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Barney Clark can dish it but can't take it

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Check this out. Barney Fife, err err err Clark, was notorious for using parliamentary procedures and points of order to pontificate on the floor of the House. Now that the shoe is on the other foot he gets a bit testy when it is tried on him.


I hope the Republicans do this every time Fife, err err err Clark, stands in for Madame Starkist, err err err Speaker.

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Check this out. Barney Fife, err err err Clark, was notorious for using parliamentary procedures and points of order to pontificate on the floor of the House. Now that the shoe is on the other foot he gets a bit testy when it is tried on him.


I hope the Republicans do this every time Fife, err Clark, stands in for Madame Starkist, err err err Speaker.


That was great.

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Thanks, I like to start my day out with a laugh. As I mentioned in prior posts, being in the minority can present some fun opportunities. Of course, we don't want to get to comfortable here.



You got that right, a few years in the minority, then back to normal hopefully.

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Check this out. Barney Fife, err err err Clark, was notorious for using parliamentary procedures and points of order to pontificate on the floor of the House. Now that the shoe is on the other foot he gets a bit testy when it is tried on him.


I hope the Republicans do this every time Fife, err err err Clark, stands in for Madame Starkist, err err err Speaker.


That is halarious...you would think that after 12 years of control, the speaker wouldn't have to waste his time teaching proper proceedure to our friends on the right that should probably understand proccdure by now. Perhaps that is why they are in the minority, and will be able to enjoy the majority for quite a long time. Seems to me Barney was enjoying himself a heck of a lot more then Speaker Expressway / Hide the Pedo's did.

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That is halarious...you would think that after 12 years of control, the speaker wouldn't have to waste his time teaching proper proceedure to our friends on the right that should probably understand proccdure by now. Perhaps that is why they are in the minority, and will be able to enjoy the majority for quite a long time. Seems to me Barney was enjoying himself a heck of a lot more then Speaker Expressway / Hide the Pedo's did.

What's really HILARIOUS is that after 12 years of using those same tactics Barney Fife, err Frank, now chides the other side for doing it. No, no wait, that's hypocritical and sad. Just like Madame Starkist, err Speaker, allowing an exemption to the minimum wage rule that helps a company that her husband holds large amounts of stock in.

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What's really HILARIOUS is that after 12 years of using those same tactics Barney Fife, err Frank, now chides the other side for doing it. No, no wait, that's hypocritical and sad. Just like Madame Starkist, err Speaker, allowing an exemption to the minimum wage rule that helps a company that her husband holds large amounts of stock in.

I loved Barney's line where he said that the past history of the speaker, while interesting, is not a parlimentary point.

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What's really HILARIOUS is that after 12 years of using those same tactics Barney Fife, err Frank, now chides the other side for doing it. No, no wait, that's hypocritical and sad. Just like Madame Starkist, err Speaker, allowing an exemption to the minimum wage rule that helps a company that her husband holds large amounts of stock in.


BTW...who is Barney Clark?

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BTW...who is Barney Clark?


The first recipient of an artificial heart. Hilarious that I made that mistake isn't it? Would a mod be so kind as to change it in the subject of this thread? Thank you.


Now that I have pointed out your mistake and you have pointed mine out do you have anything to say about the substance of the last post?

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