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Pat Dad

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Everything posted by Pat Dad

  1. Knott has a new coach, Jamie Couch. There will be some new faces on the team this season. Once tryouts are done I'll chime in on the team a little more. But, I do look for KCC to be better than they were last season.
  2. Practice hard, play 100% at all times, and by all means, have fun... good luck to all teams this season. :thumb:
  3. Beautiful girls RP. Must look like their Mom.:thumb:
  4. Steroids can be used for these types of purposes. I too work with a guy who had an eye procedure done. They gave him some kind of steroid to speed up the healing. I had to take it once. It was prescribed in a medicine for my lungs. I have had double pneumonia twice in the same year and my lungs were weak.
  5. Probably the first time I would have to disagree with you. Harrison's first punch, alright. He should have stopped. It was clearly a punk move on his part and he was probably very emotional. He should have been tossed. When Madden says that was excessive, then you know that it was dirty.
  6. Great game by both Card's and Steelers. Bad game for the refs. The last play should have been reviewed. I wasn't surprised that it wasn't. Congrats to the Steelers and their fans. :thumb:
  7. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY PH!!!!!!:dancingpa
  8. 1. Cardinals 2. Cardinals 3. Steelers 4. Steelers 5. Steelers 1st Tiebreaker 35
  9. No doubt. I hope it sticks around or comes around during the 15th and beyond.
  10. I like the 16 team format, but the regional would need to be redone.
  11. It was a completed pass, as much as I hate to admit it. He did take 2 steps, had possession of the ball, and was tripped up. The ball came out when he hit the ground. But in my opinion it was a completed pass.
  12. Does the handler come along with the dog?
  13. I thought that they had agreed on that. Just wasn't sure when it went into effect.
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