that much I agree to.


I feel for these kids, if they don't win tonight.....there's a chance that there are some players on the team could go their entire high school football "career" without having won a high school game at all. They don't need the public ridicule to go along with that.


With all of the success and turnaround that Fort Campbell has had, does anyone here REALLY know how Coach Berner got the job at Fort Campbell? Was it because the school administration was looking for a winner? Were they actively searching out coaches that wanted to make a difference? Was the then athletic director adament about finding the next Urban Meyer at the high school level? If you do know the real reason, PM me, I'd like to hear it.



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