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Everything posted by 74devil

  1. The game was officiated badly, but as you said, Ohs had opportunities that they did not capitalize on. But, maybe that had something to do with Apollo also. I thought that the way Owensboro came out in the second half that they were going to blow the door off the game and take control, but Apollo held its' own and stayed with them. Free throws down the stretch got em. Was a great game. If they build on this, the Eagles may be hard to beat. Great season by OHS, people didn't think they were going to be as good as they were. After playing with all the seniors, I am anxious to see what the 2018-19 Devils are going to look like. I'm thinking Junior and Sophomore heavy, many of those kids can jump over next year's seniors. But that's for another time. Good luck in the upcoming regional tourney. I do have a question for you, that last charge against Douglas, you tell me. Did he charge or should it have been better to be a no-call? I believe that turned the game. If he scored they'd have been up by what, 6 or 7? That would have been too much to over come IMO. Not complaining or crying, I just wanted to get your opinion. For it to be his last game, Lewis went out with a whimper did he not?
  2. I was mistaken. Lance Lewis was held to 1 shot. Didn't think it would happen but, if you had told me that Apollo and Daviess County would beat OHS in football this year, I'd say you were crazy. Never thought they would be able to run that defense again and beat Owensboro. Congrats to Coach Barker again.
  3. Wow!! Great game. My hat is off to coach Barker and the Eagles. I saw a lot of questionable calls on both sides. But it was a very good game. Probably the best one of the tourney. If County beats Catholic that one might be just as big.
  4. No doubt, they are beatable. But I don't think it's happening tonight. But then again, I didn't believe you'd see apollo and Daviess county beat OHS in football in the same year either. As I said before should be a good game.
  5. I was of the belief that spring football was where the coaches evaluated the kids moving up from the JV and freshmen squads. The summer is where you install your offense, defense and position the players that you all ready decided to move up. IMO spring football is about determining your roster spots and depth chart. Each coach should be able to determine if they are having spring ball or not. It might not help all teams but I am sure that some benefit from it.
  6. Are the three Highlands players pitchers?
  7. Lewis is a bit slow off the dribble, I will give you that. He has gotten a bit better as of late, but give him an opportunity and he could very easily shoot lights out. From three he can be deadly when he's on. As far as Gardner, he is as quick as anybody in this region bar none. I am sorry but apollo has no answer for his quickness you just have to hope he's not on and is making bad decisions with the ball. You failed to mention Owensboro's X factor, Tinsley. He was not available in the devil's 4 point loss. If the last two games are any indication, he's back and ready to play. I don't believe there's an answer for him on Apollo's bench. If you have one, let me know. Regarding the coaching staffs, they are both good. I don't know that you can put one ahead of the other but you are entitled to your opinion. I haven't seen the Eagles enough to say what they cannot do, but in the two games I've seen, Gardner is quicker than anyone coach Barker can put on the floor. The one guy I think might have some quickness spent the entire last game standing in front of Lewis in the corner. I watched Gardner shut down your point guard on defense and have seen him blow past your defensive sets. He's done it to most teams. You are entitled to your opinion as you are a fan of the eagles and there's nothing wrong with that, I am just wondering how many times you've seen Owensboro to make the claims that you've made. Apollo couldn't win by 6 at home, why would you think they'd win by that much at Owensboro? I don't think you'll hold Lewis to one shot this game, do you?:no:
  8. I am just asking. Other than the 2 games they've played head to head, how many ohs games have you seen?
  9. Nothing like a sharp dressed man!
  10. He's been doing his work. I look for big things from that kid.
  11. I agree money will be a limiting factor. They are more than likely looking internally for that reason. Good team, good situation, not a lot of funds being offered I am sure.
  12. Not sure, broadcaster has the coaches and records. He is much more detailed than I am. I don't know if they dropped out for a time. Never heard that.
  13. No, actually, Coach Edge played for Catholic under coach Mojo Holowell. I played there in the 70's and I played for 2 coaches, Fred Gibson and Jim Wilson Fred Gibson coached the first Catholic team to beat Owensboro. Bill Cox (who coached later at Warren Central) coached after Wilson who took over the helm again after Cox left. I think Mojo took over for Wilson. I believe the coach before Edge was Lawson, who came in after Mojo. Mojo took the Aces to their first state championship game. Catholic has been playing football since the 50's if not earlier. Harold Mischele was a coach there in the earlier years. He later became the AD there. Father head coach before him. Before they were Owensboro Catholic they were St. Frances Academy. I am not sure if they played football, they may have. If anyone has a more definitive history, please add, subtract, point out where I am wrong. There were several people that I've talked to that thought Edge's time had come. Good luck to him, I think he'll do well. Gonna be interesting to see who gets the job over on Parrish Ave.
  14. I wholeheartedly agree with your take on Tinsley. He would have made a HUGE difference if he had played in their last meeting. Hogg gave up a couple of rebounds down the stretch that I don't believe Tinsley would have. That could have very easily made a difference in the game. If Apollo keeps OHS out of its' transition game and limits their defensive pressure, I think they have an extremely good chance of winning. But; if the devils get their press turned up early and get a ton of points off the pressure, it's going to be a very long night for the Eagles. Do you think Apollo will go back to their box and 1 this game?
  15. As always, great break down. I see that you took the easy road, naming two from each team for all district. Cannot complain about that though I do believe Tinsley from OHS could have gotten a nod if you went deeper. Congratulations to Corey Gardner. He's had a very good year. I am interested to see if Apollo pulls out the box and 1 again and if they do, the question is will Lewis just stand in the corner for pretty much the entire game? Apollo won by 4 at their place but Tinsley didn't play and Lewis didn't score a point. I don't think either of those things are going to happen Tuesday. Tinsley put in 20 against Hoptown, I guess that means he's back to (if not)full (he's close) strength. If Lewis gets hot against Apollo like he did against Catholic a lot of people may be leaving the gym early. The Devils need to dial up the defense early and take the Eagles out of their game. A good hard fought first half, then Owensboro walks away with the win.
  16. He may be the best quarterback in the state because he has one of the best if not the best WR's in the state. Not sure about their defense or running game.
  17. I was commenting on the quote, not nebraska football.
  18. Don't forget your shoes while you are suit shopping.
  19. Just asking but if he brings the majority of them back won't he loose several of the guys coming in? That doesn't fit his scheme does it? They have to leave for him to bring in the next group.
  20. Nebraska had it like that when they were rolling over teams every week. Now, they are getting rolled. With this new coach, their fortunes may change. If that happens, I will bet the fans come back. I wonder about the attendance at Iowa games they were relevant for a time this year. Makes a difference if the team is winning and they have a chance at a National Championship; I agree.
  21. The longer they take to make a decision on the hire, makes me think that the coach is already in the building and they pretty much know who their guy is. If Warren South's coach believed that there was about to be a power shift toward his school, why would he want to move to Bowling Green now? I'm not going to start talking real crazy (The red devil juice has been pretty good so far this year), but I hope you get the guy you want and everything's good when when the Purples roll up the Natcher to visit. Really looking forward to it. Before anyone says it, I know "Be careful what you wish for." Well, I'm wishing, bring 'em on! To be the man you have to beat the man. Ohs needs to even up the score. BG is up by one or two games.
  22. I read last week that Coach Edge was tempted to move Williams to linebacker (that would address part of the problem you listed). If that happens, he'll share time on offense with Harold Hogg won't he? Hogg seems to be more than capable of taking over the running game for the aces. Can he catch the ball as well as Williams though? How about Catholic's line? They were a bit undersized last year. That seems to be a worry. I have always heard that Hartz knew the Catholic Offense like the back of his hand. I guess we will all see how well he knows the O. The question I have is does he have the arm that Warren had? If the answer is yes, Catholic should be able to score with anyone. But, as you said, with problems on defense, if you are having problems stopping other teams, you'll have to put up huge offensive numbers every night. Might not be a problem to win the district but to go deep in the playoffs, you are going to need to be able to stop people. As always looking forward to the 3rd game of the season, should be interesting to say the least.
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