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Pat Dad

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Everything posted by Pat Dad

  1. 7 Green Bay 5 San Francisco 3 Cincinnati 2 Minn 1 Jets TB Green Bay
  2. My thoughts and prayers are with your Mom, you, and your family.
  3. I've stared long enough. "Was that Guru that just walked by?"
  4. At least some of you guys are giving back rubs. I am asked to rub feet.
  5. 7- Green Bay 5- Denver 3- Minnesota 2- Tampa Bay 1- Indy TB- Green Bay
  6. "Honey, I told you to tie up the dog."
  7. Bizarre move by the Brewers. Be fun watching how this turns out.
  8. 3 of my kids were in Dayton for X Fest. The hotel they were staying in was, almost, hit by a tree. The concert was shut down around 2 PM. The kids said it was a hairy ride back to the hotel. They had to dodge trees, tree limbs and downed power lines. We were very concerned. They made it back safely to the hotel.
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Oldrambler!!! :dancingpa May your day be a good on. Heck, maybe the Yanks will win one for you.:thumb:
  10. I had tickets to the concert and just found out late last night. I call the expo center and got no answer. I e-mailed them and did get a response. They told me to listen to the media for updates. And it was postponed. :mad:
  11. The first time I saw it, I thought it was a spot for a shoe store chain. Really. And since finding out that it's about Windows, it's like some of Microsoft's updates, pointless.
  12. Indy Chicago Tennessee Denver Philadelphia Tiebreaker #1 - Indy
  13. That sums up my feelings about it. I think Smith would be great.:thumb:
  14. I've always used Perry Prowlers or Hindman Hicks. I have used Kentucky Raiders the past couple of seasons.
  15. "That's funny, darling. Your doing your best NBA player imitation."
  16. 7 - Vikings 5 - Cowboys 3 - Bengals 2 - Jaguars 1 - Bucs Tiebreaker: Vikings
  17. Happy belated birthday RP!!!! :dancingpa
  18. 1.When I am doing the book for the baseball team I have to take and tap the pen on something 2-3 times before each pitch. 2. If the team looses I will not use that pen or pencil again. I throw it away. 3. Before I leave home or work, everything has to be in order on my desk or nightstand. 4. The sound on the TV or audio device has to be on a even number. My son told me that one of his friends washes his money and then blow drys it. I told him to tell his friend that it is illegal to do that. It's money laundering.
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