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Everything posted by iamapt

  1. Why does someone who is from out of state, who has been arrested in China protesting Tibet, arrested in Louisiana over the oil spill, come to KY?
  2. In no order: 1- Our Boys 2- Teasing Secrets From The Dead, Emily Craig, KY forensic anthropologist 3- My Enemy-My Friend General Dan Cherry, Bowling Green 4- Granpappy Was Airborne, Bart Hagerman, World War II vet 5- Stories From Kentucky Courtrooms 6- Stories From Kentucky Doctors 7- Memoires of a Madame, the Story of Pauline Tabor, Bowling Green 8- Where The Birds Never Sings, World War II from Omaha Beach to Germany, Jack Sacco 9- Twelve Mighty Orphans, the story of Masonic Home for orphans in Depression who play football, Texas High School 10- King Kelly Coleman, by Gary West 11- Jack, Jack Welch 12- Purpose Driven Life, Warren 13- Band Of Brothers 14- The Millionaire Next Door 15- The Bible
  3. Tie between Elton John at Middle Tenn University when he introduced Good Bye Yellow Brick Road, such a great begining in dark with "funeral foe a friend", lights gradually came up to a layer of fog even with the keyboard, looked like he was suspended in the fog. The other was Jackson Browne, someone had previously mentioned. Also at MTSU, he played thru intermission while his band took break. Said he was booed off stage years before in Tenn and was going to make it up. He did.
  4. 1969, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap in fairgrounds in Louisville. On baseball field. I was so impressed with the fact they switched instruments in between each song. My first orchestra I ever heard live was in VanMeter Auditorium at Western. I had to go because of a music appreciation class to see "Madame Butterfly". Not only was this an opera , but there was a huge keg party going on I had to miss. When the orchestra started playing it was one of those moments you always remember when you aren't expecting much. It was the cleanest, most perfect sound I had ever heard. I have no idea what the song was, I just was blown away by the purity of those instruments.
  5. Does anyone remember "The Stimulator"? It was a hand held stimulator shaped like a lipstick tube with a plunger on the end. The other end was placed over an area that hurt, and delivered an electric shock. Endoresed by Evil Knevil, Billy Casper. Four easy payments of 39.95. They were busted when it was discovered it was actually a gas grill ignitor available at Ace Hardware for 4.95.
  6. Kinda like my new diet book coming out. Based upon the belief if you drink a coke when eating a candy bar, the acid in the coke eats the calories, so you won't gain weight!
  7. Good rule of thumb, "Never buy anything advertised after midnight on tv." this is about as blatant a piece of horse hockey I have ever seen.
  8. The Long Gray Line, 1955, Tyrone Power, Maureen O'Hare, John Wayne's son, Peter Graves, story of Marty Maher, who came from Ireland and became a beloved instructor at West Point. He was hired as a waiter and broke so many dishes he had to join the Army to pay for them. Has the clip of around 1912 when Army played Notre Dame in football, that featured the first forward pass offense. If you are a fan of West Point, this is a classic. Filmed on location in the summer to not disrupt the normal activity. True story.
  9. We're not big but we're slow. Johnny Majors
  10. My sophomore year we (Shelby County) played at Oldham County and got coins thrown at us, it was 1968, and I think I got a little over 1.50, good money back then. It was over such an important thing that I have no idea what it was now. That was basketball though. I do think your right that foul language is much more common place now, reflection of our society.
  11. When you go into the different parks go to the left, everybody goes to the right.
  12. Not what I said. Teachers change lives every day. Thank goodness they do. I have had family in the education industry. Everyone on this board, has been favorably influenced by a person who went beyond the norm. But the fact remains, the biggest factor in predicting grades remains what is expected in that kids home. Norman Vincent Peale had a great story about a professor in college, who had a class go to an inner city school I believe in Baltimore, and interview at risk kids for a project. A few years later he got an idea to see what became of those kids. Extensive methods were used to trace them down, fully expecting to find them in prisons, dead, on drugs. To his surprise, almost every kid had attended college, or made a successful life. His research found one common denominator, they had all been influenced by a teacher who had that passion, that drive that her kids were going to make it. Absolutely teachers make the difference, not 585 million dollar facilities, not "testing", not technology, but good ole fashioned caring individuals.
  13. You may have replied to wrong quote, this particular study had nothing to do with millionaires. Indicator just like most things in life, we tend to reach what we really shoot for. The best teacher in world can change only a few of those who are satisfied with just getting by.
  14. He was paralyzed in a diving accident while at Harvard Medical school. Despite this he graduated, he drives himself in a space age van, featured in Time Magazine. While many on this thread may blindly see him as a typical old conservative, you may be surprised, opposes death penalty, opposes torture with exceptions for times when immediate danger is present. When others may follow party lines he tends to grasp the overall picture and is not afraid to voice his opinion. He despite one of the greatest handicaps, became enormously successful in the great American Tradition, hard work. Perhaps the label someone gave him as elitist, should be changed to show what the human spirit can do, and recognized as such.
  15. In the book " The Millionaire Next Door", several millionaires were studied. 30 characteristics were studied. Grades in school finished 30 out of 30. Dead last! Surprisingly the number one trait, honesty. It said the common train of thought was those who lie, cheat become millionaires. That can be true, but the very tactic that got them there, is the very thing that eventually brings them down.
  16. Rockmom's idea can be verified with a study that showed the most reliable indicator for success and grades in school, is most directly in relationship to expectations in the home. If a household just wants you to get by, that's what happens, if only A's are acceptable kids tend to hit that bar. The study showed this to be more reliable than race, income level,or any other factor
  17. To George Rogers Clark School, May pleasant Memories of this nice young man serve to comfort you in this difficult time.
  18. I bet theylook forward to playoffs to get a breather
  19. People who pass funerals
  20. I got a bunch... People taking cell calls or texting while I'm doing an exam on them -paying my credit card bill by bank draft having money taken on one day but not posting for three or four, Hey where's my money! -people booing high school athletes -pro athletes who think the sport is all about them -trash talking -stepping out of batters box on every pitch, study shows ARod 87%, Mickie Mantle 7% (who does these studies) -people driving and texting rather than talk to their children in the car
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