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Everything posted by strongopenyon

  1. I see St. X winning this one, if for nothing else, for the fact it is difficult to beat an opponent twice within just a few weeks. Personally, I would like to see both St. X and Trinity win so they can play a complete game in the quarter-finals.
  2. Nicely put, "Stick1". I think some of our St. X and Trinity folks are very sensitive when even a suggestion of one of them not winning the title is raised. Athletic teams like Male and Henry Clay certainly are capable, again as you say, if they bring their A game for 48 minutes.
  3. It is only the first round of the playoffs. You are calling on the football Gods too early.
  4. I like Clark County in this one. In fact, I like Clark County to represent the 8th District in the playoffs versus District 7.
  5. Henry Clay has had problems stopping the run against balanced teams like Christian County and Lafayette. Against exclusive running teams like Bell County (2nd half), Bryan Station, Tates Creek, and Dunbar they loaded the box and shut them down. This was only because they loaded the box and outnumbered them at the point of attack. Scott County has an outstanding running attack and a good play-action passing game although they seem to have gotten away from the pass of late. They only threw 4 passes against Lafayette. They must effectively pass to stay in the game against the Devils. Plus Scott County's defense hasn't shut down any team I have seen them play. Henry Clay gets back on a roll tonight, in my opinion.
  6. Lafayette is on a major roll, but these are 15-19 year old kids. I feel like this is a spot for an emotional letdown after playing and beating Henry Clay and Scott County in the past two weeks. There is a lot of pressure on teams with 10-0 records in the playoffs. I think Woodford County has some positive matchups in this one and the game goes down to the wire. If Lafayette wins, it is in a squeeker.
  7. Henry Clay gets back on their game and takes their first step to the west towards Papa Johns Stadium. I don't think these teams will score 85 between them as they did in their first meeting. Devils by two touchdowns!
  8. If this is true, that is way too much football for these young men and should not be allowed by high school footballs governing body. This is dangerous for growing young bodies. There is a reason that football games on all levels are played once a week and it's not because the fans only enjoy watching their team play once a week.
  9. Which team has the most experienced, veteran quarterback? There's your winner!
  10. Personally, I think the Henry Clay versus Scott County game is the toughest first round match up by a landslide.
  11. What doesn't add up is a $7000 fine. Are you making light of what I perceive as a steep financial penalty for having a kid practice on your team.......not play on your team? I am familiar with public school athletic departments that don't have much excess monies laying around. Is Henderson County not one of them?
  12. If there is a $7000 fine and a one game playoff suspension of the head coach for allowing this transfer to practice, what would the penalty have been had this youngster played in every game? Something doesn't add up here and maybe someone closer to this situation might shed some light.
  13. There will be 126 other teams in the Kentucky State High School playoffs also trying to accomplish these two feats.
  14. The biggest problem I have with this playoff system is that of the best three 4A football teams in the state (Male, St. X, Trinity), only one will make the semi-finals of the playoffs. I think these are the schools that should have the biggest gripe with the new system.
  15. Woodford County has some favorable match ups with Lafayette. The Generals are playing winning football right now, but I feel will be pressed in this one. Lafayette has had two straight highly emotional games. Are they due for a let-down versus a team looking to avenge that suspended game loss earlier in the year?
  16. Only Scott County's loss last week to Lafayette was in overtime. In the regular season meeting between Scott County and Henry Clay, Henry Clay led the whole game only to lose its lead in the last three minutes, but then scored a touchdown in the last minute to win it by a point, 43-42.
  17. More important to Rich Brooks than number of wins might be number of people coming through the turnstiles at Commonwealth Stadium. The place has not been full yet, even with the South Carolina game. I feel certain Rich Brooks will be back at UK next year, undoubtedly with a somewhat overhauled coaching staff. But lack of attendance could be his ultimate demise.
  18. I feel certain that Rich Brooks will be UK's coach next year, regardless if we win six games this year. Any one close to the UK program knows that overall with all things considered, he has done an excellent job. I look for one or more assistants to be given their walking papers.
  19. David Cutcliffe was Mitch Barnhart's boy from their days together at Tennessee. Tommy Bowden was never interested in the job. UK had interest in him since he had previously been here on Bill Curry's first staff. I also like Cincinnati's Mike Dantonio. He is a Jim Tressell disciple and a good coach. The UK problem is much deeper than the coach although I believe a young, totally interjectic guy can have more success than we have had. Rich Brooks does have the program in the right direction, but still a long way away.
  20. It looks like due to the forecasted rain on Thursday and Friday of this week, the game will be moved to Henry Clay's field on Friday night. The Blue Devils have a bye week.
  21. For the umpteenth time, let's state the true facts. Barnhart and Brooks were not "buddies". Brooks had coached at the University of Oregon. Barnhart was athletic director at their bitter rival, Oregon State. Brooks had expressed interest in the opening at UK and also the opening at U of L. He wanted to get back into the college game. Barnhart had been on a witch-hunt going after Bill Parcells who indicated an interest in the UK position in an effort to: 1. Give him leverage to bargain with other available jobs (Dallas); 2. Negotiate some horse related favors through W.T. Young. When Parcells signed on with Jerry Jones, Barnhart was left holding the bag. He scrambled to get who was in his mind the most qualified candidate for the job in Rich Brooks. Rich Brooks knows football. He was dealt a horrendous hand. He is now playing that rotten hand out. The mess he inherited began under Hal Mumme's watch. It continued under Guy Morris who also was dealing with Hal and his staff's messes as well. Guy did a very poor job recruiting, but under difficult circumstances. Rich Brooks' first UK squad only had two offensive lineman on scholarship. Two scholarship lineman to block some of the best defensive linemen in the country in the SEC. Was that Rich Brooks' fault? The NCAA puts programs on probation to make them pay for improper behavior. The penalties are designed to be difficult to overcome. UK and Rich Brooks is suffering as a result. Again for the umpteenth time, any fair person cannot hang this mess on Rich Brooks and staff. If you are a UK football fan and are currently suffering, at least you are used to it.........you were suffering long before Rich Brooks came to Lexington!
  22. My point previously made was that Bill Curry did not take the redshirt off these boys in the end of the season. He went to the players and their families and they made the decision. How many other college coaches would ask for family or player input?
  23. You are right about Stansbury. He is a very active recruiter. I recall him have two high school players coming to Mississippi State who turned professional instead although I can not remember their names. It looks like he has been given another commitment from a future star.
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