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Why was President Carter so bad of a President?

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I believe it was more of an "ounce of prevention" problem. Carter was perceived by everyone as weak and the Soviets came in knowing he would take no action. I agree once they got IN his options were limited and he had to "accept" or nuke or let them have their own Vietnam; which they did. But there was no fear of Jimmy. Case in point, when Reagan got sworn in, the hostages were released in minutes because purportedly that the Iranians both hated Carter and FEARED Reagan. I think the latter played a great deal in their thinking. And Kaddafi ? straightened up considerably under Ron after a few spankings.



I respect your opinion and disagreement. But I do think it was not Fear that they had of Reagan. It was hatred for Carter and if you like conspiracy theorists, it was an inside deal that later turned into arms sales and bucks for the Iranians with a secondary party being the Contras.

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I respect your opinion and disagreement. But I do think it was not Fear that they had of Reagan. It was hatred for Carter and if you like conspiracy theorists, it was an inside deal that later turned into arms sales and bucks for the Iranians with a secondary party being the Contras.


That may be correct. I'm not sure and it may be a mixture. Likewise, I have read many of your previous posts and certainly respect your opinion on these matters. :thumb:

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All in all, I think that Carter was a good man that just wasn't up to the job due to a combination of circumstances, timing, luck and his own limitations.

I voted for Jimmy Carter simply because he was not like the other Washington Democrats and because Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon.


Carter could not get down to earth things through a LIBERAL congress who appeared to hamstring him.


I still think he's a good man, I just wish he'd keep his mouth shut!!!!!

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