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How to take a half a million dollar vacation


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I'm going to say Freedom of Information Act is how they got info from the SS.


Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said it took his group “two years and a lawsuit to get these documents out of the Obama administration.”


Read more: Michelle Obama | Travel | Expenses | Spain | The Daily Caller


These costs are estimated per the article you linked. Do the estimates include salaries of SS agents?


Did it include salaries for the pilots?


Did it use an hourly rate to assign a cost to the plane itself?

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Found another article that says the Air Force uses an hourly rate to determine plane costs (not sure if that includes costs for the pilots or not).


Let's say they use a rate of $10k per hour (no clue what the actual rate is). Let's say the plane is used for 20 hours. 20*10k=$200k.


We all do realize, right, that that is not new actual dollars being added onto the costs of having a President? Right? The plane has already been paid for. The pilots salaries are already paid for and would be the same if they never left Andrews AFB. Other than the fuel (and 75Center can correct me on any other item I might be missing) the "cost" of $200k has already been spent and is not new $$ being spent.


Be upset about fuel cost being spent if that gets you upset. However, at least try to understand how "costs" work. Realize there are all kinds of "costs." Heck, if you ask a car guy what cost they have in a new car they have in inventory he might give you 3 different answers and all are correct but you have to know what "cost" means in each instance.


This is a tired topic but obviously an Obama vacation that includes the "ugly" Michelle Obama (his words) gets him riled up and sends him to his keyboard.

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Not sure how Judicial Watch gets info or cost, but they are non biased, so apparently something isn't right about the cost. As for the ugly Michelle Obama, you said it, not me, I think she is very attractive, but too high maintenance.

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So you agree with my assessment on the true incremental costs in post 11?


Maybe, kind of, sort of, still motels and etc was very costly, I'm sure she could go to the Cinn Zoo and wear ordinary clothes and no one would even recognize her. So why spend so much tax money on extravagant outings. It only makes her and her husband look bad. Do they deserve vacations, sure, but not every month.

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