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Everything posted by strongopenyon

  1. Absolutely not! These players were in diapers when Bo last coached the Wolverines. Plus, players of today seem to have little or no sense of history...which is sad. The timing of Bo Schembechler's death is most ironic to me. A great college football coach!
  2. Again, Clark County is a team that has proven to be one dimensional. Unless they change their year long tendancies, they run the football a great majority of the time with very little first and second down passing attempts. This is not the kind of attack that will succeed against Henry Clay's defense. Henry Clay will stack the box against a predictable team and force them into third and long and a necessary pass. They can effectively defend this situation. It is the more balanced run and pass teams (Lafayette, Christian County) who gives this defense fits. The muddy field will slow the Henry Clay offense down a bit, but they still have way too many perimeter weapons. I feel the Blue Devil running game will have a lot of success, as the Cardinals attempt to stop the pass. Henry Clay is getting better and will pull away in this matchup, in my opinion.
  3. If I have been properly informed, Nick Petrino has not thrown an interception since the first game against Montgomery Bell Academy. I have always felt that he makes excellent decisions with the football.
  4. Lafayette's Head Coach Mike Harmon is an assistant coach to Horsemen Head Coach Mike Zuckerman who assists Harmon at Lafayette. Both coached with former Lexington Catholic and Lexington Horseman Head Coach Bob Sphire with the Horsemen. Bob Sphire assisted former Lexington Horseman Head Coach Tony Franklin who helped put in the offense at Henry Clay in 2005. Lafayette used a three and four man front with five or six linebackers to help take away all the underneath stuff. It was an effective strategy. Not to take anything away from an outstanding effort by Lafayette, but I feel that at least offensively, Henry Clay beat themselves on October 20th. Many opportunies were available, but not capitalized on. It appears the loss to Lafayette was a very good learning experience for this young Blue Devil team.
  5. Whoever wins the Male versus Trinity matchup will be heavily favored to win the 4A state title. This is a true statement. However, there are other teams who feel they can compete as well. This is what playoff football is all about.......sudden death, single elimination football. I love it!
  6. Henry Clay's players and this coach you spoke to need to focus totally on Clark County. Having a Trinity rematch on your wish list is a recipe for disaster at this time of year.
  7. Andre Woodson has improved this season much more than Brian Brohm. This is because Andre Woodson had much more room for improvement than Brian Brohm.
  8. First I must say that I have been one of Rich Brooks' supporters from the beginning. The problem I see with a contract extension is that attendance is plummeting even during this successful season. This is big business and the athletic director and university president are very concerned. Money, money, money. I think Rich has played the rotten cards he was dealt most admirably, but many of the UK faithful do not.
  9. I would think the Brad Durham case serves up a warning to high school coaches and kids in Kentucky being recruited by U of L to proceed with caution.
  10. I don't disagree with you much, "Gametime", but maybe here. The USC and Texas game last year might have had more future pros playing in it than any game in history.
  11. This is not the game of the century! A great matchup of undefeated teams, but not in the league of other games in history.
  12. I think Male will have a difficult time beating St. X twice in the same season. After their very slow start, St. X gained lots of momentum in their first meeting, even in defeat. I look for St. X to get out of the blocks quickly and beat the Bulldogs.
  13. You didn't predict a score this time. Will this one be as close as you predicted the Scott County versus Henry Clay game to be?
  14. The same guy who wishes for Saturday games, unfortunately, can't go to this one. I will be rooting on the Cats against a good Vanderbilt team on Saturday afternoon. I would love to see and be in the environment of this rivalry.
  15. It will be a great Friday night of football. One of the problems with the playoffs as they are set up, is that all games are on Friday nights and a person can only watch one of those games. In a way, a wish there would be games on maybe Saturday which would allow some of us football junkies to get another fix. The state championship games do allow for this.
  16. For how long? That grass looked like it had not been cut in a month.
  17. Did they not let those horses out in the first meeting?
  18. The decision of UK administration to allow fans (mostly students) to tear down one of the goalposts was a good one in my opinion. Did beating a 6-4 Georgia team warrant the goalposts coming down.........NO, but the expression of enthusiasm is greatly needed and appreciated by the UK players and coaches. Keep the momentum going Cats!
  19. She's been in Commonwealth Stadium before.
  20. This first match up between these two teams was played on a swamp for a field on which the grass had not been cut in what looked like a month. I don't know if this was an attempt to slow Henry Clay down, but it seemed to make Woodford County look as if they were playing in quicksand. The rematch will be on the turf at Henry Clay and there will be no mud.......guaranteed. I am interested in the rematch because Woodford County is obviously a very good team that did not play up to their ability in the first meeting. I would anticipate a good ballgame on Friday night.
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