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Everything posted by 74devil

  1. No, that wouldn't be wise on UK's part at all. Dingle-GA Tech, Trice-Purdue, Moore-Purdue. I hope that the kid gets a true opportunity to play as opposed to being one of the better scout team qb's around. Do you know if he's gotten offers from any schools other than D-1 schools.
  2. The kid that this thread is about. He's only good enough for a PWO? CCH's qb, KY's Mr Football, Trinity's receiver, isn't there a kid from Paintsville (OL) that signed with WVU? The Trice kid from Christian County, Dingle from Bowling Green, just to name a couple. What I am saying, is that there are kids out there and I feel that UK isn't looking to get them. I may be naive, but I just don't get it. I also may be wrong but I believe the kid (Bohn) can do better than a PWO. If that's where he wants to go and what he wants to do, more power to him. In my mind, if UK really wanted him, there'd be some money on the table.
  3. That's fine, why not every year? There's not at least one kid from this state that could play for UK or UofL? Some years they do look, but all the threads I've read say to me that there is true talent out there and the Big State schools aren't trying to get them. Just my opinion.
  4. Not a big UK football fan in the first place but the idea of them shying away from the talent in their state, makes me like them a whole lot less. Louisville isn't going out of their way to sign KY talent either are they?
  5. Local kid comes home. It would be great.
  6. You're just giving out 6 more trophies. Why?
  7. I agree. If they gave one for each class there would be a thread asking who was the over all best. Doesn't each class have a player of the year, or is it the districts? I don't know......I believe that this award is supposed to represent the best player in Kentucky, everybody don't get a trophy this time. Just as it should be. You want the trophy? Work harder! Haven't we heard that before?
  8. NKY players get their share accolades (deserved). IMO for you to be bent out of shape and claiming that there's a bias against teams from that area is off base. Along that line, let me ask you; If Moore was selected as Mr. Football would you be saying the same thing? Or did you not feel he was in the top two? In a lot of people's opinion, the top two players did not play in NKY.
  9. Ask any cop. No such thing as a "minor" domestic situation. Don't think anyone's gonna get fired but, there should be some time off without pay. You are taught from day one to protect that weapon. Loose your weapon, you'll loose your life. It is that serious.
  10. Looking at some of the posts, he's got his work cut out for him. I wish him luck. Sounds like a good guy. I hope he gets the program on the right track. They (Apollo) need a home run on this hire. From what Purple88 said, sounds like they've hit it out of the park. I hope the school gets behind him.
  11. Comon! Can't be happy for the kid? All he's done is played his tail off.
  12. They probably won't make it, but what is wrong with them working toward getting there or believing that there is a possibility if they work hard? You pick who you want, I agree that team B would probably win, but don't take the other kids aspirations away from them because you don't think they can pull it off. So I guess if my team isn't in the top ten, they should pack it in. After the season they had last year, I am pretty sure that they won't be.
  13. I tried but you said it better than I could. I tell my son all the time. There is work that you need to do and there is NO way around it. Thank you letting him know that his old man isn't the only person that thinks that way.
  14. Since Owensboro went to 5A, they have been unceremoniously sent packing by Bowling Green every season. And from the threads I've read, not many give the devils a chance to ever get by the purples. I guess they should be satisfied just getting to that game. So I guess some one should tell all of the guys in the weight room and working out that it's a wrap and there's no chance. The kids I've talked to have told me that their goal is to be playing in Lexington the first weekend in December. Is it unrealistic for them to think that? Who am I to tell them that they can't have that dream? The weights, the conditioning, practicing in the heat during the summer, in the cold in late fall and nicks, bumps and bruises; the kids are doing that for fun? IMO it's because they want the patch for their jacket (a lot of schools still have those), the chance for a ring, and they want to stand on the field with their team mates and hold that State Championship Trophy in the air. How can you tell a kid who plays for the smallest 1A team in the state that goes through all the same work that Cov Cath, Highlands, Bowling Green, South Warren, Trinity and St X go through that he should be satisfied with a good season and he has no shot at a title so it isn't worth doing the work? One more thing. It is unrealistic for a kid to think he can be a professional athlete isn't it? But you still see kids carry that dream all the way to the pros. Every professional athlete has had some one in their life tell them that they had no chance, it wasn't going to happen. Good for them that they did not listen.
  15. Great game on both sides. Madisonville has a very good team. But it became obvious early on that there was no way they were going to be able to play with Owensboro running up and down the court. When Madisonville's big man (#50) posted up, he killed OHS inside. But he couldn't get out and run with them. Madisonville's guards were just not as athletic. They had Owensboro out of sync in the 3rd quarter. Play got a bit chippy, then on a hard foul, both teams came together and words were exchanged. After that, play got more physical than it had been all night. Looked as though Owensboro was going to fold. They went for a period of time when they couldn't score and turned the ball over numerous times. Madisonville got within in 4, but couldn't get any closer. Owensboro got back on track and went back to their game. Physicality is not Owensboro's strong suit, they are not big. So far they have gotten around that by a level of quickness not many teams are used to. The test, IMO, is going to be when they come up against a big, fast and quick team that plays OHS's game. That game will be very interesting. I don't know, so I am asking, is Bosse bigger than OHS? It should be a very good game. I am really forward to it.
  16. Does any one know if the Brohm's showed any interest?
  17. Glad to see the kid's getting an opportunity.
  18. As always excellent job as always. Meant to say this earlier.:thumb:
  19. If there isn't much support from the school or alumni, how much support do you think he'll have from the current staff? You are so right that he'll have his work cut out for him. I truly wish him luck.
  20. Sounds like both games should be pretty good. Hopefully they'll both end the same way, with a red devil win!
  21. I believe the Bosse game will show where OHS ranks with the rest of the teams in Kentucky. I believe they will fare well, and like you said should get a leg up in the rankings. I believe the Bosse game will cause people to begin to talk about Gardner as one of the top players in the state. But let's play the game tonight first. One game at a time and they'll be fine.
  22. I agree, it will be interesting. Does anyone think they will keep any of the current staff?
  23. You forgot the group that asks: What glass?
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