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Obama blasts Bush over 'Nazi' comments

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The words terrorist and radicals are very objective words. Some would consider Americans radical capitalists, or even as far as terrorists. We have understand that though we see them as the bad guy , and have things to back that label up with, they have just as much proof or reasons as to why they think we are terrorists or radicals. Its not because they "hate freedom, or just hate America" they have strong logical reasons; just as we do.


You say that radicals dont deserve to be on this earth, What about radical Christians, or Radical republicans? Or do you expect the entire world to use your definition of the word?


You believe in that moral equivenlency stuff. They may try to sound logical in their beliefs to win converts, but evil is still evil. Would you say the same thing if it was the KKK trying to convince people join in their distorted views of race?

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Thank you, there were more Saudis on the suicide planes than any other country, at least that is my understanding.
Everybody who was convicted in the Oklahoma City bombing was an American but that does not make our government a terrorist organization.
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The words terrorist and radicals are very objective words. Some would consider Americans radical capitalists, or even as far as terrorists. We have understand that though we see them as the bad guy , and have things to back that label up with, they have just as much proof or reasons as to why they think we are terrorists or radicals. Its not because they "hate freedom, or just hate America" they have strong logical reasons; just as we do.


You say that radicals dont deserve to be on this earth, What about radical Christians, or Radical republicans? Or do you expect the entire world to use your definition of the word?

Let me be first to say, "Death to terrorist Republicans! Death to terrorist Christians! Death to terrorist Muslims!" Now, if my chant were to suddenly become reality, how do you think the world's relative populations of Republicans, Christians, and Muslims would be affected? How many Republican and Christian head choppers do you believe that there are in this world? How many Republicans and Christians do you believe exist on this planet who believe that a daughter's rape demands her death for the sake of family honor?


Regardless of where one chooses to draw the line between "radicals" and "terrorists," the number of Islamic terrorists will dwarf the number of terrorists who walk among the two groups that you mentioned. (It is curious how you omitted Democrats from you examples of radicals. :lol: )

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Let me be first to say, "Death to terrorist Republicans! Death to terrorist Christians! Death to terrorist Muslims!" Now, if my chant were to suddenly become reality, how do you think the world's relative populations of Republicans, Christians, and Muslims would be affected? How many Republican and Christian head choppers do you believe that there are in this world? How many Republicans and Christians do you believe exist on this planet who believe that a daughter's rape demands her death for the sake of family honor?


Regardless of where one chooses to draw the line between "radicals" and "terrorists," the number of Islamic terrorists will dwarf the number of terrorists who walk among the two groups that you mentioned. (It is curious how you omitted Democrats from you examples of radicals. :lol: )


I figured radical liberals get a beating on this board, was giving them a break.:laugh:

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Barack Obama on negotiating with our enemies:


This has been the history of US diplomacy until very recently. This whole notion of not talking to people -- it didn't hold in the 60's, it didn't hold in the 70's, it didn't hold in the 80's, it didn't hold in the 90's; against much more powerful adversaries; much more dangerous adversaries. When Kennedy met with Khrushchev, we were on the brink of nuclear war.


Barack is showing a stunning ignorance of history with this quote. First, the US and the USSR were not on the brink of nuclear war when Khrushchev and Kennedy met in June, 1961. Second, Kennedy had just recently took office and his inexperience in dealing with world leaders showed at this summit. Khrushchev interpreted Kennedy's poor showing as a sign of weakness and decided that the USSR could take advantage of Kennedy. Fifteen months later the US and USSR were on the brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile and a significant factor leading to the crisis was Krushchev's conviction that he could push Kennedy around. Kennedy handled that crisis better than he did the earlier summit but the fact remains one of the causes that brought the world closest it has ever been to nuclear war was an ill-prepared, inexperienced President meeting with an enemy looking to gain power at the expense of the US.

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Barack Obama on negotiating with our enemies:


This has been the history of US diplomacy until very recently. This whole notion of not talking to people -- it didn't hold in the 60's, it didn't hold in the 70's, it didn't hold in the 80's, it didn't hold in the 90's; against much more powerful adversaries; much more dangerous adversaries. When Kennedy met with Khrushchev, we were on the brink of nuclear war.


Barack is showing a stunning ignorance of history with this quote. First, the US and the USSR were not on the brink of nuclear war when Khrushchev and Kennedy met in June, 1961. Second, Kennedy had just recently took office and his inexperience in dealing with world leaders showed at this summit. Khrushchev interpreted Kennedy's poor showing as a sign of weakness and decided that the USSR could take advantage of Kennedy. Fifteen months later the US and USSR were on the brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile and a significant factor leading to the crisis was Krushchev's conviction that he could push Kennedy around. Kennedy handled that crisis better than he did the earlier summit but the fact remains one of the causes that brought the world closest it has ever been to nuclear war was an ill-prepared, inexperienced President meeting with an enemy looking to gain power at the expense of the US.

:thumb: I agree. Kennedy's incompetence encouraged the Soviets to place missiles in Cuba, just as an inexperienced Carter precipitated the creation of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The presidency is no place for on the job training to develop basic negotiating skills.
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A few notes about diplomacy between the US and other countries in the 50's 60's, 70's, and 80's:



The People's Republic of China was established in 1949. The US did not have an ambassador to that government until 30 years later in 1979. Coincidentally, Jimmy Carter was President in 1979.


The US cut off diplomatic relations with Libya in 1980 and did not restore them until 2006.


The Republic of Vietnam was established in 1975. The US did not have diplomatic relations with Vietnam until 1995 and did not send an ambassador to Vietnam until 1997.


These are just three examples where the US has chosen either to limit or eliminate discussions with certain governments during the period that Obama claims we had no such policy.

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Barack Obama on negotiating with our enemies:


This has been the history of US diplomacy until very recently. This whole notion of not talking to people -- it didn't hold in the 60's, it didn't hold in the 70's, it didn't hold in the 80's, it didn't hold in the 90's; against much more powerful adversaries; much more dangerous adversaries. When Kennedy met with Khrushchev, we were on the brink of nuclear war.


Barack is showing a stunning ignorance of history with this quote. First, the US and the USSR were not on the brink of nuclear war when Khrushchev and Kennedy met in June, 1961. Second, Kennedy had just recently took office and his inexperience in dealing with world leaders showed at this summit. Khrushchev interpreted Kennedy's poor showing as a sign of weakness and decided that the USSR could take advantage of Kennedy. Fifteen months later the US and USSR were on the brink of nuclear war during the Cuban Missile and a significant factor leading to the crisis was Krushchev's conviction that he could push Kennedy around. Kennedy handled that crisis better than he did the earlier summit but the fact remains one of the causes that brought the world closest it has ever been to nuclear war was an ill-prepared, inexperienced President meeting with an enemy looking to gain power at the expense of the US.


You failed to mention the Bay of Pigs Fiasco that brought along Kruschev's cockiness.

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Besides Hamas, FARC is also hoping for an Obama victory. I imagine that all US enemies are pulling for him.



Despicable comment. Typical of the Karl Rove playbook. Attack your opponent's patriotism when your own party's accomplishments are lacking. It brings me no pleasure to remind you that our own intelligence community says that the Iraq war has become a terrorist recruiting tool and that most observers outside the administration's inner circle of koolaid drinkers believes it has made the United States less safe from international terrorism. One could even argue that Bush and his Republican enablers have given the Islamic extremists far more than they could have hoped for by entrenching our military in an endless, asymmetrical struggle with an undefinable enemy in the heart of the Middle East. Yes, Bush and Co. sure hustled the heck out of the "terrorists".


I guess if I was blindly supporting such a failed policy, I would be trying everything (including the dishonorable enterprise of trying to smear an opponent based on wholly speculative tripe).

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Despicable comment. Typical of the Karl Rove playbook. Attack your opponent's patriotism when your own party's accomplishments are lacking. It brings me no pleasure to remind you that our own intelligence community says that the Iraq war has become a terrorist recruiting tool and that most observers outside the administration's inner circle of koolaid drinkers believes it has made the United States less safe from international terrorism. One could even argue that Bush and his Republican enablers have given the Islamic extremists far more than they could have hoped for by entrenching our military in an endless, asymmetrical struggle with an undefinable enemy in the heart of the Middle East. Yes, Bush and Co. sure hustled the heck out of the "terrorists".


I guess if I was blindly supporting such a failed policy, I would be trying everything (including the dishonorable enterprise of trying to smear an opponent based on wholly speculative tripe).

What does Karl Rove have to do with these facts?


1) After killing FARC #2 leader Paul Reyes, Columbia recovered two laptops. On one of the laptops, the following reference to Obama was recovered:


"6. Los gringos pedirán cita con el ministro para solicitarle nos comunicara su interés en conversar estos temas. Dicen que el nuevo presidente de su país será Obama y que ellos están interesados en sus compatriotas. Obama no apoyara Plan Colombia ni firma de TLC. Aquí respondimos que nos interesan las relaciones con todos los gobiernos en igualdad de condiciones y que en el caso de Estados Unidos se requiere in pronunciamiento público expresando su interés en conversar con las Farc dada su eterna guerra con nosotros.


Es todo, Abrazos, Raúl."



6. The gringos will ask for an appointment with the minister to solicit him to communicate to us his interest in discussing these topics. They say that the new president of their country will be Obama and that they are interested in your compatriots. Obama will not support "Plan Colombia" nor will he sign the TLC (Colombian Free Trade agreement). Here we responded that we are interested in relations with all governments in equality of conditions and that in the case of the US it is required a public pronouncement expressing their interest in talking with the FARC given their eternal war against us.


BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombian guerrilla computer documents that Bogota says are proof Venezuela and Ecuador supported the Marxist rebels are authentic and show no evidence of tampering, Interpol said on Thursday.


The international police agency's conclusion reinforces Colombian and U.S. officials' charges that the files show Venezuela backed the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC.


But Interpol said it did not verify the files' contents, leaving open to debate whether they tie Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Latin America's oldest insurgency.


"Interpol concludes there was no tampering with any data," Interpol chief Richard Noble said through an interpreter in a Bogota. "We are absolutely certain that the computer discs our experts examined came from a FARC terrorist camp." - Interpol says Colombia FARC laptop files authentic

2) Hamas political advisor to Hamas's "Prime Minister" in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, has publicly stated that Hamas hopes for an Obama victory.


"I understand American politics, and this is the season for elections, and everybody tries to sound like he's a friend of the Israelis ... so whatever [the] Israelis didn't like they will take from all those candidates," Yousuf said.


Yousuf said that in Hamas' view, Obama has "a vision to change America to make it in a position to lead the world community but not with humiliation and arrogance." Click here to listen

Facts are stubborn things and I can understand why Obama supporters might find these facts despicable but can we not disagree on Obama's policies without being disagreeable?

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You failed to mention the Bay of Pigs Fiasco that brought along Kruschev's cockiness.


Certainly the Bay of Pigs did nothing to raise Kruschev's opinion of Kennedy but it's worth noting that Kruschev did not wait for the Bay of Pigs before acting. He began almost immediately after meeting Kennedy. Construction of the Berlin Wall began in August, 1961; just two months after the summit.

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