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Vick controls the offense...

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What more is there to think about. Vick has been in an offense where he was encouraged to run, the west coast offense, as well as more of a straight drop back style. He has failed to improve as a quarterback and has been more than happy to blame everyone but himself for this fact. Do you really think that someone that indecisive is going to excel attempting to make most of the calls on offense? It won't happen. Either Vick, Petrino or both will be gone within 2 seasons.

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What more is there to think about. Vick has been in an offense where he was encouraged to run, the west coast offense, as well as more of a straight drop back style. He has failed to improve as a quarterback and has been more than happy to blame everyone but himself for this fact. Do you really think that someone that indecisive is going to excel attempting to make most of the calls on offense?

Exactly...and with Vick being 100% in control....who would be to blame? :sssh: .. . . . now, if he fails (which I am sure Bobby thinks, and I do as well, will happen)....then it would be easy to dispose of this idiot.

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I just heard on ESPN radio that Petrino will give vick the keys to the offense...


How will this pan out...I mean he's not a Payton Manning... so who knows how this work out.


I guess Now... We will really see what Vick is all about.


Is there a link to this? Because I not saying you are wrong, but I just would like to read for my self where it says that they want him to do what Manning does at the line. I just have a hard time believing that is exactly what they meant when they said he will have the keys to the offense. Because I dont think he can run an offense at the line, because I dont believe he will dedicate the time like Manning to learn all these defenses to run the offenses. I really think by them saying they are giving him the keys to the offense, is that they are going to see what offense he thinks would be best for him and just let a wide open type offense that fits him the best...

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