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Belfry Boy,when ever I have responded to anything on this site with a question I give scripture to explain what I'm saying. You said "Tongues is a prayer language for God. Satan can hear your every conversation with God, but not in heavenly language". Are these comments based on scripture, or is it your thoughts. "Prayer language for God? And Satan hears our conversations, but not in heavenly language? What scripture do you use to explain that?


Rock, is someone putting the Preacher up, giving him a place to sleep? Hope he stays for several weeks.

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Rock, is someone putting the Preacher up, giving him a place to sleep? Hope he stays for several weeks.


He came down is his car, and the church took up a "secret" (yeah right) offering for him. They collected enough to buy him a mobile home thingy. It is one of those drag-a-long trailer things. He was so happy that he cried, but could you blame him. So yeah, he has a place to stay.


One thing I forgot to mention is that he was originally scheduled for a one time thing about 3 weeks ago on a Sunday night, and a church about 4 miles down the road called Pine Hill Holiness was supposed to have him for 4 days (that Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning and night). Pine Hill is going to get him for a Sunday morning and night service whenever, if ever, that the Brush Creek revival is over.

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1st Corinthians 13:8 "Love never fails, but where there are prophecies, they will CEASE; where there are tongues, they will be STILLED; where there is knowledge; it will PASS." verse 9 says..."For we know in part and we prophesy in part, verse 10 but when perfection comes, the imperfect DISAPPEARS."



These three things cease because they are partial in nature and will be unneccesary.


Glad to hear people are hearing the Gospel. Philippians 1:18




I guess when you were reading 1st Corinthians you missed chapter 14 because it says: (1st Corinthians 14:4,5) "He who speaks in tongues edifies himself...I would like every one of you to speak in tongues"


explain that to me how you can spin one verse in 1st Corinthians one way and I can take a verse from THE SAME BOOK and they can mean TWO different things? It's called P.O.V. Point of view. I can look at something one way and you can look at it another. Guess who that makes right? Both of us. I don't think the authors of the Bible wrote it in the language they did so we would all think the EXACT same way. It is written the way it is so we can take our personal beliefs, (TO AN EXTENT) and follow them.


And about 1st Corinthians 13:10-but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.


PLEASE tell me when perfection came to earth because I missed it:D


I like these discussions, and I appreciate all of you who have read this thread because it is drawing attention to the revival and the cause for Christianity.

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Belfry Boy,when ever I have responded to anything on this site with a question I give scripture to explain what I'm saying. You said "Tongues is a prayer language for God. Satan can hear your every conversation with God, but not in heavenly language". Are these comments based on scripture, or is it your thoughts. "Prayer language for God?


Rock, is someone putting the Preacher up, giving him a place to sleep? Hope he stays for several weeks.


In response to the Scriptural evidence, here it is:


1st Corinthians 14:2

For anyone who speaks in tongues does not speak to men but to God. Indeed, no one understand him; he utters mysteries with his spirit

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There is something I have never quite understood about the speaking in tongues of modern day.


The account of the Day of Pentecost, when Peter preached the first gospel sermon, tells of all the apostles speaking and everyone understood every word they were speaking. There were present peoples of different nations, all who spoke and understood their own native language, and the Apostles were all Galileans.


They weren't speaking jibberish, their words were not unintelligible babbling. No, on the contrary, EVERYONE understood EVERY word, regardless of what nationality they were. And I don't see how that example translates into the speaking in tongues we see today. Please know that I'm not being snide, I'd just like to be able to understand it better.


Acts 2:12-13


12 Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, "What does this mean?" 13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine."


I can understand hearing an argument saying, "They may have accused them of being drunk but they could still understand them." Whatever.

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Rock, I've said this before. My wife and I disagree on certain Bible verses.


I have people in my church that I love, and we disagree.


My brother is in the same faith as you.


We all are like that were we have different interpretations, as long as we respect each other.


Keep up with the updates.

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:cry: sad news:cry:


The revival is officially over and here are the final numbers:


4 people recieved the Holy Ghost


1 woman "officially" cured of cancer


32 people saved


18 "re-saved"/rededicated


any questions let me know, because I am sure that a few questions will be coming.

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