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NKBBCA All-Stars

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Can’t go wrong with Harding or Sisson. Ben Sisson has grown more than any player I have seen in his years at Highlands. From bit player in middle school to conference player of the year! Some college somewhere is going to get a steal! Great kid, great teammate, and as competitive a player as I have seen. Congrats Mr. Sisson! Looking forward to seeing you in regionals this year!


I saw representatives from Wooster College at the Beechwood-Highlands game on Friday. Not sure if they were there for Sisson.

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The Northern Kentucky Boys Basketball Coaches Association (NKBBCA) awards are voted on, by division, by the coaches from that division, in All-Opponent format - meaning that you can't vote for your own player.


KABC is a vote of ALL of the Region's coaches (or members) who are members of the KABC. Not all schools/coaches are members of the KABC.


Therefore, only Beechwood, Lloyd, Holy Cross, Highlands, Holmes, St. Henry, NCC, and Brossart had the option of voting for Harding. And all of the above, plus Newport, and minus Highlands, had the option of voting for Sisson.

It is done by secret ballot of the coaches on a point based system, with 12 points being the highest, and 1 point being the lowest. The votes are tabulated at the NKBBCA Coaches meeting which was held Saturday morning.


I'm pointing this out only to show the differences in how the KABC, and the NKBBCA choose their honorees.


Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than myself might fine-tune my analysis.

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Congratulations to all the players but especially to Vince Rankin of Ryle and Michael Spencer of Cooper.


So proud of both of those young men.


Vince deserves a medal. Played hard despite a roster that became thinner each year he has played at Ryle. If there were an award for best player in the worst possible situation, Vince would be the unanimous winner!!

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