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Everything posted by iamapt

  1. I told one reviewer, the previous month we were told to follow certain guidelines, and now he was telling me this was the wrong method, "I don't know how they did it last month, I was working at JC Pennys. He's telling an orthopedic surgeon of 30 plus years how to do his job and last month was a retail clerk!
  2. Someone sitting behind a desk who didn't like medicine so went into "medical review" sitting behind desk telling me the number one rated joint replacement orthopaedic surgeon doesn't know what he's talking about, so further physical therapy visits will be denied
  3. Any actor who thinks he is a politician Plus Conan, I have never found what makes him popular, but then I'm old, give me Johnny Carson, Red Skelton,
  4. May your next venture be more than you ever dreamed, thanks for your posts, I have enjoyed your style and input.
  5. 1910 Fruitgum Company, hey it was fun when I was little
  6. Anyone with a daughter about to marry might have trouble making it through, "To A Sleeping Beauty" by Jimmy Dean
  7. It was so hot, I was plowing corn with my horses, the corn started popping, the horses saw it, thought it was snow and froze to death.
  8. I do think the video can stand on it's own without the pro football clips.
  9. Chesney just handed us a custom made soundtrack that will be played in every banquet hall this winter with our own video clips. What a relief from blasting audio that parents cover ears of small children , due to innappropriate words, which in reality have nothing to do with football. I don't view this as commercialism at all, but an opportunity to highlight one of the best things this country represents.
  10. What's a broker? You after the purchase. Seriously, not a bad way to go.
  11. My sore spot is the use of "the kentuckys", the Indianas, the UCLAs, no folks there is only one of them. Every sports announcer puts this in phrases constantly.
  12. I am a fan of the 10,000 step program. Wear a pedometer and just pay attention to steps taken. At end of the day, what you fall short of 10,000, make it up. Very simple and works.exercise has to be simple or it's abandoned. 95% of exercise equipment is never touched after the first ten days!
  13. I heard Buffalo Trace has a great tour, voted best by some travel magazine, but if you're going, go before the Equestrian people overwhelm them.
  14. in this case if he is coming out of it, the elbow would extend removing the hand before adducting his shoulder. This photo clearly shows movement of the proximal humerus to initiate completion of the salute. Not particulary a good technique. The Warren Commission has been reactivated and notified.
  15. If the IRS is against it, it must be a bad idea.
  16. Woodford Reserve, and take a tour or two at one of the distilleries to set the tone. If you ever see the history of Bourbon listed on KET, record it, gives you a little pride for our Commonwealth. (we ain't a state)
  17. Can't visualize any benefit to us by underreporting this by vendors, but that line was to describe why it was put in there. The point is according to Wall Street Journal, this makes almost all transaction of goods, reportable to the IRS (which also the IRS states it would be overwhelming in scope), businesses would spend excessive time, expense keeping up with. Presently both parties recognize the nightmare it is going to create, and want to eliminate it. So why isn't it done? The 18 billion has to come from another source, and parties can not agree on how to do this. Republicans want change in health bill, democrats want to tax international corporations. Failed to pass this week with strictly party line voting.
  18. I like Steve Forbes flat tax, first 43,000 is tax free, then rest is around 18%, no deductions. No special deals. Your tax return is a post card. Simple and fair.
  19. To fund the new healthcare bill, any small business must file a 1099 form when purchasing over 600.00 from any vendor. This will affect 40 million businesses. Have fun with the paperwork. This is to keep vendors from under reporting their income and source of 18 billion dollars.
  20. Just finished "the Pep Talk" by Kevin Elko, a football faith based story, and Paradise General ( military hospital in Bagdad Iraq. Both excellent but different books.
  21. Inversion tables have been around for quite a while. For some they are pretty successful. They were the hot item after richard Gere made the movie American Gigalo, using inversion boots. (late seventies early 80's) This fad caught on and before long physical therapy departments across the nation were using them as well. Until, suddenly reports of a few patients having strokes. They literally disappeared overnight. Gradually inversion tables have made a return, most people do not hang fully upside down and still get full results. I see occasionally someone who uses them beneficially.
  22. I think an important game or event will trigger the name that sticks, some reference in an article somewhere will play out, kinda like "they fought like Wildcats", for University of KY. Some event will put them in the public eye and it will become their recognized name. I will vote for Collins, much in the preadmentioned Covington Holmes saga.
  23. Many schools are now having two squads , one for ballgames, one for competitions. The biggest stumbling block is perhaps, the lack of a definitive governing body nationwide. It is in interests of all these different groups presently putting on "national competitions", to not have one overseeing group so they can stay in business. Last year a group began laying groundwork for a unified governing body with one champion, much in hierarchy of NCAA. This would basically put some of these organizations out of business. Compare that to bootleggers supporting dry counties when vote comes up. Sports evolve over time, basketball previously mentioned, a good example. If a unified group emerges, which will take time, I believe this will be revisited. My fear is the subtle demise of fast pitch softball. It is gaining in KY, but this week reveals no longer will our Olympic committee fund a team, no longer is it an Olympic sport, the world championships had three teams, our best are on TV playing against a makeshift all-star team. There is no where to go, no competition past college. Will that deterioration continue?
  24. Kinda like football team that hasn't won a game making playoffs
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