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Time For A Change In Raceland?

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I realize what you are saying and know that I am probably in a minority that believes the way that I do. I just still feel that with good, sound basic fundamentals (Hitting, catching, throwing) of the game then the base running aspect can be taught in plenty enough time. I am not 100% againts A.A., I just still feel that Little League (10-12yr. olds) is better. There are different opinions on this and I respect the ones that differ.

Like I said, I just feel that too much is placed on these kids now at too young of an age. There is also way too much pressure put on young kids (youth leagues 10-12 and even younger) now. That is where imo a coaches self pride or self satisfactions and the advancements of just a couple of kids may come into it. I have personally seen the latter happen.


I give kudo's to anyone that works with youth sports :ylsuper:, we certainly need more of them. I especially appreciate the ones that are in it for the right reasons and imo deep down each individual knows if they are or not if they really look at it honestly. :thumb:

What are the right reasons? Nearly every coach in youth baseball has a kid playing. Are they wrong if they no longer coach after their child outgrows it? How about more parents taking an interest in working with their child? I worked with every kid on my teams. Sad to say,but a lot of parents see youth sports as a free babysitter. I couldnt tell you how many times I'd stay at the field after practice with a kid waiting on someone to pick them up.

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I started not to post anymore on this one but just had to make a couple of my final comments on this thread subject and not discuss it any further.

The title of this thread is "Time for a change in Raceland", I just wanted to be one to say that the only thing that imo it is "Time for a change" on is some of the negativity from a some people that always seem to want to post negative.


I know that I am safe in saying that an overwhelming majority of Raceland fans support our coaches. I have said it plenty of times before on different threads is different forums and I will repeat............"Negativity Breeds Negativity".


I know that some mean well and all and don't see it as posting negative. I respect that everyone can voice their opinion but all that I am saying is that the kids read these boards. They read negative comments and it makes them doubt their coaches and themselves. No good can come from that.



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What are the right reasons? Nearly every coach in youth baseball has a kid playing. Are they wrong if they no longer coach after their child outgrows it? How about more parents taking an interest in working with their child? I worked with every kid on my teams. Sad to say,but a lot of parents see youth sports as a free babysitter. I couldnt tell you how many times I'd stay at the field after practice with a kid waiting on someone to pick them up.


I am glad that you were one that was in it for the right reasons. Lord knows we need more of that kind of effort. All I was saying (and I will not name a couple of people by name or the specific group of kids) is that I felt that one or two were in it for one or two kids and several got left out or sat on the bench and some that were on the pines were better than one or more on the field, those kids get discouraged, lose interest and do not play anymore. I am glad that you worked with all and I certainly agree with you on the "babysitter" comment about some parents. I ran into that as well when I coached. Just as there are "those type" parents there are also VERY GOOD and dedicated parents. I felt I was lucky in a way that when I coached youth sports that I didn't have child or relative on the team, I think that was an advantage. I was also very lucky that I always had a group of great parents that were willing to do any and everything they could for me and the kids. I really appreciated that and again, it sounds like you were one of those parents that were in it for all of the kids. :thumb: I also realize that most coaches have a child on the team, I have certainly seen some very good coaches that did and still do that treat all kids great and give all fair treatment. Again, the certain ones that I am talking about were certainly in a minority but made a negative impact on the overall programs. Most I felt were good with the kids. These are JMO and I certainly respect others opinions as well.

I certainly was not calling you or anyone else out personally and hope that my statements are not taken that way. :thumb:


I thought that my post above this one would be my last on this thread and then I saw your post/quote of me so I decided to give you an answer.

No I am done........(LOL)

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We are ok with each other. I respect you very much on here. It bothers me that Racelands youth leagues are faltering. Times are tight now. Money is in short supply. Everything costs so much now. I still think money(the lack of it) is what has hurt Racelands youth leagues. Other leagues seem to be able to get money from business and even the state. But Raceland has always had a hard time getting sponsors. When I was over there,we tried getting money from the state.Was told no because the railroad only gave us a year to year lease on the fields. We worked hard on the fields to keep them up and I think improved them a lot. But it got to where we couldnt even get parents to work the concession. And that is money needed to pay electric and for umpiring. The community needs to pull together if they want to have a youth league. With the youth leagues strong again,we wont have fundamental problems.Until it happens, they have to be worked on in the spring. I heard from some of the parents say that Raceland didnt even get to work with infield practice until florida. Coaches will have to teach. The coaches at Raceland are very capable of doing this.

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I too will not post anymore on this thread because OLDRAMBLER and STATMASTER have my views. My question is entirely a different one and I hope no one jumps on the bandwagon thinking I am talking bad about the Daily Independent but here is my question. Does the Daily not post scores for everyone? Seems to me the two games we have won recently have not been posted. (Menifee and East)


I am old and forgetful so maybe that has always been the way of it. Certain games are selected.

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I too will not post anymore on this thread because OLDRAMBLER and STATMASTER have my views. My question is entirely a different one and I hope no one jumps on the bandwagon thinking I am talking bad about the Daily Independent but here is my question. Does the Daily not post scores for everyone? Seems to me the two games we have won recently have not been posted. (Menifee and East)


I am old and forgetful so maybe that has always been the way of it. Certain games are selected.


The coaches usually are the one that call a number the Independent gives them to report scores of each game.Games must be reported before 11:00pm.

The Independent is very good about posting if the coach call the scores in.

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I'm not sure where Raceland is...I have no dog in this fight....but the 3 "coach" criticisms you lay out don't sound like coaching problems. They sound like talent problems.


1. "Baserunning sense"---how do you coach that? Some kids are born smart on the bases, others aren't. I've told kids right before the ball is pitched to freeze on line drives and then watched them put their heads down and take off only to get doubled up.


2. Not charging a slow roller--Every high school baseball player in America has been drilled since he was 5 years old to charge ground balls.


3. Improper fielding technique-- sorta of vague...but... kids should know how to field ground balls before they get to high school. If they don't know how by 9th grade it means they've developed years of bad habits that may never be broken. Kids should have the fundamentals down long before high school. If they don't, it's a talent problem, not high school coaching problem.


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