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Everything posted by iamapt

  1. I have no horse in the race of WC/North Hardin but the video of a player getting a fifth foul who is not close to the play should win the bad call of the year award
  2. Those who remember the late 60's and early 70's may remember Coach Mitchell Bailey, basketball coach at Shelby County. He also coached baseball. He was assistant with Bill Harrell winning the state championship in 1966. He was assistant under Coach Herky Rupp, and then in 1969-1970 took over as head coach. Despite a small team(6'2 tallest) he led his first team to the state tournament. We all appreciate coaches who are overlooked for their talent, their commitment, and their ability to change/challenge individuals. He was not only a great x/o man, but had the ability to find that special trait within ourself. He was a TOUGH US history teacher, but I wish kids now had him as an instructor, we might appreciate our past. He once said he gave an apple to anyone getting a hundred on his exams. He had given away six in 1970. He also gave a candy bar to the person getting the highest score on his big test. I still have my wrapper.......I definitely still have his philosophies. He let me drive his beautiful car to get hamburgers and drinks for the freshman team that was leaving, on way back, a car pulled in front of me. I wasn't used to real brakes, and they instantly locked, sending the Orange Drinks in the back seat into the floorboard. I'm sure that still today, if you put your foot on those mats it would feel like super glue. But he never raised his voice. We went to the state baseball tournament in 1970 and true to form, school had finished for the year. We continued to practice, and after practice since the school was locked, we put our bats in his car. The practice before the first state tournament game, someone put them in the school. Yes we went to play Valley in the state tournament, and had no bats. I think he did yell a little that time. Most people on this board, know the positives of the argument of the benefit of athletics in high school. I'm sure each of you has a person who has made those times special. Don't be afraid to tell them. Even if they already know.
  3. When I was at Shelby County we had a weekend road trip and played Carr Creek one night and Hazard the next. That was such a fun trip, at halftime you could hear Carr Creeks coach, and then I realized, you could look right through the wall and see their locker room. They were so nice to us before and after the game, great atmosphere. I played in a benefit tournament, a few years later in KYROC, in Edmondson County. The man taking up tickets had a little wooden slat you could slide back and see the court. My brother took a team to ?cloverport and had a shot blocked from the balcony
  4. CB radios were hot -- people overpowered them. In Eminence during a funeral, right in the middle of the service, over the PA came, "Hey good buddy; got ja ears on?" They had to unplug the microphone.
  5. I really liked the video of the new version, I thought the original music was better though, but the video with clips mixed in was really touching,
  6. Yep, Gary Gutherie was the producers name at WAKY, as they say, "You can look it up" Wilkipedia for You Don't Send Me Flowers
  7. to the post about You Don't Bring Me Flowers anymore", A disc jockey at WAKY combined tracks of Neil Diamond and Barbara Striesand, and combined to make a production and played it on air, was so requested Diamond/Striesand recorded it as duo. I also believe Diamond and Striesand conversed only to find they had been in high school choir together. I think this is the correct story behind this
  8. Centre College, According to Forbes rating 2009, 14th Best College in United States, thats all colleges and universities not small colleges. West Point #1, Princeton #2
  9. UCA has a web site with all performances, they edit the first pyramid, other than that the complete performance, and yes this is a legitimate national competition as opposed to groups that offers four or five locations to attend to be crowned 'national champs'. This is the competition on ESPN, usually first aired in April. Try this web address http://uca.varsity.com/Nationals.aspx
  10. Cutting tobacco at 2 cents a stick in Shelby County. Then went to work for my uncle's gas station, making $1.00 hour minus cold checks.
  11. 0-0 before the game starts. Does that make me the early leader?
  12. McGee had with injuries and circumstances, had a horrible year. The night before the superbowl, knowing he would be used little, broke curfew and proceeded to party til dawn. The next morning, he told starting receiver Boyd Dowler, "I hope you don't get hurt. I'm not in very good shape," alluding to his hangover. [2] Dowler went down with a separated shoulder on the Packers' second drive of the game, and McGee, who had to borrow a teammate's helmet because he had not brought his own out of the locker room, was put into the game. By the end of the game, McGee had recorded seven receptions for 138 yards and two touchdowns, assisting Green Bay to a 35-10 victory.
  13. No schools in Warren County tomorrow
  14. Chief Justice, Supreme Court Salary $218,000 Judge Judy 2010 contract $40,000,000...........
  15. He once sat in a washing tub to see if he could lift himself, .........and he did
  16. Local station in BG just stated, I'm not kidding, "drifts of one inch"
  17. The reward for a job well done is having done it. Jonas Salk 12 April 1955 upon the validation of the Polio Vaccine
  18. My dad worked at Appliance Park for General Electric in Louisville, one night they found a kitten in the new line of washing machines they were getting ready to ship out, the new line was called Filter Flow, that became the kittens name. My first real pet. Pet names are like dreams, they don't have to make a lot of sense, but they're real cool.
  19. I grew up on Gil Thorpe, as soon as my mother returned from work, I had to see her paper. Today, I read three to four and several on line. If you read only one paper you might get the political slant of that organization, hence the written media version of Fox vs ABC, NBC, etc. I read about a man (NY) who worked in a sewing factory in less than an optimal position. Each day he would put on his only suit to and from work, after work gathering up the Wall Street Journal and reading it from front to back. Over the years despite minimal education and a meager wage earner, he retired with wealth and knowledge, his kids to the best of schools as well. Recently, and feel free to google, the potato peeler man of Manhattan, a gentleman passed away who was similar. Each morning at four he would put on a 1500 dollar suit, prepare his vegetable peelers, and go on the streets of Manhattan, to sell for five dollars each the peelers. At night he would socialize with the elite in the best restaurants, and had a Central Park Apartment, despite his limited trade of selling his peelers. His quote was never underestimate the power of a small amount of money. So-if you can read, you can own the world. Watching the latest Hollywood gossip, etc will warp your mind, teach your kids good habits and get out of their way
  20. Per Coach Hall-He did not coach at Bagdad, played them once, Started at Shepardsville, and did one year of football.
  21. Burn a CD of a song she likes, put it in her car cd player, and when she starts up the car, she hears it, and then head to White Castle, extra fries please
  22. Three years ago 20+ teams represented KY at the UCA High School Nationals, the next state was about 5 or 6. We for some reason do well.
  23. I sent a note to him, will see if he answers, all things on internet say Shepardsville was first
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