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Everything posted by Rocks8010

  1. That extra week of practice really benefited Southern. We emptied our bench and actually played several Freshmen the last quarter and Southern still couldn't move the ball. Teams with losing records really should not be playing in the playoffs. The whole 6 class format is a joke.
  2. I believe it's between the family and the coaches to work out. These kids know the rules, if they choose not to live by them, they pay the consequences. Simple enough.
  3. Thanks he's doing very well and wouldn't trade his experience the past 3+ years for anything. Again, we don't have the most talented Senior class but they are working hard. We have alot of young talent that has been pressed into service this year and that boads well for the future. I am simply saying these kids have no less heart than any previous class and win or lose they will leave everything they have on the field. Go Rocks!
  4. I think this team will put a beating on Southern.
  5. Then you obviously don't know much about this team. Are they lacking talent that previous teams had? Yes. This doesn't mean they aren't leading this team. Coach Beatty commented at the Senior team dinner last week that it will be the Seniors that lead this team to their goals. He also told them after the game Friday something to the affect, I love you but be prepared to be punished on Monday. Needless to say, my son, A Senior, was not looking forward to today, but can't wait for the new season to begin Friday night.
  6. The Rocks came out flat against Lexington Catholic. It's tough to say why, maybe because this class of Seniors has beaten them so easily since their Freshman year, it's hard to say. What I will say is this Rock team is lead by a great bunch of Seniors. They might not have the names some of the previous classes have had, but they understand the legacy that has been passed on to them. They have played the toughest schedule in school history and are growing tired of hearing how great the Freshman and Sophomore class is from their fans. When those classes achieve State Championships which we no doubt think they can, then we can look back and call them some of the best teams there ever was. Until that time, this current group of Seniors has been part of two State championship teams and realizes this is their year to lead and pass along the legacy to the younger Rocks. This team will go through the playoffs and hopefully win number 20 because of Senior leadership. Coach Beatty has said just that. Those of us close to the program understand this has always been Trinity's advantage. Go Rocks!
  7. I was actually told at the Senior dinner last night that several Freshmen will join the Varsity for practice on Monday. How any of them play into their plans for this year like James Quick did a couple of games back is hard to say but they will benefit from extended practice time and it will help the team for next season. I am surprised T & X have not done more of this in years past.
  8. You're starting to sound like Bowling Green fan. The Rocks will be ready.
  9. Coach, You have a beautiful campus and several facilities (Baseball) a land locked Trinity would kill to have. Ballard also has a large alumni base with bucks to match Trinity that could help you get that training facility and new field. I believe you are the right guy to try and get that done. Good Luck!
  10. Watch out Tigers, the Bruins could be closing the gap. At least that's what their fans keep telling us.
  11. QUOTE=PepRock01;3590222]You can't (and shouldn't) force school spirit. I almost wonder if the string of success has made it just an expectation to do well and they wonder why the need to get psyched up. My daughter is a freshman at SHA and she says they don't care about the game they go just to socialize. She even has a brother starting for the Rocks! I'm forcing her to go sit in the rain with her parrents at Lex Cath this weekend.:thumb:
  12. Looking forward to sitting in the rain again this Friday night. Even with two former Rock coaches (Heinemann and Leach) on Lex Cath's sidelines, the Rocks have too much talent for them to overcome. Rocks win 28-7.
  13. Some remarks made by their student section were out of line, but at least they had students sitting in the stands cheering for their team. There is no student support at Trinity home games and it's pretty pathetic. There are a ton of kids socializing behind the stands instead of cheering in the stands. It's very sad Trinity has not come up with some way to stop this and force these kids into the stands. School spirit is a lost art!
  14. Great win for Ballard. As I said before our game last week coach, you're a class act! My son played two straight years on Trinity's JV like several of our current starters before getting his opportunity to start Varsity this season as Seniors. It has helped him grow tremendously this year due to this experience. We have several kids (Sophomores) who started the season on JV and are now starting Varsity. We have a Freshman starting for the first time in 40 years on Varsity. Trinity doesn't worry about what everyone else does, they worry about developing talent to try and win State titles. You are following the same blueprint and over time, it will pay dividends. Good luck in the playoffs until we hopefully meet again.
  15. Great game and atmosphere. I thoroughly enjoyed the night. Rocks are growing up!
  16. Coach, You're a class act. I look forward to tonights game.
  17. With all of our numbers, why are we playing several kids both ways?
  18. We have several X alums kids as well. My dad played for X and I played for T. This happens all of the time.
  19. Trinity has learned alot about itself during the toughest schedule in school history and is putting the pieces together to make another run. They respect Ballard, but will not lose focus on what this game means as far as home field advantage in the playoffs. Rocks win!
  20. I have to think its been a tough week personally for Brad Kragthorpe but Rocks win big on Senior night!
  21. X beat T by a similar spread last season only to lose in the playoffs. The game was not that big a gap and Tiger fans know it. Trinity showed me enough in this game to give me confidence that they are beginning to click offensively. We'll be ready to play should the Tigers make it.
  22. Congratulations to X. Hopefully our coaches have them just where they want them again.
  23. Former QB's that are now Seniors, James Ryan is a DB and Wes Jackson is a Tight End. Both were moved at the beginning of last season after Kragthorpe won the back up spot as a sophomore behind Smyth.
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