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Everything posted by 74devil

  1. wow! I have to admit, I don't know if Hurts could hit that one.
  2. Michelle will make you forget about Chubb. They keep feeding him, game could be over.
  3. IMO he can eventually become a franchise QB. He need so work. Don't know if he can be that guy right out of the box.
  4. speed and size, can't coach or buy either.
  5. Did UK or Louisville recruit any of those kids? Probably not, they aren't from Florida.
  6. Is it the one and done or is it AAU ball and all that goes with it that is killing major college ball? IMO if there was no AAU/travel ball (I'm talking big time travel ball) the Mosess Malones, Kevin Garnets, and (I am sue there are) a couple of others would be rare. But you have AAU coaches telling these kids how they are ready for the league when they know they are not.
  7. I thought you were saying he was the top recruit to ever come out of Bowling Green. Not taking anything away from Tisdale, but Carothers was something else IMO.
  8. Lost a lot of it's status. People could argue all day long why Bohn should not win the award, but I don't think there's anyone out there that can give a reason why he's not on the list. They really dropped the ball on this one.
  9. Are you sure? The Tail back you had last year that went to Navy wasn't a slouch. Didn't he score 7 times in the championship game? You would know better than me, I'm just asking.
  10. CCH wins without Mayer at QB? Seems like he was just as important to his team. Not taking anything away from VanCleave; splitting hairs.
  11. I have had the "opportunity" to see Mr Tisdale 4 times in the last 2 years. A true talent. Hope he goes far; not really looking forward to seeing him next year, but he and purple nation will be coming to Owensboro 4th game of the season (for OHS), welcome.:sarcastic:
  12. Winter workouts are starting to get in gear, anyone heard what's happening with apollo?
  13. Gardner didn't do anything to disappoint night against Catholic. He had a very good game last night against the Aces.
  14. That is great. Makes those kids feel special. I wish you good luck.
  15. Now he needs to address his corners and safeties. Giving up too much through the air. I agree, Glad he's getting Kentucky kids.
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