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Everything posted by 74devil

  1. I find that being a game official is a lot like being a cop. Everybody has an opinion on how you should do your job but no body wants to step in and do it. I say this because I have worked as a police officer and I have attempted to be a football referee. Cop job was fine, referee, well, let's say it was an attempt. Didn't cost anyone the game but I have a totally different level of respect for them.
  2. Aren't NBA officials full time? College officials aren't. Could be part of the reason.
  3. I wish more kids would learn to play defense, pass properly and shoot free throws before they worry about shooting threes. But what does espn show on sports center? Those three? Only when they aren't performed properly.
  4. Watching an NBA game in person gives you a totally different perspective on the athletes playing the game.
  5. Apollo moving to 6A in 2018. New stadium, new district, new schedule, same old Daviess County (with more at stake). What is that gonna do to the search for a coach?
  6. Apollo moving to 6A and Ohio moving to 5A? I guess one will replace the other. That will give much more meaning to that Daviess County Apollo rivalry. I wonder how this will affect the search for a coach?
  7. Trinity and X home every thanksgiving and some very ugly games during the season while teams run up the score to up their rankings.
  8. I agree with you 100 percent. A lot of times parents want to live through their kids. Want them to do the things they weren't talented enough to do or they just didn't get the chance to. So they are going to make sure little Johnny or Susie are going to play.
  9. Owensboro High School is about to find out about the transfer process first hand as Will Warren former QB at Owensboro Catholic is enrolled at the school. According to KHSAA rules he must sit out a full year from the last time he participated in a varsity sport unless granted an exception. He last played for Catholic Sept. 1, 2017. So unless he's granted an exception (if he plays) he won't get the opportunity to play against catholic. So I guess I will get to see the ins and outs of the transfer process up close and personal.
  10. I will relay that to my friends that cheer for them. I am asking because I don't understand how it can be considered a bust season. But there are Kentucky fans out there that believe that was a wasted season.
  11. I wouldn't, but I was around a lot of UK fans who said the season was a bust.
  12. So when the cats lost in the FF after being undefeated, you thought that was a successful season?
  13. Exactly. But a lot of times if you have a coach like that, (more than likely) he'll rub parents the wrong way. Then they (for better or worse) get involved in the process. Even if they have the best intentions they'll will ruin it. If (when I played) I came home and said the coach yelled at me, my father would have asked me what I did to get yelled at. Now, the parents take to social media to trash the coach, then call the powers that be, call other parents, maybe call the coach etc; just to find out that their son isn't doing what he's supposed to. I've seen it several times on the middle school level and at least twice on the high school level.
  14. When they saw "wet dreams" in the team nae you knew it couldn't be good. In the end, the coach. He could have stopped the entire thing. Can't totally let the parents off the hook either. Makes you wonder what they are thinking.
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