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So my friend is having girl problems......


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Does he actually want to have a steady girlfriend so soon after breaking up?


Why doesn't he just date different gals, such as he is doing, tell them that's what he intends to do, and let it go at that?


Hmmm this could be the best stuff I've heard thus far, yet at the same time, the not ready for a steady gf line can either A) work, B) back fire bc they think it's them that you aren't that into or C) cause them to pull out all the stops to make you that much more ready for a gf....


But I'll be sure to relay this info to him....

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Here's some good advice for your friend.


Tell him to smile and be thankful. One day he'll beg for this sort of "problem" and tell stories of "back when I was young", blah, blah, blah.


Or here's a joke that makes sense and is some what relevant. The young bull says to the old bull, "hey, let's run down there to the pasture and mate with one of those heffers." The old bull says to the young bull, "let's walk down there and mate with them all."


I think Confucious told that one.


Pretty sure he has told that story quite frequently, back when he was with his ex gf.....;)

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