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Bush wants 245 Billion more of our dollars

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Bardstown's bourbon economy will be doing well, because apparently several in this thread have spiked their Kool-Aid for the Super Bowl.


LOL - that's fair enough, Hearsay.


I guess I could schedule some visitation time to the various mental health centers around the state, just to comfort those that continue to insist that the Democrats got us into this war, or that this "surge" will somehow turn the tide, and save the legacy of their "golden boy" - W.




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LOL - that's fair enough, Hearsay.


I guess I could schedule some visitation time to the various mental health centers around the state, just to comfort those that continue to insist that the Democrats got us into this war, or that this "surge" will somehow turn the tide, and save the legacy of their "golden boy" - W.




Who made that claim?
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The final responsibility for ordering the Iraq invasion rests squarely with GWB. The Congress gave him the authority to use military force--it didn't order the invasion and it didn't completely mismanage the last 4 years by deploying far too few troops, failing to secure the borders, failing to secure the weapons caches, failing to protect the insfrastructure, disbanding the Iraqi civilian administration, and failing to redevelop the Iraqi economy. The Congress has given Bush every emergency funding request he has asked for since from the beginning. And his administration has bungled the war in every conceivable way. He will clearly bear the burden of this failure in the history books in 5, 10, 100 years.
Somehow, I think you missed what I was saying.
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Really? What's that opinion based on? The National Intelligence Estimate has reported that the Iraq war has become a rallying cry for Jihadists and a tremendous recruiting tool for radical Islam. The final, teetering justification for the war (creating a beacon of democracy in the Middle East) is about as likely now as 25 cent a gallon gasoline. I know some desperately want to believe Bush's war was the right decision, but at some point you've got to join the rest of us in reality.


Your version of reality, you mean? No thanks. Nice job of totally ignoring the total lack of success they've had in mounting another attack on american soil and the stories about breaking up attacks around the world and killing one leader after another. I guess you missed them as they're usually buried DEEP in the news.

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Yep....we helped create thousands of more terrorist, we helped every single nation in the world to lose any fear, respect or sympathy that they had for America after 9-11, we helped spend 700 Billion tax dollars that could have spent much more wisely, we helped 3000 young people to their early grave, we helped another 20,000 learn to use their new arms and legs,we helped to totally destroy a country that never attacked America or Americans. We helped OBL live to continue his stratogy in Afganistan. We helped the Defense Department completely deplete it's resources of available soliders,

we helped a handful of contractors become super rich, we helped the Mid East become more unstable then it has ever been....we helped.


Keep subscribing to your talking points DD, you're doing great.

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Your version of reality, you mean? No thanks. Nice job of totally ignoring the total lack of success they've had in mounting another attack on american soil and the stories about breaking up attacks around the world and killing one leader after another. I guess you missed them as they're usually buried DEEP in the news.

I think we should all be very thankful for the success that we have had at preventing attacks. I also think that if you notice, most of that success in breaking up plots against the US or Britain have been as a result of very good police work. Protecting the US from terrorists will continue to be a police/intelligence effort, not primarily a military effort. Using the military to break up terror training cells will also be important (see Afganistan, not Iraq). Perphaps we read and watch different news, but I have seen capture of terrorists featured very prominantly on the news. Did you miss the coverage of the planned beheading in Britain? I don't watch Fox or read the Washington Times. Did they fail to cover it? NBC gave it a lot of time.

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Your version of reality, you mean? No thanks. Nice job of totally ignoring the total lack of success they've had in mounting another attack on american soil and the stories about breaking up attacks around the world and killing one leader after another. I guess you missed them as they're usually buried DEEP in the news.


Show me a connection between the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the prevention of any terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

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Show me a connection between the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the prevention of any terrorist attack on U.S. soil.


I don't feel there was a viable Al-Qaida link with Iraq. But, al-Zarqawi was killed there...you'll have to square with that if you are going to say that no terrorist attacks have been prevented.

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... al-Zarqawi was killed there...you'll have to square with that if you are going to say that no terrorist attacks have been prevented.


Let me get this straight.


You are attempting to place the burden of proof on H, to provide evidence (that cannot possibly exist) that a hypothetical crime never took place because a terrorist is no longer alive.


Now THAT my friend, is magic!




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I don't feel there was a viable Al-Qaida link with Iraq. But, al-Zarqawi was killed there...you'll have to square with that if you are going to say that no terrorist attacks have been prevented.



First of all, we made al-Zarqawi by giving him a cause (the invasion and occupation of Iraq) and a very visible stage on which to gain 'notoriety'. Secondly, if we hadn't invaded Iraq, where's the proof that this hitherto nobody would have had the wherewithal or support to do one bit of harm to the U.S.?


Remember, Afghanistan's fingerprints were all over 9/11 and al Qaida's prior activities. Pre-war Iraq has never been shown to have had much, if any, meaningful involvement in sponsorship of terrorism against the U.S.

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