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I didn't think I had it in me …

Jim Schue

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As a general rule, I'm not a movie guy. Too short of an attention span, and most movies suck anyway, so I've never really much felt like I missed anything of note. I average about one trip to the theatre every 3-4 years, and I watched the latest Hobbit flick about a month ago.


That said, I've been binging heavily the past few days, especially with Marvel Comics flicks that I've been meaning to catch up on. Here's the list since Saturday:


X-Men First Class

Iron Man

Iron Man 2

Iron Man 3


Thor: The Dark World


And I'm in the process of plowing through "American Hustle" right now. Note that all of these run 2 hours or longer. I've also been Netflix binging on 30-for-30 docs that I hadn't seen before — something like 4 or 5 of them.


Kind of impressive, all things considered.

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I can kinda relate. I go through spells. I typically lean towards independent and/or foreign films, but only treat myself once in a blue moon. I typically have zero interest in what is pushed in the mainstream. I find some movies more interesting and believable when I don't know who the actors are. When I do finally sit still long enough I always tell myself afterwards that I need to do it more often, but still never do. Whenever I do absorb a really good movie it undoubtedly will stick with me in my head for at least a good couple of days and opens my head with new intriguing thoughts. I know that at the end of my life there will be thousands of movies that I missed that I just know would've been right up my tree if I had just taken the time. It gives me a bit of anxiety actually because I don't know where to start and ordinarily I don't make much effort at getting a bunch of those movies off of my bucket list.

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That's some serious movie watching.


I thought American Hustle was pretty solid. I think I've seen Iron Man I & II, not sure if I have seen III.


See, part of my problem is a weird OCD thing. That I had not seen that one final X-Men flick that I missed bothered me terribly. Really, really terribly.


The thought of watching two of the three Iron Man flicks and leaving myself hanging on the third was rather unbearable. I needed completion.

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See, part of my problem is a weird OCD thing. That I had not seen that one final X-Men flick that I missed bothered me terribly. Really, really terribly.


The thought of watching two of the three Iron Man flicks and leaving myself hanging on the third was rather unbearable. I needed completion.


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As a general rule, I'm not a movie guy. Too short of an attention span, and most movies suck anyway, so I've never really much felt like I missed anything of note. I average about one trip to the theatre every 3-4 years, and I watched the latest Hobbit flick about a month ago.


That said, I've been binging heavily the past few days, especially with Marvel Comics flicks that I've been meaning to catch up on. Here's the list since Saturday:


X-Men First Class

Iron Man

Iron Man 2

Iron Man 3


Thor: The Dark World


And I'm in the process of plowing through "American Hustle" right now. Note that all of these run 2 hours or longer. I've also been Netflix binging on 30-for-30 docs that I hadn't seen before — something like 4 or 5 of them.


Kind of impressive, all things considered.

Well seeing how The Hobbit was the first movie you've seen in years I now understand why you don't go but maybe once every 3-4 years ;)

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