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Everything posted by iamapt

  1. Want Kentucky Don't Want- Oklahoma (survery showed 2% would to take vacation there)
  2. In a related story, Alvin and the Chipmunks have been signed to sing the National Anthem at next years Super Bowl, replacing Whitney Houston.
  3. Wow, google one shining moment, news, and see how many new outlets blasted the video. Also for those wondering, Tennessee apparently had an alumus,member on the editing crew for the video, (Tenn was represented), but what about the upset of Ohio over Georgetown, the double overtime of Xaiver/Kansas State. The Tennessee angle was brought on by Ohio State after their player of the year was snubbed, Its interesting to see not only the Kentucky perspective, but the nationwide disappointment in this production. Simply overall, just a poor production.
  4. How can you take a tradition and turn it into American Idol-NCAA. Hudson is great, but this is out of place, Like watching Porter Waggoner sing disco. The camera angles also were horrible, not only this game but throughout the tournament. They want to justify the overhead cam at the expense of actually watching the game. But I was mostly dissapointed with the soundtrack of one Shining Moment. I use soundtracks to do videos, but this one I'll pass on.
  5. Anybody realize how many kids play in the girls high school golf championship and contend/win it.
  6. If he has laxity, he can do damage to cartilage, secondary restraints may get a bit more unstable. I had a patient tore her ACL in the Junior and Senior Year (right and left), and finished the season both times, having surgery afterwards. Each case will be a unique situation, in her case looking at recruitment, and was reasonably stable. His early age presents a dilemma on its own without skeletal maturity. Remember if it is his opposite knee from throwing arm, you will put his arm at risk due to lack of a stable foundation
  7. The article I read about the changing of bracket information, stated he was not on the CBS main contest due to being 17, but was in a bracket manager, for people setting up their own contests, the 'administrator had the ability to make changes when necessary. The administrator just happened to be his brother.
  8. Another vote in the middle of a Sunday night. Doesn't that set off any alarms.....So you reduce Medicare by 500 billion, (but there are no "cuts" to seniors), you add 30 million additional people but I don't see any additional doctors added to treat them mentioned, (will it come from allied health personnel? Which comes first the smoke or the mirrors. A good reference on the estimated costs, might be the original cost of Medicare. Well, that worked out really accurate didn't it. At its start, in 1966, Medicare cost $3 billion. The House Ways and Means Committee estimated that Medicare would cost only about $ 12 billion by 1990 (a figure that included an allowance for inflation). This was a supposedly "conservative" estimate. Actual Medicare spending in 1990 was $110 billion—off by nearly a factor of 10.
  9. DragonFire is right about Edmondson County. Had a couple of players sick and Glasgow beat them. They would go on to win the state championship and prevented the tournament from changing to multiple classes which was the hot subject at the time. After they won it was a consensus, this is a unique and wonderful tournament, leave it alone.
  10. Didnt Sean Penn go to see Sadaam before the war
  11. Willie Nelson version of Moment to Remember as opposed to Kris Kristofferson who wrote it
  12. One Shining Moment second version was better than the original, the original was by the writer, David Barrett, he then recorded it with Teddy Pendergrass, the one you may be familiar with
  13. Additional comment of LIT ratings, we beat two teams rated in top ten in one week and dropped.....
  14. As given in the thread on the girls basketball side, the NCAA has every statistic known to man, and they still have controversy in selection and seeding. Its the best tournament in the nation, leave it alone
  15. An engineer working on the Cadillac Convertible development, came for his appointment, and was driving one of the protocol cars, he knew one of my patients and let him drive it around the block. About fifteen minutes passed and he still wasn't back, the engineer was a little worried and perturbed at the same time. Suddenly the patient burst in the door, and announced he drove around the block in about a minute, but had been stuck in the car forever because he couldn't find the electronic release for the door so he could get out.
  16. 1966 Charger, man it would fly, and gas was no problem, 8-10 miles per gallon (30 cents a gallon) is still cheaper than today. (ok accountants dont do the adjusted to todays money thing.) It was so cool, had electric windows and some days they actually worked. Four bucket seats and the back two folded down/the trunk divider released and had eight feet of carpet to the back, i'm told they now bring 40-60,000 restored, traded it in to Bob Hook for a Chevy Van in 73, got $200 for it.
  17. Seeding in Districts is based upon interdistrict play, thus the ability to seed.
  18. The reason peanuts and Coke may have fallen off for a while, was the use of cans for Cokes. Bottles were perfect, and with cans, you can't get them out easily. I routinely stop and get this when traveling now that we have bottles once again. We also had Banana Croquettes at family reunions. Bananas with mayonaise rolled over crushed peanuts which stuck to them. Chill and serve, hard to beat. Like eating candy. (Google results show Lexington Herald gave receipe for these a few months back.)
  19. The KY High School Basketball Championship for girls and boys is the best show in the United States for high school basketball. Anyone who ever participated will tell you it is special to know you are a true STATE champion, not something based upon geography or size of your school. I believe we are the last state that has one champion with the last holdout, Indiana, who wishes they had not switched. I hope this never changes. I also think the seeding would be an extension of weighing larger schools against the small. The most scrutinized tournament, the NCAA mens tournament, has difficulty determining seeding, and actually seeing who the best 64-65 teams are despite research and information comparable to NASA. Despite this the Monday after the NCAA picks come out, the talk shows are full of debate of who got what seeding or left out of the tournament. Do you think you can determine Betsy Lane, Reidland, and Ryle strength based upon local writers or comparative scores? Would seeding bring out horrible mismatches, remember in Mens NCAA a 16 has never beat a 1 seed, in Womens Harvard once beat Stanford. Some of the best games you ever see are between some of the LIT ratings smaller schools, wanting to say 'remember the year we won a state tournament game. The atmosphere is electric to anyone who attends. Diddle Arena is perfectly designed for the Girls Tournament. If you have not attended the final game, you owe it to yourself see what a unique experience this is. Having the tournament in a town that recognizes the event, makes it special as well. Its fun to go into a restaurant and see all the schools and fans. It gives the kids a good feeling to be recognized. I'm pumped and look forward to what each year is a unique tournament with different matchups and the colorful history that is written. Nothing wrong with wanting the best formula for these kids, To change the format would be like Coke changing their formula, uhm, that didn't work out too well did it.
  20. TV news stated Chili earthquake was worst for them in 50 years. I knew that wasn't right because I remembered the one they had in 1960. Oh, that is 50 years......
  21. I attended a physical therapy conference last year, and the discussion became focused on the change to one sport athletes. A major clinic reported the athletes they are seeing are typically the best of the best, but unfortunately this is from overuse, not taking any time off. Repetitions, lack of rest, overdemanding regimes,
  22. link is in the North Hardin vs Warren Central thread from Thursday I believe
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