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Royal/Bulldog Documentary

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I have a good friend in film school. He and I are have been playing around with the idea of making a documentary about the Maysville/Mason County rivalry. Much of that would mainly depend on who we can get for on-camera interviews, but before we do anything I need to do some research and I seem have hit a wall. Thanks to our friend Danny Weddle I have access to every Mason County roster in history. The trouble is I have no statistics to tie to the names on those rosters. I have no way of knowing who the starters were. I have no information on individual game performances. I have no information on opponents' rosters. The situation get's worse with Maysville, as it is almost impossible to find a printed Bulldogs roster from before the mid-80s, let alone stats. I have been able to gather some basic details from Danny's blogs and the folks at 1. Home (great resource for KHSAA nerds), as well as other postings on BGP. But to even begin to unpack this near six decade long story I need season averages, box scores, position listings, height and weight listings, college information, the works for both teams as well as their key opponents. So here I begin the daunting task of compiling that information. I will also need plenty of still images, radio sound-bites, and digital copies of old game footage should any exist. If anyone has any of these things on your computer (or in hard copy that you can scan/transfer on to your computer) I would be forever grateful if you could send them to royalbulldog2018@gmail.com If you also happen to have friends and/or relatives in possession of same, I would be equally grateful if you would reach out to them via the Facebook and Twitter machine to pass along this message and encourage as many people as possible to contribute.


There are no wrong answers. If it is in any way related to Maysville, Mason County, John G Fee, Orangeburg, Mayslick, Minerva, St. Patrick, or any of their key opponents and rivals, we are interested.


If you do send photos, film, or audio please include a brief description (who, what, when, and where) so that we have context


In closing I want it to be known that my reverence for this historic rivalry is absolute. I grew up in Maysville and was raised on stories of these legendary encounters. It is to me, more than anything, what makes our area unique. So if/when we do go ahead with this project, I guarantee that we will be 100% dedicated to making sure this story is told the right way and (as much as possible) by people who were there to witness it.

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Sounds cool, but a more-than-usual daunting task. I just added a ton of stuff to my collection, but it's more of the same there...and not nearly enough of the kind of info you need.


You've got more guts than I...to start that big a project with that little to go on.


Sic 'em!

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Sumo, Danny Weddle, and Ron Bailey would be great resources for this project.


When I was a young assistant football coach at Paris HS, I was always impressed with the effort and ability of the Maysville HS & Mason County HS basketball players. It was fun to watch those kids play.


When I became the head football coach at Mason County, post-merger, I was impressed with those kids and really enjoyed coaching them for 19 years.

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Sumo, Danny Weddle, and Ron Bailey would be great resources for this project.


When I was a young assistant football coach at Paris HS, I was always impressed with the effort and ability of the Maysville HS & Mason County HS basketball players. It was fun to watch those kids play.


When I became the head football coach at Mason County, post-merger, I was impressed with those kids and really enjoyed coaching them for 19 years.


Just got through speaking with Sumo, have tried to get things from Danny and Ron but they're both so in demand it's hard to pin them down if you don't know them that well, so for one reason or another it never happened. Even then I still need photos, film, audio, and personal interviews that they can't provide. It would have to come from the players themselves or their families. The material necessary to do this exists, the problem is that SOOOOO many different people have pieces of it. I made this post in the hopes that people would be into the idea and this would go somewhat viral. Then the people close to the people I need would get in their ears and convince them to help us out. So if anyone really would like to see a (admittedly smaller-budget) 30 for 30 style doc about what is imo the greatest rivalry in KHSAA history, I need you SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!

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Also if we end up being able to do this first one and it goes over well, I'm not opposed to doing more of these. Schools like Bracken/Augusta, Fleming County, Paris/Bourbon, Brossart, and naturally for me St. Patrick; Figures like Chris Lofton, Darius Miller, Alvin Simms, Chirs Harrison, and Coach Feldhaus; as well as stuff like the history of the KHSAL, and the late 70s Fieldhouse mini-riot are what interest me in particular.

Edited by mtb19
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Also if we end up being able to do this first one and it goes over well, I'm not opposed to doing more of these. Schools like Bracken/Augusta, Fleming County, Paris/Bourbon, Brossart, and naturally for me St. Patrick; Figures like Chris Lofton, Darius Miller, Alvin Simms, Chirs Harrison, and Coach Feldhaus; as well as stuff like the history of the KHSAL, and the late 70s Fieldhouse mini-riot are what interest me in particular.

Bracken and Augusta would be easy, I can tell you who has all that stuff. Maybe start another thread

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Bracken and Augusta would be easy, I can tell you who has all that stuff. Maybe start another thread


Not as easy as you may think, consider Bracken's 50's teams, audio is suspect, video is likely non-existent, and nobody on earth wants to listen to me just talk to people for 2 hours, and I can't use a narrator without anything to narrate.

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