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New research finds that conservatives are happier than liberals

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I think the happiest individuals are those that recognize we come on this Earth , not to change others' way of thinking, not to get others' to do what we think they should do, not to inhibit others, but to love and nurture our own inner being, and learn how to manifest all of the things that will bring us happiness and pure joy.

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I think the happiest individuals are those that recognize we come on this Earth , not to change others' way of thinking, not to get others' to do what we think they should do, not to inhibit others, but to love and nurture our own inner being, and learn how to manifest all of the things that will bring us happiness and pure joy.


:thumb: That is why conservatives are so happy, all we want is the government to leave us alone, so we can take care of ourselves. Not too much to ask

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I think the happiest individuals are those that recognize we come on this Earth , not to change others' way of thinking, not to get others' to do what we think they should do, not to inhibit others, but to love and nurture our own inner being, and learn how to manifest all of the things that will bring us happiness and pure joy.


1 Corinthians 10:22-24 (New International Version)

New International Version (NIV)


23"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive. 24Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

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My wife was telling me about the book Givers and Takers. It basically says that from their research, the image of conservatives and liberals is backwards. Liberals think money is more important, tend to make more money and give less than charity. There was much more.

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I agree. The story is extremely slanted in its wording. Conservatives are more likely to strongly believe that equal opportunity does not produce equal outcomes, but according to the article I am just "explaining away" differences in people's statuses.


The objective of this study seems to be to explain away the results of the earlier Pew study.


I wonder if the researchers ever considered the possibility that people who believe that they have some control over their own lives are happier than those who believe that they are somebody else's powerless victims?


Actually ,I think Independents are happier...we tend to take all the studies and reports compiled from each side,allow the methane from such to seep into the atmosphere,and make up our own minds.:D

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