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How Do You Feel About People Who Are Agnostic?

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The question-how do you feel about people who are agnostic?


First, I love them then I pray their hearts are softened toward God so they may believe in Jesus & seek the peace that passes all understanding. My mind keeps going to John 3:16:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


I have friends who are agnostic & love them as I do my fellow Christian friends but as a Christian I feel sad for them. I'm not a perfect person but a sinner saved from hell by the grace of God. Life here on earth is so short, everlasting life is forever. I've wrestled with loss of love ones especially the last 2 years but God has been with me & I pray those who are agnostic get to experience the peace that passes understanding.

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  • 5 months later...
I am one that you described as "seeks the truth." I believe in the possibility of there being a higher power, but, prove it to me. I've had people say "Well how could this (insert random thing or happening) be without God?" and then I give them ways it could be without the presence of a higher power. I hope that when I challenge people on things like that they aren't offended or take it personal, but that's just how my mind works.


I don’t speak out loud much about my beliefs:


I have pondered all this as well, but I have conceded that the mysteries of the universe and the mystery of faith is beyond my current level of comprehension. I do know that my life, at some very low points, when I prayed and allowed things to take their course, turned in ways that I would not have imagined and better than I would have imagined. There have been things in my life where disaster could have happened, and it didn’t, and times where it did. Both cases caused me to examine but reaffirm my faith in a higher influence...which I will call the Father, his Son and the Holy Spirit. I was brought up in Church, but I struggle with organized religion, and I admit have some cynicism towards some, of which I am not proud. At the end of the day, I respect each individual’s right to think and believe as they will in their search for happiness and fulfillment.

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