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Would you vote for a qualified candidate that was...  

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  1. 1. Would you vote for a qualified candidate that was...

    • Jewish
    • An Atheist
    • Black
    • Catholic
    • A homosexual
    • A woman
    • Mormon
    • Hispanic
    • Seventy-two years of age
    • Married for the third time

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Would you FIRE someone or NOT hire someone if you understood that person to be gay or atheist?
Entirely too many legal ramifications, for the scenario you just mentioned....but my answer would be NO, I would not fire them.


Would I hire an atheist, honestly.....NO, as I would give more credence to another candidate and keep the reasons to myself, if I knew ahead of time....just being honest.


Would I hire a "gay", your term.....YES, if they were qualified for the position, in which I was hiring them.


With that said, I don't want either quality in the President of the United States, which was the original content of this thread and my response, as it applies.

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I would not vote for a homosexual running for President, but would consider voting for one running for lesser public offices. I would not vote for an atheist running for any public office.


I would consider voting for an agnostic - but somebody who professes to know for a fact that God does not exist has a few screws loose IMHO.

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I think it does. You well know that I put family very high on my list of priorities. A person like Rudy G who has consistently shown an inability to keep his family together, hasn't he been married 3 times, I think shows a lack of something. Either poor judgement, rushing to judgement, lack of commitment, something. I think CONSISTENT failure in your private life is a indication of your ability to do a job.


One divorce is another thing but when you consistently fail at something, it speaks.


As far as religious faiths, I could not support a candidate that openly does not believe in Jesus Christ and his lifestyle would be a model standing in contrast to the model that Jesus Christ wants his followers to live. (For those of you ready to Christian bash, NOTICE I said the life Jesus Christ wants us to live AND NOT the way Christians live today.:p )


As far as homosexuality, I think that is a lifestyle harmful to this country.

I agree with all that you have said, life and style are the same . We are a nation under God and must remember this, for the good of our country.

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Yeah, its a shame something like the law and rights get in the way to do what one really wants to do!
This is a weak slap.


Just because something is legal does not make it the right thing to do. Abortion is legal, I personally think it is not right in almost every circumstance. It is rare that an abortion is performed to actually save a mother's life, or in the wake of a rape. It is legal to drink, smoke and have sex with virtually anyone of legal age... that doesn't make it right to do so.


My point is, this is a lot deeper than any blanket solution or simple answer can adequately cover.

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This is a weak slap.


Just because something is legal does not make it the right thing to do. Abortion is legal, I personally think it is not right in almost every circumstance. It is rare that an abortion is performed to actually save a mother's life, or in the wake of a rape. It is legal to drink, smoke and have sex with virtually anyone of legal age... that doesn't make it right to do so.


My point is, this is a lot deeper than any blanket solution or simple answer can adequately cover.


And in the course of history, time and again laws come about to push the right above the opinion. There are particular exceptions, granted. Abortion is one, if for no other reason medical advances have made the procedure and need obsolete. Yet, there are many more instances where laws have made the difference over the objections of personal opinion for the better of our community.

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And in the course of history, time and again laws come about to push the right above the opinion. There are particular exceptions, granted. Abortion is one, if for no other reason medical advances have made the procedure and need obsolete. Yet, there are many more instances where laws have made the difference over the objections of personal opinion for the better of our community.
I can agree with you in general terms, but to insist that every person technically qualified to do a job should be hired regardless of their personal inclinations or choices is not good business nor social practice IMO.


How much sense would it make to hire a NAMBLA activist with a degree in education to teach at an all boy's school? He may sue the school for discrimination, and by a narrow interpretation of he law in certain jurisdictions could even win his case. That would not make it wise nor prudent to employ such an individual for that job.


There are many other real world situations in which the hiring of an individual with a specific belief set or lifestyle would be counterproductive, dangerous or destructive. This is not a situation of, "We're not hiring someone because they were born with dark skin, or different genetalia." You can't just toss a blanket "everybody is equal regardless or what they believe or how they act" out there and say that those who disagree are bigots. It's not that simple, and to enforce laws without discernment is foolish.

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