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South Laurel 20 North Laurel 7


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I'm not sure if it was that South's defense stepped up or North's offense didn't bother to show up. NL had way too many turnovers, again, and the play calling was extremely repetitive. I'm truly confused about the Wardrup hype after the last 2 weeks. He is athletic and he can throw the ball deep but when the opponent is catching more of your QB's passes than you are then it doesn't do you any good. The only thing I can see that's impressive about the kid is when he actually makes a decision to run the ball he has the speed and cutting ability to pick up yards.


I don't know what the NL coaching staff is thinking running Ryan Setters up the middle every other play, that was the most ridiculous play calling I've ever seen. The kid is quick and needs to run more sweeps or reverses but he most definitely does not need to be running up the gut as much. I was really looking forward to this season NL has a ton of talent, but it seems that they are going down that all too familiar road to shooting themselves in the foot. Could be a really really long season.

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I'm not sure if it was that South's defense stepped up or North's offense didn't bother to show up. NL had way too many turnovers, again, and the play calling was extremely repetitive. I'm truly confused about the Wardrup hype after the last 2 weeks. He is athletic and he can throw the ball deep but when the opponent is catching more of your QB's passes than you are then it doesn't do you any good. The only thing I can see that's impressive about the kid is when he actually makes a decision to run the ball he has the speed and cutting ability to pick up yards.


What's your axe to grind with Adrian? He's a 16 year old kid, please give him a break. How many passes did his receivers drop tonight?

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Adrian played a very fine game ... He was 6-of-9 passing and ran the ball well.


I agree. Had at least one pass dropped, the int at the end was off the NL receivers hands, and SL made an excellent play to get the int.


This was a good ballgame. NL had a couple of plays go bad for them to start the 4th quarter, and it ended up doing them in.


I know this might be stating the obvious, but Ricky Bowling is an excellent high school quarterback.

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What's your axe to grind with Adrian? He's a 16 year old kid, please give him a break. How many passes did his receivers drop tonight?



How many were actually catchable? I have no axe to grind with the kid, he's talented tons, but every game he has 3 or 4 costly turnovers and nothing is ever said about that, it's blamed on his receivers or his center or the O line. If he is going to be QB then he needs to step up lead his team and take the blame when it's his. I also think the coaches need to quit blaming everyone but him, let him know when he messes up. I know he's a sixteen year old kid so are alot of the other players on that team. He's a sophomore, starting his 2nd year at varsity QB with the same plays from a year ago and yet there's not much if any improvement just more turnovers. He doesn't get disciplined from the coaches like a learning and maturing player/QB needs. They don't need to be telling him it's Ok and blaming everyone else they need to be helping him to grow so he can be an asset to this team in its entirety.

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How many were actually catchable? I have no axe to grind with the kid, he's talented tons, but every game he has 3 or 4 costly turnovers and nothing is ever said about that, it's blamed on his receivers or his center or the O line. If he is going to be QB then he needs to step up lead his team and take the blame when it's his. I also think the coaches need to quit blaming everyone but him, let him know when he messes up. I know he's a sixteen year old kid so are alot of the other players on that team. He's a sophomore, starting his 2nd year at varsity QB with the same plays from a year ago and yet there's not much if any improvement just more turnovers. He doesn't get disciplined from the coaches like a learning and maturing player/QB needs. They don't need to be telling him it's Ok and blaming everyone else they need to be helping him to grow so he can be an asset to this team in its entirety.


If he was 6/9 he must not have had too many uncatchable balls. I know for a fact that he had one pass that hit his receiver right on the numbers, and it fell incomplete. That is a 67% completion rate, what % is acceptable? He did not have 3 or 4 costly turnovers tonight. If he did, please remind me of them.


Please explain why he should take the blame for this loss. It was a team loss. If one wanted to point out the plays that factored into the loss, I can guarantee you that Adrian was not involved in them. I cannot speak for the discipline of the coach, you'll have to ask the coaches.

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