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Everything posted by 74devil

  1. 6'5" 210? If the kid can throw, they have to at least consider it.
  2. We aren't the same person. I graduated from OC awhile ago. I have a kid playing for the devils now. I am only commenting on what I have been told by people who have kids playing for Catholic now. You are entitled to your opinion, I think he's a very good coach (I would love to see what he'd do with the speed and athleticism that Owensboro has), but you have to know that not everyone over there is happy with him or the way he does things. I guess they will put the search in high gear now. What do you think about where their search will go? In house or will they look outside the box? I hope they become competitive, it'll be much more interesting if all the teams in the area can compete with each other as opposed to the way it's been for the past several years.
  3. Add stupid penalties at the wrong time and you are talking about Owensboro High. Trust me, I know your pain. So much promise at the beginning of the season to go down in flames like they did. This team is a lot better than people just looking at their record think. If Santa takes care of this, Owensboro will be back where they've been.
  4. From what I've heard Warren Central's hoop team is pretty good. Their football team.....At one point it looked as if they were going to drop football. I think they went without a win again this year. I feel bad for the kids.
  5. Owensboro being as competitive as they were and not winning more games (and the coaches not opening up the offense) and Bowling Green getting beat by South Warren after beating them the way they did during the regular season.
  6. Don't know if they've interviewed or are in the process. Ganaway has that freshmen tailback, might be hard to leave that kid. From what I hear, he's really special. Since Warren got knocked out of the Owensboro game I have heard all kinds of crazy stuff coming out of Catholic's camp. Heard that he was yelling at Owensboro's players during that game. Watched him seem to almost melt down during the Border Bowl. Still, I can't see him leaving Catholic. If all that's being said about how he's treating kids and his antics is true, why would you want him knowing what he's done? Gooch, didn't he coach there once before? He left them didn't he? I hope they bring someone in to change that culture and make them competitive again. I think they go outside the area.
  7. It is a shame to see Warren Central struggle while the other schools in Warren county flourish. I can't imagine what those left at the school think. Owensboro played them 2 years ago and they still had talented athletic kids, just not a lot of them. I thought it was just a matter of time before they left also or just decided not to continue playing. A shame either way.
  8. Don't know who Mike Mitchell is. But if you looked at the entire quote or looked at the statement I was commenting on, I was talking about parents thinking that My kid isn't showing out at school A; If I move him to school B he'll get the credit he's due." Maybe the kid could stand out somewhere else but if you aren't that good at one school, you are more than likely not going become a totally different player somewhere else. Coach could be holding you back, you could be stuck behind some else but that isn't what I felt we were discussing. What was Mitchell's issue to cause him to transfer?
  9. I could be wrong but after his performance today, he might want to stay another year and perfect his craft. Still believe he is one of (if not THE)most dynamic players in football, he just needs some work. But that's just my opinion.
  10. Think that's where the delusional part enters the picture.
  11. Owensboro's games are usually on 102.7, unless something's changed. I don't know how far the radio crew travels though.
  12. Never thought about it like that, but........WOW! Fall guy's night off.
  13. Heath Simmons QB/olb from Ohio County made the second team defense. HOW? I don't know if the kid played a down at line backer. Great passer, tackler, I don't know about that.
  14. The holding back issue is for another thread. That has been a problem for people for a very long time. But I more than agree with you when it comes to transferring.
  15. Glad to see Trinity"s QB got recognized for his great season. As most thought, he and the kid from CCH had great seasons, good they they were both rewarded. Congratulations to these two and all the other awardees.
  16. It has been my experience that inner city kids are a problem until they help the program win. My question is about the parents in the stands: How many of those causing trouble are parents of the so called inner city kids? I have no dog in this fight, but to make a statement like that? Struck a cord with me also. I am done with this. Hope you guys find a coach that will right the ship and win some games for you.
  17. Great break down, look forward to it every week. There's a chance OHS slips up against Castle because they are looking forward to Friday V Catholic. Now that I've said it...........
  18. Same to you. Hope you have a great new year.
  19. I am having a hard enough time dealing with the state of the team I follow. But in answer to your question, the last highland game I saw in person was when they won against Owensboro. I am not taking away anything from the team. I think they are young and as I said, youth, not lack of talent might be the problem there. So before you start to attack the reality statement that I put out there, I haven't said anything detrimental toward players, coaches or posters. Now, with that said, what difference does it make if I have seen Highlands play recently? They are young and inexperienced are they not? I haven't seen CCH, Mayfield Danville, or Trinity and I can be pretty sure that they don't have 13 sophomore letter awardees playing significant minutes. Unless you have a group of truly special kids in that group, you aren't going to win. From what I've read, that may be the case with Highlands.
  20. Nothing wrong with believing you're the best but you must also be realistic about where you are in reality. Some fans forget the second part.
  21. Sounds like a young team. Maybe youth is the problem. Talent may not be an issue. Varsity (as you know) is different from freshman and jv football. Got to get your feet wet and catch up to the speed of the game. With the level of football in NKY there isn't a whole lot of margin for error. Give the kids a chance, they may go above and beyond expectations. Highlands is just one of several very good teams in 5A. You've got at least one of them up there with you. Before you take issue with what I said, in the last 10 years, how many times has Bowling Green won the State 5A Championship? Please correct me if I am wrong. Won 3, lost, Won 3, lost, Won 2 and CCH won this year. Wasn't the last time Highlands played in the championship game when they beat Owensboro? That was 4A. Not 4A anymore, talent level different, hard for a team with 13 sophomore letter men (if they are getting significant playing time) to be competitive. I didn't say impossible, I said hard.
  22. What do you mean "they took matters into their own hands?" Those kids have that much power?
  23. 1 V 3 tonight should say something about how Owensboro has been playing since they lost to County. Sizes up to be a very good game. Fitting that the rematch is on the "Neutral" floor of the sports center.
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