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Where Do We Go From Here?


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This one is for the Democrats on the forums. Even setting aside the presidential election, last night was a complete disaster for the Democratic Party, especially here locally.


The Kentucky GOP is going to control the state legislature for the first time in a century. The US Senate looked like a very winnable prize for the Dems but that fell short as well.


Will Democrats take any valuable lessons from this night? What lessons are those?

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I'm a conservative, so I'm not your target audience here. But I always looked up to the Democratic party as the more unified party and that is why they are good at winning elections. I don't understand what happened.


I think that's changed a lot in recent years. There's some great writing on how and why that happened, but the biggest problem, at least in Kentucky, is that the Democrats nationally have become the party of major urban areas with a social and economic agenda that is just completely different from the populist roots of most of last century.


There's a lot of truth to the idea that the Democrats flat abandoned these folks and the election results yesterday (especially in Eastern Kentucky) seem to bear that out.

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What "guys in Frankfort" are you talking about? The Democrats that are packing their offices?


The guys that sit in that little building off I-64 and are supposed to be giving the state party its direction. I thought it couldn't get any worse than Jack Conway's recent runs for office. I was wrong.

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I'm a conservative, so I'm not your target audience here. But I always looked up to the Democratic party as the more unified party and that is why they are good at winning elections. I don't understand what happened.


Hillary Clinton happened. She is a boil on the behind of the Democratic Party. Maybe that boil got lanced last night.

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The Democratic Party is unified, and their message resonates with a majority or at least half of Americans nationally. They just didn't vote as they did for Obama. There are probably many reasons for that with Hilary being the #1 reason. Trump, like Obama was able to get his supporters to vote, especially in key states.


On the state level the KDP is pretty much up against it. We are a lily white, Christian, and conservative as a demographic state. It ain't changing in the near future. Outside chance to get the governorship, because it is only one position, but very doubtful. No chance that I can see in the legislative branches. Too many seats to beat.

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Don't forget though macdon, the Democratic party created that boil.


No one wanted her, not even the democrats. The only ones that did were the life long politicians inside the party. The DNC alone created that boil by ignoring the public and sabotaging Sanders campaign.


Even when they were busted when it was leaked they purposely fixed the nomination election using Super Delegates to reverse what the people wanted, they were arrogant enough to think they could still control the public in who would be the next President. They along with the media were so arrogant they thought they could pick and choose who they wanted. It backfired, even after the leaked emails came out they were still arrogant enough to not even address them as if we are all stupid enough to just brush it off.


America won last night. We made a statement that we won't sit back like lemmings and vote for who they tell us to vote for.


This can do nothing but help both parties to straighten up their act.

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See I don't view HRC as the face of the Democrats any more than I view Trump as the face of the GOP.


Today she is not the face of the Democratic Party. Up until about midnight last night she was who the DNC wanted to be the face of the Party.


Like the picture of Dorian Gray the picture voters had in their minds of Hillary Clinton just got worse and worse as time went on. Eventually the ugliness affected how they felt about other Democratic candidates.


Result in Kentucky...Republican Governor, Republican Senate, Republican House, Republican Senators, Republican Representatives.

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Today she is not the face of the Democratic Party. Up until about midnight last night she was who the DNC wanted to be the face of the Party.


Like the picture of Dorian Gray the picture voters had in their minds of Hillary Clinton just got worse and worse as time went on. Eventually the ugliness affected how they felt about other Democratic candidates.


Result in Kentucky...Republican Governor, Republican Senate, Republican House, Republican Senators, Republican Representatives.

God I hate that book. But the analogy here makes perfect sense.

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Don't forget though macdon, the Democratic party created that boil.


No one wanted her, not even the democrats. The only ones that did were the life long politicians inside the party. The DNC alone created that boil by ignoring the public and sabotaging Sanders campaign.


Even when they were busted when it was leaked they purposely fixed the nomination election using Super Delegates to reverse what the people wanted, they were arrogant enough to think they could still control the public in who would be the next President. They along with the media were so arrogant they thought they could pick and choose who they wanted. It backfired, even after the leaked emails came out they were still arrogant enough to not even address them as if we are all stupid enough to just brush it off.


America won last night. We made a statement that we won't sit back like lemmings and vote for who they tell us to vote for.


This can do nothing but help both parties to straighten up their act.

The bold is my opinion as well. There is too much access to information today to with social media to be uninformed. People are tired of politicians having a public stance to get elected and a private stance that they will actually do. They lie to get elected and do nothing for the people that elected them, then rinse and repeat every 2 or 4 years. People have finally figured out this history and said see ya!

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