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Boone Co v Ryle Districts Predictions

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Boone at least knows Ryle's area code.


I think, more importantly, Boone has figured themselves out. IMO, the last few games Boone has started its best team. The starting lineup that they have gone with lately I think represents their best chance to win. Coach has been moving guys around throughout the season figuring where they play best and which combinations seem to work. Coach has guys where their strengths can be maximized and weaknesses are minimized. The fullback called Ziggy has elevated his game as the season has gone on. He is really playing well. Both fullbacks are. The defense is pretty solid right now. Dahms almost didn't play this season. I don't know what Boone would have done had he not. They rely on his play and on his leadership. I can't say enough about the two guys Boone plays between the pipes. They are both really, really good. There is little difference between them. Espinoza and Benjamin, Boone is really loaded at Keeper. I was not at the last match-up between Boone and Ryle but I have heard on a couple of occasions that Espinoza, who was in goal for that game, played lights out. If Espinoza is in goal it allows Benjamin to play in the field and he has some skill and he knows how to attack the goal. He is definitely an asset up top. If Benjamin is in goal then Espinoza is added strength for the defense and there is no drop off when substitution is made.


The mid needs to come out aggressively, not necessarily physical, but aggressively attacking the ball. Create passing lanes and find feet. The front line needs to shoot, shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. I'd like to see them work together a little more in creating an open shot. But once it's there, shoot quickly. They won't have much time to get a shot off. They are playing with confidence.


I don't know if this will be enough against Ryle. I am sure, though they didn't intend to, they were looking past Boone last time. I think they'll be ready and determined this time. I know Boone is. Could be the makings for a very exciting match.

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